Micro Fibbets vs Cow Elk or other stiffy tails

Trout taking sulphurs are more prone to disregard the fibbett tail color but your hook HAS to have yellow/orange hues to be effective 😳


I didn't say effective, it's just a hang-up of mine if I am going to bother wasting time creating an imitation...
I understand a trout could give a rat's a$$ whether the tails on a Sulphur are the correct color but if I'm going to spend a minute or two tying them in and splitting them...

I want them to be yellow... ;)
Do sulphurs have yellow tails?
Despite the fact that most patterns call for light din hackle & tails, the naturals where I fish have yellow hackle & tails.

I won't say it mattes but...
I agree .I think the naturals near me have yellow tails..
I am in the microfibbet camp. Been using them for seems like 40+ years.
Neither, Coq de Leon tailing fibers preform most naturally, super soft and they have movement. I have a friend who swears some super selective fish feel the stiffness of the micro fibbets and refuse to take. Idk?
Nah! I don’t buy it. My most successful dry fly is tied with Fibbets.