MOP FLIES....what is your single best color..?

I didnt realize until this thread that mop flies were actually made from mops, i thought it was a nick name because they looked similar
I think what mop flies do best, at least for me, is highlight how awesome it is that tying materials are everywhere, and just what exactly we can get fish to eat. There have been many awesome non-traditional tying materials, but the mop has really taken the fly fishing world by storm!
I think what mop flies do best, at least for me, is highlight how awesome it is that tying materials are everywhere, and just what exactly we can get fish to eat. There have been many awesome non-traditional tying materials, but the mop has really taken the fly fishing world by storm!
And, some folks have the nerve to snub the Green Weenie. :)
IMO the Mop fly is a more versatile, more effective version of the GW. It’s basically replaced the GW for me. I still have a few GW’s in my small stream box, but I really only use them in low clear water situations where I want to use a smaller dry and need the dropper to be fairly light. Otherwise, I’d prefer the Mop.
IMO the Mop fly is a more versatile, more effective version of the GW. It’s basically replaced the GW for me. I still have a few GW’s in my small stream box, but I really only use them in low clear water situations where I want to use a smaller dry and need the dropper to be fairly light. Otherwise, I’d prefer the Mop.
I'm a weenie purist.
I would say tan or grey works best for me
I think what mop flies do best, at least for me, is highlight how awesome it is that tying materials are everywhere, and just what exactly we can get fish to eat. There have been many awesome non-traditional tying materials, but the mop has really taken the fly fishing world by storm!
Likely many of u know FF Author Ralph Cutter.
I listened to him as Podcast guest several years ago.
He was one of the first to snorkel the streams.
He told of how he saw
trout "sample" EVERYTHING from twigs to cigarette butts.
That made a big impression on me....
....along with the adage " trout don't count thread wraps"
Both confidence builders, for me.
Likely many of u know FF Author Ralph Cutter.
I listened to him as Podcast guest several years ago.
He was one of the first to snorkel the streams.
He told of how he saw
trout "sample" EVERYTHING from twigs to cigarette butts.
That made a big impression on me....
....along with the adage " trout don't count thread wraps"
Both confidence builders, for me.
snorkled streams for ernie schreibert in the 70's
I've caught the most species of fish on chartreuse. I especially like it for carp for it's visibility factor.
What hook do you use to tie your chartreuse mop fly for carp?
I don't do anything special/different for them with carp. Size 10 curved caddis.
Don't kill me here, But what is considered a MOP fly?
And what does the Acronym MOP as i assume it is an acronym.
Stand for? I honestly dont know