Muskie Flies

Like the colors on that Jay. Looks like some rubber legs in there as well. I like that. Something I have incorporated more in my trout streamers because every Galloup pattern pretty much has them. So definitely something to try more of in the musky patterns.

Nice tie jwb! You should be able to call some pike and musky with that.
I got the idea of super sizing Lynches triple D. It's tyed on a 4/0
Predator x in the rear. And a 4/0 28 deg mustad jig hook in the front. It's about 8 inches long. There's alotta room for improvement.

Neat fly PF. Should be a good caster with good movement. Let us know how it fishes.

I use a lot of spin gear hooks designed for soft plastics to tie giant streamers (as well as jig hooks).
I think a lot of traditional fly tiers who tie a lot of streamer flies are missing out on some good hook designs and styles (as well as less expensive) by using only traditional trout style hooks available in fly shops.
Here are a couple recent flies off of the vise. Water tested all of them except the Blue one. Not sure what that foam head is going to do in the water. Could suck, could be pretty cool. We'll see!






There is a nice article on The Anatomy of a Predator fly in the May issue of Mid Atlantic Fly Fishing Guide.
Not certain but I think TD55 did it.
pro4mance. That was my article. Glad you liked it.
Haven't been able to fish so the next best thing is the vise. Here is another ghetto tramp, with a little variation with the wool head. Synthetic materials are fun to play with. Going to do a double one of these soon as well.

TD55 wrote:
pro4mance. That was my article. Glad you liked it.

I liked it too. Thanks.

There's also a nice article in this month's (May) issue of Field and Stream magazine on muskie flies. Seems this whole muskie FFing thing is starting to go mainstream. Frankly, there have been muskie FFing srticles for years...but I have some more of them in the last year or two than ever before. It's really taking off.
The musky fly thing getting popular is a blessing and a curse. The interest in the sport is bringing more "wrinkles" in fly design, materials, rods and equipment. But also you have to change your approach too. More fish are seeing flys more often. There a old fish species ranging up to 20 yrs possibly older. They get smarter 4 years ago there weren't to many cats in pa hucking big flys at muskys. The games changed. Ya have to adapt to stay successful. That to me is what's pushing the evolution in musky fly fishing.
Crawdad31 wrote:
Haven't been able to fish so the next best thing is the vise. Here is another ghetto tramp, with a little variation with the wool head. Synthetic materials are fun to play with. Going to do a double one of these soon as well.


I like the looks of that girl with the dubbed head. I think I'm gonna have to tye one of those as well.

On another note the musky in a lake close by are finally shallow. We spotted 4 today while wading. I landed my fly right on the head of one that I did not see and it boiled. It didn't take my fly I think she just spooked but it was definitely cool.
I agree with you guys, @Paco, @ Fishidiot. I also would like to add I feel like we are in the "golden age" of fly tying. Not just for predator tying but in general.

If you look at big game tyers like Nick Granato, Brad Bohen, Blane Chocklett, etc, etc, basically the guys that guide for these beasts day in and day out, they are designing some pretty awesome flies that are durable and flat out hunt. Plus the explosion of new materials we get to play with now. I've been playing with synthetics more and the different types of yarn and dubbing blends, hair/flash blends, the color combos are endless. I think its pretty kool, I am curious to see how far the envelope gets pushed.

@Bluesteel, give it a shot. One of these days I am going to mix some of my yarn up with some ice wing fiber and see what I come up with to use for these heads and on the swimming jimmy pattern Brad Bohen ties.
Couple 8" game changers and reel for new rod.


found some old stuff for tying musky flies
this is the Bubble jet fly


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Those game changers look awesome. What material did you tie them with, marabou and Bucktail? I have the shanks to make them but have been holding off because I wasn't sure what I wanted to tie them with.
I make my own shanks and use sparkle fur for the bodys. heres a few more;


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couple more a tube fly and a disk fly





Could be a long shot but it kinda looks like the plastic insert from an OJ carton to me haha. Awesome flies! Those sucker patterns are wicked