Lower Susquehanna Samllmouth

There's still a few popping down here in Marietta. Not as heavy as last week.
Fished below the Norman Wood bridge from about 7:30 to 10:00 am today. The dam was only releasing 12 cfs so I was hoping for some low and clear water for wading but found it was on the high side and off color. Visibility was only about a half foot or so.

I decided to pound the eddies and weed banks anyway. Action was slow but I did manage 7 smb ranging from 12 to 16 inches and my first channel cat of the year.

Lost an absolute whale after it jumped out of the water about 4 ft and spit the hook. Easily over 20 inches. No fish story here as gentlemen in a boat that was anchored up in the main channel witnessed the show and through his hands up in the air after he saw the fish jump.

No one fishing the area. Just one lone boat. They must of thought I was absolutely crazy when I was wading across the fast moving water to get to all of the prime soft spots. Thought is was going to go for a swim for sure.

White flies were drying their wings in the weed beds. Probably a spinner fall this evening.
I'm a little jealous. I still haven't had "normal" or "fantastic" summer time fishing yet. I haven't seen white flies yet this year (but haven't been out in the evening either much) and the Juniata is still higher and dirtier than I like (by a couple of feet!)
I'm a little jealous. I still haven't had "normal" or "fantastic" summer time fishing yet. I haven't seen white flies yet this year (but haven't been out in the evening either much) and the Juniata is still higher and dirtier than I like (by a couple of feet!)

7 fish in 2.5hrs is not really good for the area but I'll take that over a skunking any day. I had to work really hard for what I got, pretty much had to get lucky and hit them over the head I think for them to be able to see my fly.
Water is finally getting nice on the north branch. I managed 23 last night between a golden shiner clouser and a white popper the majority were between 8-10" with largest touching 16"
One thing I noted in the past week, I was fishing near a popular boat launch last week, the white flies had started to appear. I noticed that the water "skeeters" (for lack of a better name) had begun moving into the main section of the river. I see these in abundance near the shoreline but rarely out in the current. At first I thought I had spooked them out by wading but then realized that they were out far away from the shore the entire stretch down river. They were circling and moving around creating wakes that greatly interfered with my ability to see the fish rising. It wasn't til later after dark I saw up close that they were actually chasing down the spent bodies of the white flies and nipping at them.

I had seen this behavior last season during the white fly hatch at this same location. My other spots generally have a rocky shoreline however this particular spot has a muddy silty shoreline.
Perhaps that is the habitat these water skeeters prefer.
Anyone plan on going Out tomorrow? Flows perrmitting I will be wading a section of water below holtwood. If your brave or crazy for that matter feel free to join me, plenty of water to be fished.
Fished below the Norman wood bridge and started around 7 am today. Water was the lowest I have seen it all year. Started off with one nice bass right away and then without warning they ran a lot of water and the fishing was terrible. I almost go stuck out in the middle of the channel.

I did see a lot of freshwater bones congregating in eddies. If you were better then me at targeting carp you could have had a fun day.
I fished the big river this morning just north of Harrisburg. As Hopback indicated, the flows were the lowest that I have seen this year, the water was running clear and cool to the touch. I started out with a popping bug at day break and was immediately rewarded with a 16 inch fish off the front side of a rock shelf. Two or three casts later, on the back side of the same shelf, I got one of those takes that you live for with smallmouth. A large wake on glass calm water, followed by nothing more than a swirl indicating that a big fish slurped it in. The rod buckled immediately and he headed for mid river. I played him pretty quickly and an 18 inch heavy smallmouth was the reward. I did not switch from the popper all day, and I fished until 1130 am landing about 15. Most of the fish were larger, 14 inches or bigger, with two 10 inchers. Good times!!!



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Nice report 3wt7x. I almost headed north above Harrisburg as well but the projected flow rate at the holtwood dam was very favorable. I couldn't pass it up although I wish I had. I'm heading ever further south tomorrow to the conowingo dam. The report has been that the smallmouth and striper bite has been hot as of late.
I fished north branch around Catawissa area last night and this morning. The flows are great and the fish were very cooperative. I caught several fish on golden shiner clouser minnows and olive zonkers. I noticed a few of the larger ones were spewing minnows as I landed them. Hopefully flows stay good for a couple more weeks as the start to put the feed bag on.
Wade fished the Susquehanna above Duncannon from 8am until 2pm.Fishing for bruisers was super...12 fish....4 over 18inches,six between 14 and 18inches,rest dinks.All on a white top water ,on a large white colored saltwater striper popper.8wt rod.
Heading to the Frankstown Branch tonight for 2 days .
You guys are killing me?....
First good reports of the year, and I'm stuck in the Tetons and Yellowstone(vacationing not fishing). Hope it holds till I get home next week. Enjoy it while it lasts.
My favorite fish
Fishing was great on the lower susky today. Caught a dozen or so ranging from 6 to 16 inches. all on clouser and crayfish patterns. Water was the lowest it's been all year. Nothing on top but I observeda pod of rising fish in some slower water I could not reach by wading.
Been out several times this week. Some on top but clousers stripped or on the swing worked best for me. Today was best with one small one and the rest 14" up to 17". The 17"er was a real puss gut as were some of the others. The feed bag is on.
I've also hit the Susky, up north as well as the lower river quite a few times. The smallies have been quite active. I've done well on top water, which is unusual this time of year, but the temps are more like late summer.

The lower water levels make boat fishing tough, but the River is at a great wading level right now. You can sit at home and complaining about the trout fishing, or go out and slam some smallies!
Fished around Liverpool yesterday from 9 to 3. Landed a 19", a 17" and 4 15 -16". The rest were around 12 - 13". Nothing under 12". All were caught top water, most in very shallow water. All fish were caught in 2 short periods, first from 12 - 1 and then again from 2 - 3. Several other good fish not landed. Probably my best day this year.
