Never again?

I have days where I prefer to fish alone, for whatever reason.

I also have days where fishing with good friends is exactly what I need. Catching fish becomes secondary on those days.

And, over the years, I have discovered a few guys that I just prefer to not be around, so I don't.

The trick is knowing yourself, where you're at mentally that day, and to just not put yourself in a situation that you don't want to be in.
Depending on the where, I'm of the age now where if it's off the beaten path and dangerous terrain (like most good places), then I won't fish without a buddy. It's just so easy to slip on a boulder and fall or twist up an ankle bad or something. After a "find" earlier in the year it makes me think even harder about it.

I mean, sure, I'll do the local easy stream with joggers going by and such alone. Or even the famous limestoner with a fisherman around every bend. But a real backwoods excursion, or a large swift river? No.

But yeah, having a fishing partner who knows how to leapfrog correctly. Who isn't in your back pocket but you know where each other are, fishes at about the same pace, and you know where they started a beat and stepped out, etc. That's important. And usually takes a few outings to get.
My wife ran off with my best fishing buddy. I'm still mad about it. Hard to find a good fishing buddy.
gulfgreyhound wrote:
FarmerDave wrote:
maxima12 wrote:
Inexperience, Ha! We all were and quite a few are! I still am after 50 years of fly tying and fly fishing. Hopefully, an experienced fly fisherman or fly fisherwoman will take me someday. You can drive!

Are you experienced? If I am too slow, will you leave me. If I get tangled could you help me. If I get lost, will you find me? Will you take me by the hand in a fast riffle. Would you forgive me, if I did not fish well?


Your post reminded me of a steelhead outing with a few friends. First time I fished with them. Two of which have me by about 20 years or so. One also had knee problems and was struggling to climb a bank. I reached down to give him a hand. He barked back at me ... "I'm old, not dead!"

The person I am talking about is a member here and knows who I am talking about. I consider him a great friend, and we have fished together several times since. I look forward to the next outing.

Maxi, we are close to the same age, and you clearly have more experience than me. I don't care about any of that, and you obviously don't either. I'm sure I would enjoy fishing with you, as long as you leave the poetry and philosophy lessons at home. Oh, and there will be no hand holding, not that there is anything wrong with that. ;-)

But I have to ask... how does one get lost while following a trout stream?;-)

Hey, I remember that. I tend to be an independent cuss and am at best having a hard time admitting I am a step slower. That's why I don't fish alone anymore. I know you'll still fish with me Dave and I promise not to bark at you ,maybe. GG :lol:

That was only the first time I heard you use that line. Don't stop barking now or I might think something is wrong.
I enjoy taking less experienced anglers out fishing for wild trout. Most of them want to learn more and it's an opportunity to help them understand the world of wild trout and how to show respect for those fisheries. But you do have to get a read on the person beforehand to make sure their interest is genuine and they aren't just using it as a way to get a new spot for them and their 5 closest fishing buddies.

One of my best fishing buds came from a background of spin fishing for largemouths in lakes. After I showed him how to fly fish small stream wild trout a few times, he went on his own and discovered a native brookie stream that I didn't even know about.

Sure, some people can initially be shockingly unaware of what they're getting themselves into, and this can really test your patience. But they'll never learn if no one explains things to them. Ignoring what is explained to them is different though - and yeah, I'm not sure I'd fish with people who choose to ignore help.
A lot of great insight here. Perfect and honest by nature. Perhaps the perfect reflection on " true nature of a fisherman or fisherwoman". Seems the right post at the right time to exhibit a true understanding of what we stand for.

At this point in time, after deliberation of my thoughts, I feel the post should be removed. if I was involved as the one having a bad day, it would break my heart to read post #1. I am sure we all experienced "bad days". Even the greatest of fishermen have a bad day!

Well, I for one am a full believer in "better days ahead!

ok, that's twice in one day...what is going on?!?! :-o :lol: :lol:
Tom, welcome to the old farts club.
Mellowing out without the alcohol. GG
Ok i gotta ask PCray, what was the "find" earlier in the year
tomgamber wrote:
wildtrout2 wrote:
maxima12 wrote:
Wildtrout2, I think that whole post is very selfish of you. Seems like you had a bad day with yourself. I wonder if it was the other way around and your friend had to help you, what would be the outcome?

Never misrepresent yourself as selfish. I am sure you are not. It would rather be pleasing to everyone involved if you showed a little patience! Patience is a virtue. Grab it and hold on! It always gets better.

With that said, my suggestion would be Guns and Roses, "patience".

No maxi, I had a good time as far as the fishing went, I caught fish and took in the beauty. But when I need to worry about somebody's well being, who's on my watch, it takes some of the fun out of it. This was a remote stream.

I can't believe i'm saying this but I agree with Maxi. And your response to him verifies his accusation of selfishness. If its obvious that your friend could use some help, why not give it to him. I like to fish alone for all those reasons but I would never admonish a friend publicly or privately for not being as astute or skilled as myself. We'd have a big old laugh over it and i'd bust his balls maybe, but that was just rude.
And I can't believe that I'm saying this, but both you and Maxi are out of your minds!! I'm selfish for driving an hour and a half, spending $17 on tolls, $70 in fuel, providing leaders/flies (which I didn't mind) to a friend who's been fly fishing long before me? Not to mention, he's the only person I have EVER taken to this gem of a stream, but I'm selfish? Please.

For anyone who read my post carefully enough, you would realize it was the not listening to me about getting away from the stream that really bothered me. Not the other crap that's been mentioned. This was bear and and rattler country where we were, and him not being where he should have been at a certain point had me worried. That's not why I go fishing! This is another adult we're talking about, for what I did to get him where he was, all he needed to do for me (free) was stay on the stream. It was my only request of him. But I'm selfish. :)
On fishing solo: I fish moderately remote/ medium rough streams solo. But go out early am, always tell someone where I am going and roughly when I should be out (no later than early pm), dont go elsewhere unless I can get a text out to inform of switch. I also have a govt registered 406 personal locator beacon (easy to look up if you want info on these) but wow would not want to use it. Fishing w someone who works out - safe, fun, aware if ahead or behind - can be great imho... do that too. I am often in poconorhodo so good to know if other guy is up or downstream ... can't see far at all.
wildtrout2 wrote:
And I can't believe that I'm saying this, but both you and Maxi are out of your minds!! I'm selfish for driving an hour and a half, spending $17 on tolls, $70 in fuel, providing leaders/flies (which I didn't mind) to a friend who's been fly fishing long before me? Not to mention, he's the only person I have EVER taken to this gem of a stream, but I'm selfish? Please.

Did it ever occur to you that your "buddy" got the hell away from you to get the hell away from your huffing a puffing every time you expressed frustration about how badly he was imposing on you? I agree, you should never take a "buddy" along with you again.
Not only am I curious about the find, but I would also like to know the age when one needs to start fishing with a buddy. I want to know if I've reached it yet.

JackM wrote:
wildtrout2 wrote:
And I can't believe that I'm saying this, but both you and Maxi are out of your minds!! I'm selfish for driving an hour and a half, spending $17 on tolls, $70 in fuel, providing leaders/flies (which I didn't mind) to a friend who's been fly fishing long before me? Not to mention, he's the only person I have EVER taken to this gem of a stream, but I'm selfish? Please.

Did it ever occur to you that your "buddy" got the hell away from you to get the hell away from your huffing a puffing every time you expressed frustration about how badly he was imposing on you? I agree, you should never take a "buddy" along with you again.
Not at all. He simply left the stream to bypass some terrain and got disoriented. It's funny, some of the stuff that's gotten injected into my post. Much taken for granted without being there. What's funnier is my last question (the gist) in my post has been answered by but one or two.
I find this as unhealthy to all. Pull it, remember it! Let this be an example. Not to say who is wrong! Just a reminder how fragile the whole system can be when feelings overlap into a little more than usual! I guess we have all been there, when we are overcome with emotion! When dust settles, I am sure an agreement can be reached!

As fishermen, I would hope the outcome has a significant meaning! A simple reminder, how fragile the system really is! How one wrong word can ruin the sentence. How a wrong move can infect all those around you. Infect, that is exactly what is happening! Infection is sitting in now. Our mission is not against each other, break us into pieces, we lose! Form us as a united team and we will have the Golden Cup!

For you, For us, For the Glory! So help me God!

I have taught a number of my friends how to fly fish. I do enjoy helping others catch fish. One of my buddies has become really good, that's something I'm proud of. That being said I can relate to wildtrout2. I had a friend ask me if I could take his buddy from California out while he was in town. He said the guy was a very good fisherman who worked for one of the big fly stores. I exchanged some text messages messages and talked with him on the phone about our upcoming trip. The guy talked a HUGE game, I asked if he knew about the boot ban in MD and he cut me off and said oh yeah, I'm all set. Here's just a few of the highlights:

1. The guy showed up a half hour late
2. He didn't buy a fishing license, he said we could just stop on the way, not alot of fly shops open at 5 am.
3. He had felt sole boots, said he thought I was talking about some other type of boot ban????
4. I let him borrow my backups, when he slipped on a rock while walking to a hole he exclaimed "worst hiking boots ever!"
5. To finish the day I told him not to step in the river there, that a slick rock leads right to a drop off, he said no I will be fine. Of course he went in way over his waders, got soaking wet and asked to go home after about 90 minutes of fishing.

I was pissed, beyond pissed. If the guy was new to fishing or just didn't tell me how great he was I would have been fine (except for the late part). If you head out to the river to help someone fish it's one thing, but to go out expecting to fish with someone who is good and you end up babysitting, that's very frustrating. I feel your pain wildttout, that being said I wouldn't rule out fishing with a partner forever, there plenty of great people out there.
And this is a “buddy” and a “good guy”? Buddies and good guys are hard to come by, value your friendship.
wildtrout2 wrote:
No maxi, I had a good time as far as the fishing went, I caught fish and took in the beauty. But when I need to worry about somebody's well being, who's on my watch, it takes some of the fun out of it. This was a remote stream.

When I go fishing with somebody I don't fancy myself as the teacher, the protector or the watch commander. I defy anybody to show me a stream in PA where it's remoteness is so dangerous it demands constant worry of the other guy.

This post reminds me of why I don't fish with my mother.
wildtrout2 wrote:
Anyone else ever have a "never again" experience?

Sorry for not answering, I meant to but got caught up in the other responses. So to answer your question...

Not when fishing. Golfing? yes, but not fishing.