I agree with you guys, @Paco, @ Fishidiot. I also would like to add I feel like we are in the "golden age" of fly tying. Not just for predator tying but in general.
If you look at big game tyers like Nick Granato, Brad Bohen, Blane Chocklett, etc, etc, basically the guys that guide for these beasts day in and day out, they are designing some pretty awesome flies that are durable and flat out hunt. Plus the explosion of new materials we get to play with now. I've been playing with synthetics more and the different types of yarn and dubbing blends, hair/flash blends, the color combos are endless. I think its pretty kool, I am curious to see how far the envelope gets pushed.
@Bluesteel, give it a shot. One of these days I am going to mix some of my yarn up with some ice wing fiber and see what I come up with to use for these heads and on the swimming jimmy pattern Brad Bohen ties.