Mink are great fishermen



Feb 20, 2007
About a week ago I was fishing the Tully below the Red Bridge with my freind Kevin. I observed a mink working it's way down the bank. Nothing unusual as I have seen them in this area many times. What I didn't know was how easily they can catch trout out of a large pool. I've seen them catch trout in small streams on several occasions but always figured it was because they could corner the fish in a small pool. About 10:00 AM Kevin watched in amazement as a mink entered the large pool he was fishing. He said the trout went crazy, running around in circles on the surface and leaping out of the water. In very short order, probably no more than about 10 or 15 seconds according to Kevin, the mink emerged from the pool with about a 12 inch trout which it dragged up into the woods. Needless to say the trout turned off completely after that little episode. :-o
I think I saw the same mink, or his buddy, around the same date. I never knew they fished underwater so when I saw the surface break I thought is was a nice trout feeding. Then the mink emerged. He didn't have a fish, at least not a decent trout, that time though.
I have seen them scurrying around one of my fav spots on the yellow breeches with lots of trout in it in fact i have seen more mink lately and was wondering why said spot was not producing great as of late looks like something might have them very spooked even when i know no people have been there for a while.
interesting indeed!

I've never winessed a mink eating trout, but last spring while fishing Dunbar with a buddy of mine he saw a mink swim into a pool and catch and eat a 12" trout. He was amazed at how easy that mink made it look.