More wasted tax dollars

I think the difference this time was that WT2 had a receptive “audience” and presented a specific problem with which said audience was quite familiar. Much of what one usually reads here is opinion or preference based and much broader in scope, such as the desire to change an entire program. Plus, he did his homework and provided clear evidence of the problem.
They can leave parts of the dam up, like the sides along the banks, usually. But like when I was a kid, we humans are fascinated by damming water. (Much of my early life was building rock dams in the near-by 'crick' WE made some good ones!
Absolutely! They can leave the remnants where the dam connected and even put a stupid little plaque up commemorating the greate human achievement that screwed up anadromous fish runs that predated their in comparison insignificant existence for centuries.
As far as the dam, Philly is starting work on their side to rehabilitate the water control inlet to the old canal so they can keep water moving in it thru Manayunk. I guess the folks in the fancy new condos complained about a grungy old canal in their back yard.
I think the difference this time was that WT2 had a receptive “audience” and presented a specific problem with which said audience was quite familiar. Much of what one usually reads here is opinion or preference based and much broader in scope, such as the desire to change an entire program. Plus, he did his homework and provided clear evidence of the problem.
Appreciate the indirect reference to my comments in the conservation forum mike lol i must have struck a cord. But your right what could be more ill thoughout and half baked than not stocking millions if invasive species.
Sorry, but I was referring to my many years of participation on this site with no thought being given to any particular topic.

Do you play much poker?
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I fished there a bit back in the day. The rocks from the dam south made it impassable to boats so the canal was built. I figured the rain the past few days would clear it up. Fun times all the way around and it made for some great water skiing north of the dam too.
Still clogged with branches as of yesterday, tons of sunfish and carp skeletons and rotten ones too. They should just get rid of the thing already.
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I've given some thought to it getting clogged up so often. They had cleared it just after Mike's phone call, but it's gotten clogged again since. I guess it happens after each big storm. The issue seems to be poor design. They should have included some type of deflector just upstream of the actual intake for the ladder, so debris can't build up like it does.
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Was there again today - totally clogged - no water passing thru.