
I had the pleasure of sitting on the porch with him, tying a fly, drinking a beer and walked away with a friend, a pocket full of leaders and a box of flies he had just tied that morning.

Heck of a nice guy, his generosity and willingness to help is such a rarity in this day and age.

He seemed like a nice fellow i got impression he had often been drinking a lot of beer and that was why his posts got a little rambling and out there sometimes
I'm going to go back a ways...
Spyder420, 1wt, Maxima and littlejuniata around a fire would be interesting
There was a thread about private waters, as you can imagine it was full of hot opinions, and Maxima jumped in with (paraphrasing) " I used to fish private waters, but not anymore because I can't run as fast as I used to".
I wonder what made him leave here but stick around on the other fly fishing forum.

Is he a longer and more established member over there?
Honestly with the amount of thought policing around here lately I can’t much blame him. Heaven forbid we don’t stay “on topic” whatever the hell that means.
Has he posted since this website kind of changed (might have changed servers or something)? I remember not all that long ago when I couldn't use my old user name for whatever reason and had to make another profile because of it. Maybe he just never bothered trying to get another user name.
Honestly with the amount of thought policing around here lately I can’t much blame him. Heaven forbid we don’t stay “on topic” whatever the hell that means.
Over 99% of the work we do moderating on this site is never seen by the members. Typically there is a post or multiple posts from an individual that falls outside the guidelines. Usually it's name calling, a personal attack, strong language pick your childish action. For some strange reason people on the Internet act out on each, express their opinions and can get very rude. Who knew? We take the post, posts or thread down. It is reviewed and sometime discussed between the mods. People get warnings and messagings explaining what the issue was and please not to do it again. 90% of the people are giving multiple warnings before any serious action is taken. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. The guidelines are pretty clear and consistent for 28 years. People that aren't here anymore have been given ample opportunity to fit in. For the most part we don't discuss with the site people that are under moderation. If people who have been warned want to say something that's own them.

Most people only see one side the of the situation and never see the real violations because they are removed from public view. For some people they can't follow the guidelines and help from the moderators. I some cases I spent a couple years tolerating problem's. Sometimes people aren't a fit and I'm not willing to spend hours mopping up day after day after day after day.

Rules and regulations do suck, but I didn't set up the site for minority disrupt the site for the majority. There are plenty of defunked forums because there was no moderation. I think this is a special place and been around for a long time because of the community and moderating policies.

I'm all for people expressing their thoughts, people can't be a jerk about it. I don't say I have it 100% correct, but there are no books on how to successfully run a fly fishing forum and make everyone happy. Because you can't. If anyone has some ideas you can voice them publicly or send me a message privately.

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There was a thread about private waters, as you can imagine it was full of hot opinions, and Maxima jumped in with (paraphrasing) " I used to fish private waters, but not anymore because I can't run as fast as I used to".
I remember that comment. One of the funniest thing's I've read here over the years. :)
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Are we still pretending the recent events were about being "off topic" rather than posters with terrible etiquette replying to themselves hundreds of times in multiple threads to belligerently rant over everyone else? That's cute.
I had a response typed up since about 12:00 was sitting idle....not that it was a mean or aggressive response or anything. But I thought maybe it just better to not even mention it all and truly just move past it and forget all about it.

There has already been a positive shift around here in my opinion, though.
According to his profile he last posted Jan 25, 2022.

I don't recall if that was before the software change or after...

I often wondered about his leaders and the techniques he employed in making them. At one time I made all of the leaders I used and would spend hours in the winter in front of the TV watching Star Trek reruns while drawing up blood knots.

I wonder if Maxi did his leader building in front of the TV and if so, what did he watch...?

These days the only leaders I make for myself are warmwater and some nymph/streamer leaders however coincidentally Maxima Chameleon is my butt material of choice.
But I thought maybe it just better to not even mention it all and truly just move past it and forget all about it.

There has already been a positive shift around here in my opinion, though.
Second sentence in your post: Smart man.

Last sentence: Totally agree. It's been a lot more relaxed around here lately.
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Anyhoo...yeah Maxima. Funny dude. 1WT, LJ, all those guys, the stuff of pure legend.
I don't remember 1wt or Little J..... How far back do we go for them? It's been a decade for me here already. A DECADE! A lot of you are back at the two decade mark.
I toss another one into the mix, Fishon247 was interesting too.
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