More Women?

Good points Troutbert. I agree 100%. I was exagerating maybe just a little bit in that message, but it did happen. Besides I just stated what my wife told her, not what I told her. :-D

Here is the way it really happened. According to my wife, my sister expressed that I might be envious which brought out that response from my wife. Apparently, I must have been looking at a catalog some time before that and spouted off to my wife about the prices of fly gear and she actually listened to me for a change. :-D I'm blaming it on sticker shock.

Most of that stuff about the movie is meant to be a joke, but she didn't know that. It wasn’t as bad as I made it sound, but i agree that I could have handled it better. I really don’t take all that stuff serious, but her bubble was a little bit deflated (and I felt bad). We actually did talk for quite awhile about her trip, and how she did. I reall was happy for her. I'm proud of little sister. She has done well.

The regrettable part is that she didn’t stick with the fly fishing.

But you gave me a great idea (thanks). I think I will try to locate a rod just like the one BP used in the movie and restore it for her and her husband. Maybe that will get her back into it, or maybe they will just hang it on the wall. Doesn't matter. Does anyone remember the model? I think it was a Granger, but don’t remember the model.

Of course if I do that. I will probably have to build one for my other 4 brothers and sisters. :-o
Farmer Dave,
Good, good, good. You had me a little worried for a second, so I probably over-reacted. I won't go into details, but, uh, "Hell hath no fury" can apply to sisters too...

Here's a little story about "The Movie." At the height of all that hoopla I was having a discussion with a woman who flyfished, and I brilliantly opined something along these lines:
"The main mistake they made in that movie was casting Brad Pitt in that role. He didn't seem like a real Montanan, he seemed more like a California surfer boy."

What a look I got! If looks could kill I would have been a goner! I still think I'm right that it was bad casting, but I was under-estimating the Brad Pitt Effect.
I could not let this post go.. PaulGDaughter spent her whole life tomenting her Daddy O by picking the opposite interest as him. I love to Bay Fish, Yankee's, Dallas Cowboys and Notre Dame. I do not cook because my Daddy O always cooked for me when he was not FF, I work 3 jobs and LOVE TO DRINK! I am always thirsty and miserable which I get from my Mom not my Daddy O!! I think there is a bar stool with my name on it as I type this. Just wanted to stop by and say what up Daddy O FF friends. Jay L, hope something works out for you! You are a couple weeks behind or I could have hooked you up with my Step Sister...
FarmerDave wrote:
Good points Troutbert. I agree 100%. I was exagerating maybe just a little bit in that message, but it did happen. Besides I just stated what my wife told her, not what I told her. :-D

Here is the way it really happened. According to my wife, my sister expressed that I might be envious which brought out that response from my wife. Apparently, I must have been looking at a catalog some time before that and spouted off to my wife about the prices of fly gear and she actually listened to me for a change. :-D I'm blaming it on sticker shock.

Most of that stuff about the movie is meant to be a joke, but she didn't know that. It wasn’t as bad as I made it sound, but i agree that I could have handled it better. I really don’t take all that stuff serious, but her bubble was a little bit deflated (and I felt bad). We actually did talk for quite awhile about her trip, and how she did. I reall was happy for her. I'm proud of little sister. She has done well.

The regrettable part is that she didn’t stick with the fly fishing.

But you gave me a great idea (thanks). I think I will try to locate a rod just like the one BP used in the movie and restore it for her and her husband. Maybe that will get her back into it, or maybe they will just hang it on the wall. Doesn't matter. Does anyone remember the model? I think it was a Granger, but don’t remember the model.

Of course if I do that. I will probably have to build one for my other 4 brothers and sisters. :-o

As pennance, I believe you should watch the movie. :-D

Really, it's a pretty good movie, all in all. Even the fishing parts. I started before the movie (flyfishing that is) and when it came out, I really enjoyed it because it displayed my passion. I wasn't irritated because "everybody started flyfishing" because of it. I thought hey, there are more people now who are enjoying what I do.

I think if you hold the movie with disdain, you are a crotchity old grump who has been looking for something to blame for your inability to enjoy yourself. There I said it!

And no, it didn't lead to a loss of water, maybe a little more corwded for you weekend warriors, but if you are any kind of fishermen, you can find the streams off the beaten path and expand on your horizons. For criminys sake, All we talk about here is how we shouldn't share stream locations and out the other side of our mouth we say that our favorite streams are too crowded. It may sound like the same thing but it isn't. Its all about greed, Most of the newbies stick to the special reg streams anyway. And if it wasn't for their use, they would cease as special reg out of low angler use. "I have it and don't want you to have it. I don't want you to be here while I'm here."

I do it a little too to an extent. But I do share quite a bit with people who are willing to help with conservation efforts. A sort of quid-pro-quo. I will open up the vault if you help me...if you are a user, I spot it right away and I hold my hand tight to the vest. But the movie has nothimg to do with it.
I'm 33, live in a city, and am a professional, so take what I am about to say with a grain of salt:

I liked the movie. We need more movies like it. Otherwise most of us city dwellers won't be exposed to the outdoors at all and broad support for fishing and hunting will dwindle.
I saw this movie when it first came out and loved it for two reasons: Brad Pitt and the story. I thought it was an achingly beautiful, poetic story about love and life. It has remained one of my favorite movies of all time. However, it had no effect on my desire to start fly fishing in 2006.

I really have a hard time understand the disdain with which anglers talk about it. And by the way, I didn't think Brad Pitt was miscast. Paul was the son of a minister - I expected him to look a little on the clean cut side.

After I started fly fishing, I read the novella it was based on. It was better than the movie, like most books are.
I think I saw some parts of the Movie, but I didn't see it all, so I may be off base, but wasn't the movie as much about Family and God as it was about flyfishing? If so, why aren't we complaining about Church being crowded "since the movie," or how difficult it is to find a decent place to set down your picnic basket at the family reunion?
The movie brought a lot of monies to the shops...Now we are back to normal.. :-( well for some any hoo. Up here I don't think it made a difference...onemorecast...if you ever get up this way during the week be glad to take you out on the streams....
My wife got me a flyrod because she likes "THAT movie". So maybe I do fish because of the movie. Although, it didn't make her want to fish. And I've watched a lot of movies without them influencing my behavior unduly. Field of Dreams didn't make me want to play baseball. The various golf movies only reinforce my desire to avoid the sport. Deer Hunter does not make me want to shoot deer or go to war.

I like the book a whole lot more. The fishing is portrayed a lot more realistically. Well, at least with more historical accuracy (they used wet flies a whole lot more). The story is also much more centered on family than the fishing, and the people are much more developed as characters. But then any book is going to be more complex than a movie.
JackM wrote:
I think I saw some parts of the Movie, but I didn't see it all, so I may be off base, but wasn't the movie as much about Family and God as it was about flyfishing? If so, why aren't we complaining about Church being crowded "since the movie," or how difficult it is to find a decent place to set down your picnic basket at the family reunion?

That is what is was about Jack, but why ask why?

For the record, I saw the movie a couple times, and although I found some fo the fly fishing stuff to be silly and it certainly promoted the elitist part of the sport, I felt it was a great movie.

The shaddow casting cracked me up. :-D

I may joke about it, but I don't take that stuff seriously. You guys shouldn't take me seriously when i do. It's just good natured ribbing.

I do feel that a lot of people got into it simply because it was the latest fad, but the sport itself has weeded out most of the fad fly anglers. That is why it is so easy to find used equipment that is like new, and even pre-owned equipment never used (which is good). You guys that tried it during that time frame and stayed are alright by me. Some of the best stewards I know are among them and I highly respect them.

Padraic, I never met you personally, but you are very high on that list. You took a lot of abuse when starting out and handled it a whole lot better than I would have. And you’re Irish!!!
The movie was about people as jack and Dave said. I have never sen it as anything else. As a videographer living in Idaho at the time, I found the cinematography absolutely breathtaking and as it may have intended, was kind of a break from the turmoil of the storyline.

If the father had not been a strict Presbyterian Minister, it may not have seemed quite so elitist. The irony was that it was the snooty
Hollywood actor that showed up with the can of worms.

I think the movie did little to bring more women into the sport other than we now live in a time when women are more adventurous and accepted in previously male dominated activities.

If you remember much of the move was set previous to 1920 and women couldn't even vote. So while the movie created a resurgence in the interest in fly fishing in general, its the fact that there is a finer line between the activities of men and women, that it would have helped create more women fly fishers.
FarmerDave wrote:
For the record, I saw the movie a couple times, and although I found some fo the fly fishing stuff to be silly and it certainly promoted the elitist part of the sport, I felt it was a great movie.

The shadow casting cracked me up. :-D

I knew someone was going to get a jab in about the shadow casting sooner or later. Yes, it seemed silly in the movie. The book explains it quite well, unfortunately, it didn't translate well to the film.

Sandfly- if I get up to your territory, I'll definitely look you up! Thanks!
onemorecast wrote:
I knew someone was going to get a jab in about the shadow casting sooner or later. Yes, it seemed silly in the movie. The book explains it quite well, unfortunately, it didn't translate well to the film.

OK, here's the test of everyone's honesty...

Who's tried shadowcasting? :-D

I have to raise a guilty hand. I was fishing caddis on Clarks one day and flicked an EHC around a tuft of grass along a bank. I tossed the fly in three times and saw a trout bolt out of there. "So much for that" I said.

In my own defense, it wasn't the first trout I didn't catch that day. So I guess I was feeling desperate.
For the record BP is from MO.
Padraic wrote:

OK, here's the test of everyone's honesty...

Who's tried shadowcasting? :-D

OK, if this is a test, how are you going to be able to tell if we are being honest? :-D
Shadowcasting!? Sheesh. Nope, never tried it. I think I snorted some Pepsi out my nose when they came to that part in the movie.
I once hooked a fish on an inadvertant "shadow cast". Actually more than once.

Havn't you ever made your false cast/measure cast and while determining the adjustment necessary you hesitate, the fly suspends just a short time over the water and the fish jumps out and grabs it?

Well, it has happend to me once or twice. I don't remember if I ever landed those fish but remember it as being pretty cool.