Fishing fashion

I have a few of the Orvis river guide shirts, but I wear them to work more so than fishing. Maybe once they get too beat up for office wear, I will use them for fishing. They do wick away moisture nicely.
I have some functional sun shirts only because I could burn standing in front of the light inside my refrigerator.

I am so buying this shirt though if for no other reason then to taunt my buddies while we are fishing some dainty hatch to wild fish somewhere. 😂

A fishing shirt was key to my being able to shed my vest decades ago. The oversized pockets in the shirt are where I keep some of the stuff that was in my vest, but I didn't want to carry in the smaller pouches I now use in lieu of the vest.

I like having a collar to make it more conformable when carring a shoulder bag. I also like long sleeves because I can leave them down if it is a little chilly or I am in bright sunlight and I can use the Swiss tabs when I want to roll up my sleeves.

The first and only "fancy pants" shirt I ever owned was the first generation chambray cotton shirts peddled by Orvis back in the 1980's. I wore that shirt until it literally disintegrated.

Currently I wear a shirt from Cabela's that I got on closeout. It is fast drying nylon, roomy, SPF 50, cheap and comfortable. My criteria with a fishing shirt is it HAS to be tan or sage colored and MOST importantly have at least one pocket deep enough to hold my cigar holder. I also look for a shirt with one or two pockets with zipper closures. It is in those zipper pockets where I keep my car keys & phone, high, dry and out of the way.

Besides the smokes & keys, I'll keep a few extra leaders, a trash bag, one or two extra spools of tippet and my license in the other pockets. I wear my shirt all the time when trout fishing, under my Richardson Box or in conjunction with the small shoulder bags I use on small streams. I also send it to Insect Shield to be treated to keep the critters away.

I couldn't or wouldn't be without a fishing shirt for the practical reasons I mentioned, HOWEVER...

What has always cracked me up is all of the sports I see walking around all of the various fly fishing events with their neatly pressed coral, light blue or pear colored fancy schmancy fishing shirts with a Sage cap on their head or maybe even a Tilly...

It is their "Sunday go to fly fishing meeting clothes."

"Hey look at my costume, I'm a fly fisherman just like you...!!" 🤣

Sorry if I offended any of congregation, but the next time you are at some fly fishing soiree; if you see a miserable looking "F" wearing a Sheetz T-shirt or a Kowalonek's Kielbasy Shop ball cap...

It's probably me. 😉
As a born and raised Schuylkill Co native the Kowalonek's reference tickles me right in the happy place.
I used to spend a lot of time near that stream that would come up with ***** for the name. I never fished it, though. Is it worth a look?

I am sure it is on some list of either wild or Class A, but I've never checked. I mean, basically every stream in Centre County is, it seems.
I recall crossing Pennis Creek on the way from MD to Pine Creek. I want to say it's close to Clyde Peeling's Reptile Zoo. All I know is the boys couldn't wait to cross it so they could have fun with it.
(By the way, my middle name is Richard after my mom's brother, ****.)
I like the Worldwide Sportsman button-up fishing shirts from BassPro, since they're inexpensive, lightweight, and substitute for the need for sunscreen. I found that the strap/button arrangement for rolling up sleeves to be problematic the first time I snagged the button. Otherwise, I'm either wearing a long- or short-sleeve cotton T-shirt under my vest and quick-dry sweatpants (from Walmart with pockets) under my waders.
Wow...guess I'm out of style. I do have a pair of quick dry pants that have a zipper to turn into shorts. Find that real convenient.

Other than that I typically wear a cotton t shirt and a baseball style hat.

Not much of a hat person so I only have one or two that I received as either door prize, raffle winning, or similar. Never bought one as I don't wear them. I can't count how many I've given away.

In fall a fleece seater over a wool shirt fits the bill.
I like the Worldwide Sportsman button-up fishing shirts from BassPro, since they're inexpensive, lightweight, and substitute for the need for sunscreen. I found that the strap/button arrangement for rolling up sleeves to be problematic the first time I snagged the button...

Swap the button out for Velcro...
Its not as big of an issue in Pa unless you are on a boat all day, but the quick dry sun shirts are a huge help fishing out west. Being cool and providing sun protection is imperative. I bargain hunt and frequently find good brands on steep discount online or lightly used at thrift stores. The walmart brands seem okay, but definitely do not last as long. After wearing quick dry pants and shirts, I struggle to wear jeans under waders anymore.
Long sleeve or short sleeve T-Shirt is all I wear on the stream with maybe a fleece overtop. Often cheap sweatpants under the waders unless we are going for a meal afterwards. Then I wear my Orvis Tech pants I think they are called. I got two pairs for 40 bucks at Costco last year and they are very comfortable, and I even wear them to substitute teach in. I don't like buttons or hoods. I have a couple flannels and a chamois from St. John's Bay that I think I got as a Christmas gift from my parents about 30 years ago. Those are for Whisky sipping after fishing.
I like quality stuff and being comfortable, I wouldn't know fashion if it hit me upside my head. I am concerned now about how I'll be looked at in my new simms guide vest that came today.
I have some functional sun shirts only because I could burn standing in front of the light inside my refrigerator.

I am so buying this shirt though if for no other reason then to taunt my buddies while we are fishing some dainty hatch to wild fish somewhere. 😂

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The fish that nature wasn't skilled enough to invent. The palomino/golden trout might be one of man's greatest inventions. Seriously, people love them. I personally kind of sort of hate em. I never target them.
Below is a link to an outdoor life article about them....if you so care to read...
Don't act better than us, Jeff. I live in an eastern wild trout paradise, and I still find myself in waters that hold them.
Not better, just more particular than some. I'm an admitted wild trout snob, they just don't exist in the streams I fish. I haven't even seen one in the last 20+ years, honestly.
The fish that nature wasn't skilled enough to invent. The palomino/golden trout might be one of man's greatest inventions. Seriously, people love them. I personally kind of sort of hate em. I never target them.
Below is a link to an outdoor life article about them....if you so care to read...
I could never get one to take a dry, but we like to use them as a stalking horse. They're really easy to see and always seem to share a lie with one or two browns. While walking along the Quittie with my son, we witnessed one taking a midge at the surface. That was a first confirmed palomino rise for both of us over years of fishing.