Micro Fibbets vs Cow Elk or other stiffy tails

I understand a trout could give a rat's a$$ whether the tails on a Sulphur are the correct color but if I'm going to spend a minute or two tying them in and splitting them...

I want them to be yellow... 😉
Do sulphurs have yellow tails?
Neither, Coq de Leon tailing fibers preform most naturally, super soft and they have movement. I have a friend who swears some super selective fish feel the stiffness of the micro fibbets and refuse to take. Idk?
Nah! I don’t buy it. My most successful dry fly is tied with Fibbets.
I know that this is an old post, but I purchase a white nylon paint brush and used the bristles for tailing material. If I want to change the color I use an alcohol marker. The fibers are about the same size (thickness) as the Micro Fibbetts. A lifetime supply.
Also this one for Moose mane or elk/deer hair tails. Colored with marker.