Never again?

I typically fish alone. Canoe trips would be different. I've only ever fly fished on a canoe trip on the upper Delaware River. That was a family outing/event. It was Father's Day weekend and obviously the highlight for me was helping my father and uncle. I was more lucky than good, but everything worked, and it was many years ago.

The only other canoe trips that I ever caught trout on were the upper Greenbrier and South Branch Rivers in West Virginia. My friend wanted to spin fish and I did that most of the time as well and always when we were in the canoe. It is just easier that way.

Way back in the 1980's when I lived in Bucks County, PA, one of my roommates was a guide on the Delaware River(New Hope, PA-Trenton, NJ). We went fishing a lot when he didn't have have paying customers, which he typically did have during the shad and striped bass spawning runs.

We were exploring and experimenting with new locations and tackle/techniques. Sometimes we had success and sometimes we didn't. I knew what I signed up for. I was never going to complain about anything.
hey fishing w someone else may or may not work out... you might like to fish different places -- for ex., little lehigh or upper del or remote ravine... may be more into hiking to a great place that has just small brookies, or looking for bigger fish in a reservoir... may want to catch a lot of fish, or search for any fish at all in a place you've never been... etc. I enjoy hiking to tiny remote streams that most people don't want to fish, shrug. enjoy trips w great hike and just a few fish sometimes..

but of course I'd be concerned if I went to a familiar remote area with someone who hasn't been there and lost track of them, unsure if they were up or downstream for 20 min. then had to head back. I often have fished in a remote area several times before, study maps, know trails, aware of height/steepness of ravine sides and passable points, have compass and gps. someone who has never been in a remote area and gets disoriented may be more likely to start going the wrong way.
When I fished with others, the WITH part was only a geographical thing as in “we were fishing the same stream.”

The camaraderie of fishing together was more about drinking a few beers before & after and comparing notes. We always went our separate ways for the entire day and communicated by walkie-talkie if necessary.

However, the whining over stupid stuff and other BS made me realize that fishing buddies can be a major disappointment.

These days, I prefer to fish & drink alone.
I drink alone, yeah
With nobody else
I drink alone, yeah
With nobody else
Yeah, you know when I drink alone
I prefer to be by myself

---George Thorogood :)
This is one topic on this forum I feel confident I can help with and the previous post hit the nail on the head...... walkie talkies.

I take my son out with me sometimes and he tends to wonder along the stream and l may lose sight of him, run into a problem or need help. He's 10 and that's basically babysitting.

I bought a pair of inexpensive waterproof walkies that I take every time now. When l go out with a friend l give him one and we always stay in contact. He tells me when he moves, locations he spots a rise ahead of me, any problems he has, or whatever. It's nice to know if him or i run into a problem we can communicate with each other quickly if we need to.

wildtrout2 wrote:
tomgamber wrote:
wildtrout2 wrote:
maxima12 wrote:
Wildtrout2, I think that whole post is very selfish of you. Seems like you had a bad day with yourself. I wonder if it was the other way around and your friend had to help you, what would be the outcome?

Never misrepresent yourself as selfish. I am sure you are not. It would rather be pleasing to everyone involved if you showed a little patience! Patience is a virtue. Grab it and hold on! It always gets better.

With that said, my suggestion would be Guns and Roses, "patience".

No maxi, I had a good time as far as the fishing went, I caught fish and took in the beauty. But when I need to worry about somebody's well being, who's on my watch, it takes some of the fun out of it. This was a remote stream.

I can't believe i'm saying this but I agree with Maxi. And your response to him verifies his accusation of selfishness. If its obvious that your friend could use some help, why not give it to him. I like to fish alone for all those reasons but I would never admonish a friend publicly or privately for not being as astute or skilled as myself. We'd have a big old laugh over it and i'd bust his balls maybe, but that was just rude.
And I can't believe that I'm saying this, but both you and Maxi are out of your minds!! I'm selfish for driving an hour and a half, spending $17 on tolls, $70 in fuel, providing leaders/flies (which I didn't mind) to a friend who's been fly fishing long before me? Not to mention, he's the only person I have EVER taken to this gem of a stream, but I'm selfish? Please.

For anyone who read my post carefully enough, you would realize it was the not listening to me about getting away from the stream that really bothered me. Not the other crap that's been mentioned. This was bear and and rattler country where we were, and him not being where he should have been at a certain point had me worried. That's not why I go fishing! This is another adult we're talking about, for what I did to get him where he was, all he needed to do for me (free) was stay on the stream. It was my only request of him. But I'm selfish. :)

Learn to pronounce
adjective: selfish

(of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.

tomgamber wrote:
wildtrout2 wrote:
tomgamber wrote:
wildtrout2 wrote:
maxima12 wrote:
Wildtrout2, I think that whole post is very selfish of you. Seems like you had a bad day with yourself. I wonder if it was the other way around and your friend had to help you, what would be the outcome?

Never misrepresent yourself as selfish. I am sure you are not. It would rather be pleasing to everyone involved if you showed a little patience! Patience is a virtue. Grab it and hold on! It always gets better.

With that said, my suggestion would be Guns and Roses, "patience".

No maxi, I had a good time as far as the fishing went, I caught fish and took in the beauty. But when I need to worry about somebody's well being, who's on my watch, it takes some of the fun out of it. This was a remote stream.

I can't believe i'm saying this but I agree with Maxi. And your response to him verifies his accusation of selfishness. If its obvious that your friend could use some help, why not give it to him. I like to fish alone for all those reasons but I would never admonish a friend publicly or privately for not being as astute or skilled as myself. We'd have a big old laugh over it and i'd bust his balls maybe, but that was just rude.

And I can't believe that I'm saying this, but both you and Maxi are out of your minds!! I'm selfish for driving an hour and a half, spending $17 on tolls, $70 in fuel, providing leaders/flies (which I didn't mind) to a friend who's been fly fishing long before me? Not to mention, he's the only person I have EVER taken to this gem of a stream, but I'm selfish? Please.

For anyone who read my post carefully enough, you would realize it was the not listening to me about getting away from the stream that really bothered me. Not the other crap that's been mentioned. This was bear and and rattler country where we were, and him not being where he should have been at a certain point had me worried. That's not why I go fishing! This is another adult we're talking about, for what I did to get him where he was, all he needed to do for me (free) was stay on the stream. It was my only request of him. But I'm selfish. :)

Learn to pronounce
adjective: selfish

(of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.


As I wrote in my post on the first page, the definition of "selfish" should be applied to the guest of WT. He was invited to share a fishing spot, and he should have respected his host. HE was "lacking consideration for others". After all that WT did for him would it be too much to ask that he stay close and not wander about away from the stream and have WT have to leave the stream and look for him?

afishinado wrote:
tomgamber wrote:
wildtrout2 wrote:
tomgamber wrote:
wildtrout2 wrote:
maxima12 wrote:
Wildtrout2, I think that whole post is very selfish of you. Seems like you had a bad day with yourself. I wonder if it was the other way around and your friend had to help you, what would be the outcome?

Never misrepresent yourself as selfish. I am sure you are not. It would rather be pleasing to everyone involved if you showed a little patience! Patience is a virtue. Grab it and hold on! It always gets better.

With that said, my suggestion would be Guns and Roses, "patience".

No maxi, I had a good time as far as the fishing went, I caught fish and took in the beauty. But when I need to worry about somebody's well being, who's on my watch, it takes some of the fun out of it. This was a remote stream.

I can't believe i'm saying this but I agree with Maxi. And your response to him verifies his accusation of selfishness. If its obvious that your friend could use some help, why not give it to him. I like to fish alone for all those reasons but I would never admonish a friend publicly or privately for not being as astute or skilled as myself. We'd have a big old laugh over it and i'd bust his balls maybe, but that was just rude.

And I can't believe that I'm saying this, but both you and Maxi are out of your minds!! I'm selfish for driving an hour and a half, spending $17 on tolls, $70 in fuel, providing leaders/flies (which I didn't mind) to a friend who's been fly fishing long before me? Not to mention, he's the only person I have EVER taken to this gem of a stream, but I'm selfish? Please.

For anyone who read my post carefully enough, you would realize it was the not listening to me about getting away from the stream that really bothered me. Not the other crap that's been mentioned. This was bear and and rattler country where we were, and him not being where he should have been at a certain point had me worried. That's not why I go fishing! This is another adult we're talking about, for what I did to get him where he was, all he needed to do for me (free) was stay on the stream. It was my only request of him. But I'm selfish. :)

Learn to pronounce
adjective: selfish

(of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure.


As I wrote in my post on the first page, the definition of "selfish" should be applied to the guest of WT. He was invited to share a fishing spot, and he should have respected his host. HE was "lacking consideration for others". After all that WT did for him would it be too much to ask that he stay close and not wander about away from the stream and have WT have to leave the stream and look for him?
poopdeck wrote:
When I go fishing with somebody I don't fancy myself as the teacher, the protector or the watch commander. I defy anybody to show me a stream in PA where it's remoteness is so dangerous it demands constant worry of the other guy.

This post reminds me of why I don't fish with my mother.
If I take a fellow fisher with me to a remote stream that he's not familiar with, I consider myself responsible (not a teacher) for his well being. Also, if you don't know of, or fish any streams that fit the description of being remote and/or dangerous, that tells me you don't get around too much. :) For the record, it wasn't "constant worry" (more injection), just after he'd been gone longer than he should have been.
You must have gone on "Murphy's Law Day" Just don't let one bad day dictate the rest of your life.

+2 with this. I truly feel sorry for people who think they shouldn't care about someone else's well-being when dragging them deep into the woods at a spot of your choosing for which their guest was unfamiliar. I would personally feel horrible if someone got injured or worse while out with me in those circumstances. Please don't excuse my stance for weakness- it's just called being a decent human being.
afishinado wrote:

As I wrote in my post on the first page, the definition of "selfish" should be applied to the guest of WT. He was invited to share a fishing spot, and he should have respected his host. HE was "lacking consideration for others". After all that WT did for him would it be too much to ask that he stay close and not wander about away from the stream and have WT have to leave the stream and look for him?

I think that's that's being fair...

If he knew any better. I wasn't saying WT was alone in his lack of consideration. But I don't see the other guy publicly calling him out.
PCray said it well in his post. Someone's ideal fishing partner may be some else's googan son a beech. You just have to find the right partner to fish with so both are happy and have a good time fishing together.
tomgamber wrote:
afishinado wrote:

As I wrote in my post on the first page, the definition of "selfish" should be applied to the guest of WT. He was invited to share a fishing spot, and he should have respected his host. HE was "lacking consideration for others". After all that WT did for him would it be too much to ask that he stay close and not wander about away from the stream and have WT have to leave the stream and look for him?

I think that's that's being fair...

If he knew any better. I wasn't saying WT was alone in his lack of consideration. But I don't see the other guy publicly calling him out.
If you "read" my post you would be aware that he knew better, because he was advised against leaving the stream (as was mentioned) and did so anyway. Him calling me out publicly (doesn't do social media) has nothing to do with your poor assessment of what took place. Nice try.
There are plenty of places in PA where when fishing I don’t like to let my fishing partner out of my sight. And vice versa…I don’t want them to let me out of their sight. Steep terrain, slippery boulders, tannic water, waterfalls, being miles from a car or road or another human, are all part of the deal here. Cell phone service is a prayer at best. Walkie talkies are good in theory, but IMO tend to work poorly in these scenarios. Too much terrain interference. Staying within earshot isn’t good enough either as often these steep streams make a lot of noise. Again, I generally want to stay within eyesight of my partner in these scenarios. I WILL NOT fish these places alone. Period. To do so, or insinuate that others should without putting some serious thought and reflection into the risks first, is imprudent at best.

If it’s someone I’ve fished with a lot, and am comfortable with, I’m ok with straying a little bit beyond eyesight, but only in one direction. I need to know if they’re upstream or downstream of me at all times, and vice versa. If you pass your buddy, you always make sure he knows you passed him. Don’t assume he heard or saw you. Make sure. The worst feeling is not knowing if your buddy is upstream or downstream of you, and if something happened, and if you’re even walking in the right direction. I’ve been in panic mode a couple times when this happened. It’s scary.

I know the types of places wt2 fishes…I fish a lot of the same places. I probably can even place a good guess or two on where specifically they were from the context clues. I don’t want or intend to be critical of wt2 or his buddy. Bottom line, you need to be comfortable with who you’re getting into these types situations with. If you’re not, you shouldn’t be doing it, for both of your sakes.

poopdeck – You have no clue what you’re talking about. Nothing new for you.

This was bear and and rattler country where we were, and him not being where he should have been at a certain point had me worried.

Citing the danger of bear and snakes as justification for being upset about your companions behavior is really grasping at straws IMO.

That's not to say your frustration is unfounded, but this argument is pretty lame. I too would have been pissed about such a frustrating companion, but his being a pain in the *** is justification enough IMO.

I think everyone eventually has this sort of experience if they fish with enough people, but you just don't invite the guy out again or at least put him on ice for a good long while. Easy peasy.
PK's last paragraph in post 56 is pretty much on spot. But, I don't think a public airing was necessary, especially if your (former?) friend gets on here and reads this. If he does, that would be a shame, IMO, and that is coming from someone (me) who nearly always fishes alone.

(Maybe I fish alone b/c no one can stand me!)
Decisions have consequences.
Swattie87 wrote:
There are plenty of places in PA where when fishing I don’t like to let my fishing partner out of my sight. And vice versa…I don’t want them to let me out of their sight. Steep terrain, slippery boulders, tannic water, waterfalls, being miles from a car or road or another human, are all part of the deal here. Cell phone service is a prayer at best. Walkie talkies are good in theory, but IMO tend to work poorly in these scenarios. Too much terrain interference. Staying within earshot isn’t good enough either as often these steep streams make a lot of noise. Again, I generally want to stay within eyesight of my partner in these scenarios. I WILL NOT fish these places alone. Period. To do so, or insinuate that others should without putting some serious thought and reflection into the risks first, is imprudent at best.

If it’s someone I’ve fished with a lot, and am comfortable with, I’m ok with straying a little bit beyond eyesight, but only in one direction. I need to know if they’re upstream or downstream of me at all times, and vice versa. If you pass your buddy, you always make sure he knows you passed him. Don’t assume he heard or saw you. Make sure. The worst feeling is not knowing if your buddy is upstream or downstream of you, and if something happened, and if you’re even walking in the right direction. I’ve been in panic mode a couple times when this happened. It’s scary.

I know the types of places wt2 fishes…I fish a lot of the same places. I probably can even place a good guess or two on where specifically they were from the context clues. I don’t want or intend to be critical of wt2 or his buddy. Bottom line, you need to be comfortable with who you’re getting into these types situations with. If you’re not, you shouldn’t be doing it, for both of your sakes.

poopdeck – You have no clue what you’re talking about. Nothing new for you.
Good post. You're spot on as you usually are. I agree with everything you said. Yes, you know where I was. :)
I defy anybody to show me a stream in PA where it's remoteness is so dangerous it demands constant worry of the other guy.

Oh man, lol. You don't fish the same places I sometimes do, clearly.

I'm 39, fwiw. Again, whether I'm comfortable alone or not depends on where I'm going. But the places WT2 and Swattie go, yeah, I have a strong preference to be with someone for safety reasons. I realize the 1 slip and your dead bit doesn't much matter if someone's with you or not, other than speed at which the world finds out of your misfortune. But, a MUCH more likely scenario is breaking an ankle or something of that nature.

My dad had a siezure while hunting. An uncle had a heart attack while hunting. Health things are in play as well as injury.