MOP FLIES....what is your single best color..?

I would think they would work well in summer as caterpillar imitations. When we collected ST for fish flesh contaminant analyses, stomachs of 9-10 inch ST in a Schuylkill Co stream were full of the largest caterpillars that one typically sees in Pa. Since the stream was thickly lined with knotweed, I suspected that those plants were the possible source.
I would think they would work well in summer as caterpillar imitations. When we collected ST for fish flesh contaminant analyses, stomachs of 9-10 inch ST in a Schuylkill Co stream were full of the largest caterpillars that one typically sees in Pa. Since the stream was thickly lined with knotweed, I suspected that those plants were the possible source.
What color mop and hook size should I use and what was the date of the hatch?

(I am joking of course.....kind of🤣)
I was on a mop fly kick for a while. One thing I've noticed, big fish like mops! I tie them almost Identical to Gentleshepherds pic above, accept I use a tungsten cone head. the cone head helps them sink and makes the head look proportionate to the body. I've caught many on tan, have tried chartreuse, orange, and pink as well. No luck with pink, and orange, but I give up easy. I put a chartreuse on last spring and caught my largest wild brown. Still, tan is my go to. I've had a lot of luck with bass, trout, steelhead on the tan.
Nothing against them, but not for me.
I'm a pheasant tail, gold-ribbed hares ear, simple stonefly kinda of guy.
Chartreuse. I'm sure they'll catch plenty of fish if I ever get around to actually tying one on. 😁 Pretty decent little caddis imitation. It's the only size mop I might really have any interest in fishing with. If I get a chance I'll upload some pics for size reference.
You mean something like this.

P3130133 200

P3130135 5
The tan and green are something I'd fish and I'm team anti-mop / anti-squirmy
Yo pro - I was in a Dollar Tree or General once and saw chartreuse car wash mitts for a bit more than a buck. IIRC there were hundred of mop fly nubs on each mitt.
The tan and green are something I'd fish and I'm team anti-mop / anti-squirmy
Loser. I only carry mops and squirmies. I definitely don't carry any fancy dry flies that use wood duck for the wings or anything like that. It just seems too "purist-y" to me...
I've always wondered about tying them in a grey7olive color since cranefly larva are in that size and color range. You rarely see them that color.
I'm a fan of the tan mop. I really only use it right after rainstorms though. Seems to imitate bank grubs quite well. Had a couple outings in the past couple years on Penns with a tan mop on just such occasion and it was silly how those fish moved for it.
Chartreuse. Lately we’ve been using UV Galaxy mop chenille.
Quillbacks and carp enjoy them . Curious to see what the smallies think .
Smallies will take them. I've caught several smallmouth on my trips to Ontario with them. For smallmouth, larger mop pieces would work, or I guess the mop "chenille"
These are a some of my bass size mop flies.


Mop Fly
Very attractive material tied at the head.
What is that material, pls?
I purchased the tan from Amazon on a closeout of RainX windshield balls. The Dubbing is a mix of brown with some gold dubbing. I tie mine on size 10 or 12 Barbless Scud Hooks. They work very well. Look like maggots or Mealie worms.
I didnt realize until this thread that mop flies were actually made from mops, i thought it was a nick name because they looked similar