Monocacy Creek trico hatch



New member
Jun 24, 2013
Hi, new to the forum. Im an avid little lehigh trico hatch fan from way back. Was wondering if some of you guys had any trico experiences on the Monocacy. I have never tried the stream but heard alot about it. Thinking about giving it a wack this weekend as long as it isnt running chocolate with the forcast of thunderstorms all week. :-D

I was there a couple of day ago,didn't see any tricos . However the LLh is really getting some good hatches,got 9 yesterday 2 today. I think they were keyed on something else and not tricos today.
It's been a long time since I've fished the tricos on the Monocacy, but it's nothing like the LL. I don't think it startsas early in the season as the LL either. The Bushkill in Easton has a good hatch of them.
I agree with Chaz on this. Bushkill Creek in Easton has great Trico hatches. The best part for me is there is very little pressure. I have fished there many times and not seen anyone else. There is also some real nice fish in there.

Thanks for your replies. Because of my limited "sneak always" from the real world, the LL has always been my go to creek. Is the bush kill the stream you can see from I 78 going towards Easton ?? Never been there but would love to check it out.
gunshy028 wrote:
Is the bush kill the stream you can see from I 78 going towards Easton ??

Not likely. Bushkill Creek dumps into the river on the North side of Easton (below College Hill), and 78 runs along the South side of town.

If you are around the 412 (Hellertown) exit, the stream would be Saucon Creek.

Of the 4 (major) Lehigh Valley limestoners, the Bushkill dumps into the Delaware River, while the Monocacy, Saucon, and Little Lehigh are tribs to the Lehigh River.

Rt 78 crosses over the Delaware River at the PA/NJ border.
You can see the Bushkill from Rte 22. The mouth of the Bushkill is just north of the bridge from NJ. The Bushkill is right under Rte 22 along Cemetery Curve and you can spot some of it just before the 13th St exit going West. Then it snakes north through the pigment plant.
Last year my line painting company striped I-78 east and westbound from Cedar Crest Blvd to the Jersey border. I saw a creek under us that looked real nice. Wasnt quite in Easton so must have been Saucon cr. Checked the map on this site Bushkill was no where near where i was. Thanks to all for the info. Worth a trip during the afternoon hours to find the parking along the Bushkill and perhaps stay for a little evening hatch action. Thanks again fellas!!
To get to the Bushkill, take 78 to 33 to 22 and go east to the 13th exit. This exit dumps you off at a traffic light at 13th street. Turn left here and you'll cross the Bushkill in about 100 yards. From this point fish up or down and you'll catch fish, but go at sunrise on hot days, because the spinnerfall will be over by 9.
I went to several spots on the Bushkill near 13th Street yesterday morning and was disappointed with the tricos. Very few were in their usual spots and the trout were uninterested in the sparse spinner fall. I hope there will be more to come, this was a fun hatch in the past. (although for me it is tough as hell to get them to take my fly)
Perhaps a little later in July they ll be more interested in them. Work and rain kept me off the creeks this weekend so will try for the 4th.the LL has always been my go to creek because the fish are always there. I usually fish along the park system below the c and r. Usually good for a dozen or so on trikes and small grey hackles.

Would love to try the Bushkill. Might give it a shot as it ll be nice to stand in some unfarmliar water for a change.

Thanks for your replies.
Anyone know how the clarity is on the Monocacy, LL or Saucon? Thinking of being on one of those by day break. But if it is muddy, I may save the hour + drive and stay in bed. Thanks in advance.
LLH was a little off color, flow was good, tricos are plentiful. Use a long leader,at least 12' and go to at least 8 x. Didn't get a look or a fish until I put on 9x.
Thank you, Lou. Geez, I don't even have 9X. Will let you know how it goes. Sometimes I do better throwing something else like caddis or ants on 6X or 7X during the trico fall. Guess we'll see tomorrow.
I was the Little Lehigh this morning, July 4. The water was cloudy, but the tricos were there and the fish were on them. Started with 6X and had fish on from my second cast to about 10 AM when the risers basically shut off even though there were still bugs in the air and on the water. BTW, earlier in the hatch they seemed to prefer the females. I normally just fish the male spinners but thought I'd be a little fancier and started with the females which seemed to work.

Stopped at the Saucon on the way back and it was fairly clear with nobody fishing. 10,000 people at the park BTW. Nobody at the closed bridge.
Were u the one that pulled that fat brownie out of the lunker pool on the LL about two weeks ago?

I did get a big one about that time from the lunker pool. So i guess its me your referring to.
Well thank you for the fly, and leader.
Your welcome, next time see u I'll give you one of my regular nymph leaders. Not a spanish.