Mo money mo problems

I’m not sure how it was paid for but PA has acquired stream access in Steelhead Alley. When I look at OnX it just says “Commonwealth of PA”. I imagine that is the most sought after fishing real estate in the state from Oct 1 to April 15.

So I’m saying those were wise purchases. Your point about having a plan to acquire land in the next tier of great stream frontage should be evaluated. Would be interesting to know how they assess and fund such a purchase.
good example and yes we can do that too in places where species of greatest conservation need in state wild life action plan live and provide more access to fisheries similar to what our state forests or parks provide. DCNR just added two whole state parks.

The west branch of the Susquehanna watershed is going to receive a stupid large amount of money for AMD remediation and that could be an area where fishing and conservation get a win win with access easements that protect agains development and resource extraction if it s done right.
Fish Sticks I love your blend of enthusiasm, idealism and sarcasm. May you resist the inexorable pressure that decreases your idealism and increases your sarcasm that comes with aging.
I thinks idealism lacks pragmatism and there is a very financially ecologically pragmatic means to achieve what I advocate for but I get what your saying
That is a nice theory, but I'm the real world it does not work like that. Our elected officials did have the say in raising the license fees until just a few years ago. 15 years went by without an increase. I don't like taxes being raised as much as the next person but how can you expect an organization to keep up without being able to raise revenue for that long?

Also so few people would go into the polling booth worrying about the cost of a fishing license when they are electing representitives I cannot imagine it creating any kind of noticable effect. The masses are only worried about what the talk show hosts are telling them to worry about, and they aren't complaining about fishing license fees.
True because no politician wants to run on a platform that they increased taxes, fees or registrations. It’s no theory, it’s the constitution and the foundation of freedom. Surely people have heard of no taxation without representation yet have no functioning idea of what it means. We could have voted them out for not raising rates if you wanted now I have to ask a governor to fire his friends. That’s not how its suppose to work. We are simply talking about fishing licenses here but this trickery runs far deeper and across the board because of an ignorant voting base that you speak of.

I bought the ten year which is carrying me through to a lifetime. I would never give them more than they take. That’s my official position. Every person in this state enjoys its natural resources even if they don’t fish So money should come out of the general fund to help out as well. It doesn’t need to be paid for only through license sales.
Some of us don't get all excited to catch a trophy 8in Brook Trout. I don't think raising license fees and cutting back stocking would go over too well.
They have a block button 🤷
The problem is it drags so many discussions down the same dead end path. Its not the individual opinion, it's the **** show that follows it that makes it hard to participate in many of the threads here.
Some of us don't get all excited to catch a trophy 8in Brook Trout. I don't think raising license fees and cutting back stocking would go over too well.
There is native or non native bass species depending on where you live, native fall fish, wild invasive brown trout, every pan fish under the sun, all kinds of cat fish so if you can’t appreciate something for more than its size theres plenty of big fish to bend the rod without dumping in stocked trash. This thread is about license fee increases and according to the pennstate smeal college of bussiness its the stocking driving it so this discussion is most relevant ironically despite dudeman special being butthurt about this topic and trolling me by calling me a troll.
Dude, just stop. On the first page of this thread alone on posts #9, #17, and #20 it keeps being taken back to a misuse of funds, incompetence by the PFBC, and brook trout/native species. That is just on page one. If you continue to read the other pages people make comments on all kinds of stuff and you keep coming back to the same thing. Always. It's always the same thing regardless of the thread we are ALWAYS led down the same path.
As someone said in an earlier post……
$.07/day to purchase a fishing license that allows a year’s worth of enjoyment ain’t a bad deal.
Now, let’s get back to some gold ol bantering..Wild or stocked?


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Dude, just stop. On the first page of this thread alone on posts #9, #17, and #20 it keeps being taken back to a misuse of funds, incompetence by the PFBC, and brook trout/native species. That is just on page one. If you continue to read the other pages people make comments on all kinds of stuff and you keep coming back to the same thing. Always. It's always the same thing regardless of the thread we are ALWAYS led down the same path.
Its almost like discussions keep coming back to trout on this site or how small
Streams are fishing too. Yea there are a few topics that are like literally all we talk about on here, mines just doesn’t make people feel warm and fuzzy.

PFBC spending is the topic here, misuse of funds and pfbc not reducing stocking WAS MENTIONED IN A BUSINESS REPORT BY PENN STATE ON THIS TOPIC. Its the most relevant to why “mo money mo problems” at pfbc. Just because i talk about this frequently makes it no less relevant to THIS thread
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As someone said in an earlier post……
$.07/day to purchase a fishing license that allows a year’s worth of enjoyment ain’t a bad deal.
Now, let’s get back to some gold ol bantering..Wild or stocked?
Looks like a wild rainbow to me. Clean fins and distinct parr marks.
He is the biggest troll on this board, and he turns any thread that has any mention of brown trout, brook trout, the PFBC and whatever other buzzword he can find into his soapbox that quite honestly keeps me from participating on here as often as I would like to.
They have a block button 🤷
It’s actually an ignore button and it only applies if you are logged in. If you peruse the forums without logging in you get to see just how much trolling he does.
The problem is it drags so many discussions down the same dead end path. Its not the individual opinion, it's the **** show that follows it that makes it hard to participate in many of the threads here.
The individual opinion is part of the problem because of the way it is expressed and that it is constant.
The individual opinion is part of the problem because of the way it is expressed and that it is constant.
Oh don’t pretend like there is any way or form this stuff is palatable for you. You have things how you want them by your posts quite obviously so anyone else who points this stuff out and suggests something different should be done more than just once is a “troll”. Lets not forget all you guys troll the conservation forum when i post something there About an EBTJV event or something else. Framing me as a troll and going on there and doing what your accusing me of is not a good look so next time I post something there you can judge your own behavior
Funny how I often come with hard data and ironically and deviate from the original post no more than you guys(just on similar topics not a multitude of things out of left field) and i get accused of being disruptive.

Mo money Mo problems, on topic. cannot say same for the people who have derailed this thread with personal attacks at this point.

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my problem is not in the actual cost of the increase. My problem has always been about unelected bureaucrats having the power to raise taxes. Make no mistake about it, a fishing license is just one of many names used instead of saying the word tax.

According to our constitution the power to enact or raise taxes lies with congress who are elected officials we can hold accountable through the voting process. Right now the PFBC can do as it pleases and we have no way of policing their stewardship, or lack of, over taxpayer money since we can’t vote them out of office.

so while we can blame the PFBC all we want the blame rightfully belongs with our elected officials who now have an added layer protection between them and the perceived mismanagement of taxpayer money. the lack of knowledge over our very own constitution and how government is suppose to work is frightening and is the number one reason we anglers cannot see the forest through the trees.

In the meantime be happy over an increase that will accomplish nothing of what we want. it’s the new American way.
In PA the state legislature can reject fishing license increases.
Funny how I often come with hard data and ironically and deviate from the original post no more than you guys(just on similar topics not a multitude of things out of left field) and i get accused of being disruptive.

Mo money Mo problems, on topic. cannot say same for the people who have derailed this thread with personal attacks at this point.

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So where is the part about “misuse of funds?” (Referenced in Post #71). One would think that would be highlighted under PFBC weaknesses if it was such a problem.
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