Made in America or ...........



Dec 1, 2006
If you were in the market for a new rod, reel or other equipment would it matter if it was made in the U.S. or not?
wouldn't notice-
United States of America!!!!!

Joe E
It would matter, but would be WAY down my list of worries. First and foremost is cost/performance ratio.

Country of manufacture is about equal to aesthetics to me. Important, but way less so than cost and function.
It matters.

I'm staging a rod building project right now. 100% made in U.S.A and in my basement. I got my hands on a couple of fiberglass blanks; gonna make me a pack rod.

I also picked one of these up. Spruce creek dry fly, loaded with silk line which was made in France. Is made in France better then made in China? made in usa
It would be a consideration but not a determining factor.
Didf'nt plan it this way but somehow most of my rods are American.

Doesn't bother me.
Made in Williamsport, Pa. USA. Chest Box, Wader Bag, soft,
Front and Back, packs. All part of my gear.
I have an Orvis too...I think it says made in Korea on it...
I'm pretty sure all mine are made in china. TFO, mid range Orvis, Low end St. Croix, Cabela's. I do have a versitex, but the blanks are probably foreign. Same for my handmade loomis.

My ex girlfriend was made in china too, and she worked just fine. :lol:
I try to buy from countries that pay their workers a living wage and have some degree of envirnomental protections. Its getting very tough to do that, though.
All other things being equal I would purchase US made goods. Like many of the other posters, though, country of origin is a low priority for me.
My cheap combo outfits are made overseas, but all my St. Croix's are made in the U.S.A!
we make ours here in the U.S.A.
Do we still make things in America?
I like to buy American when possible - especially from small, privately held, companies. Which covers many of the Fly Fishing related companies. I'll avoid large publicly-traded companies when possible (American or otherwise).

That said, I don't think we do any favors to anyone if we buy inferior American made products. That American Made fly vise or reel better be worth the extra bucks or we're just hurting American industry in the long run. Just look at the car industry.

American made products need to distinguish themselves with their superior quality. That's all we have going for us.

I've built several rods from FlyLogic blanks: I love them, and they're American Made.
I buy the best product for the job and the money. I don't think I'd be doing anyone any favors if I didn't. I don't mind paying more to support the local shops if the product is good. I'm not going to ****er over a few bucks for the service. I won't buy just for the USA sticker. Some foreign markets employee US workers and I don't have the time or energy to sort it all out. Also even though I have access to some top lines in fishing gear, I buy what works. And mostly I fish using really good hand me downs so I get to experience first hand why that $100 pack wasn't worth the $$$$. I really don't need allot of fancy stuff, but I sure like a good rod, an OK reel and waders that don't leak. I'm spoiled no doubt but still will buy used.
Its like this..if you make a better product you can command a better price. Unfortunately, some of what passes for better product only has a bigger price. Be competitive, or get out of the way.
I wish more companies asked what we wanted before they mass produced. They would save a ton of money and make more. W&J has a new magnetic pac. Something I didn't ask for but am curious as to the additional weight and convenience. Might just check it out.