Muskie Flies

Nope Mr Popovics banger is a popper. This doesn't float its weighted. Theres more going on than just some stryro foam glued on a hook.
Two flies for one. The "some styro foam just glued on a Hook" fished with 500 grain sinks and moves all over. Fished with a floater or intermediate walks the dog
No need to get chippy plum. I'm still new at this and by no meens a protyer. In still novice.
I look at it this way. as a tyer you are always learning. You can gain the most information from older anglers. Anglers that were not influence buy magazines or the web.

I am by no means a profly Tyer.

I made the comment that that fly looks like bob's banger at a larger scale.

B/c it looks like bob's banger on steroids.

Been trying to mimic the pattern. I cant get it to swim like his. i have talked to Bob about it told me not to go too long because it already leave a longer profile in the water. Told me to have fun with it!
Are you using tungsten powder ??
Bilg that bumble bee color 1 looks like a gamer. Its the same color combo I got the 43 inch tiger on.
This one is dirty. Probably my new favorite.
The Down and Dirty would except the rabbit strip tail. I avoid rabbit stip tailing like the plague. Way to heavy for the amount of material used. Long webby hackle is a better option.
I just re-read the toothy critter success thread and have been watching many muskie fly tying videos. I am really getting intrigued with this whole toothy critter thing. Here is my first attempt at tying a muskie fly.


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dc410 wrote:
I just re-read the toothy critter success thread and have been watching many muskie fly tying videos. I am really getting intrigued with this whole toothy critter thing. Here is my first attempt at tying a muskie fly.

Nicely done.
Have a few more 'cause we'll be hitting some water for early season pike in another couple weeks. :)
DC thats a nice fly for your first attempt. Its amazing how the more you tie these things the little things you pick up on the way. I'm always learning something new.
Thanks bilg. I pretty much used Brad Bohen's technique of hair- flash- feather. I am a bit limited by the length and quality of materials that I have but I still think I can crank out some fairly decent flies with what I have on hand. I'm having a lot of fun working with these large flies and it is a lot easier for me to tie them as my eyesight is certainly not what it used to be. Next thing is to learn how to fish em'. Looking forward to that!
Thanks guys. I was sitting in my truck eating lunch one day earlier this week and was thinking of different combinations of materials to use for these flies. I kind of like the look of this one.


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I caught a small muskie (about 13") on a 1wt fly rod and a 1" Beadhead Marabou Streamer size 14!

This muskie was caught in mid winter (Jan 2012) downstream from the warmwater discharge in the Susquehanna (Brunner's Island). This could be a "world record" ...... I have never heard of anyone catching a Muskie on a UL (1 wt) fly rod?

Tight Lines,

1wt wrote:
I caught a small muskie (about 13") on a 1wt fly rod and a 1" Beadhead Marabou Streamer size 14!

Neat. I'll get juvenile muskies from time to time when bass fishing. Sometimes, fish this size will even hit full sized muskie lures almost as long as they are. My guess would be this is one of the fall stocked fingerlings from the previous autumn. He looks good and is growing fast. I've often wondered if growth rates of fingerling muskies might be a bit higher in warmer water during winter. Perhaps not.

The PFBC is experimenting more with "yearling" muskie fingerlings, which although a good bit more expensive to raise, may have better survival rates. Will be interesting to see the results.
I was busy the past 2 days.

Last night.


Today these were tyed with bucks that TD Bilg and I dyed.

And a firetiger tyed from bucks TD BILG and I dyed.
Without the UV light.

With the UV light.
I know uv everything has the "it" factor right now with tying but do you see a large effect in uv products catching more fish....a quick search only found that some fish can see in the uv spectrum and data suggests it is for mating purposes and feeding on zooplankton

just being curious