Love the People on paflyfish (Millsertime)

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Nov 29, 2017

Hats off to Matt (Millsertime). He graciously gave me a fly tying starter kit no questions asked. He honestly told me my trade was worth more so he would simply give me the kit to help me out.

I look forward to starting to tie my own flies and wanted to publicly thank Matt for the kit as again it was means a lot to me when someone offers up something out of the kindness of their heart.

I will be sure to pay forward when I have the opportunity.

Thanks Again
Matt is a solid dude. He once met me to show me some access points on the Broadhead. Really cut down the learning curve for my short stay.
Enjoy the fly tying kit. The fact that the Evening Hatch guys said they'd teach you is great. It will reduce the learning curve greatly.

Fly tying can get expensive once you start buying stuff you don't really need. You mentioned that you only fish with a few certain flies. If that's the case, you should be fine.

The person I received my first fly tying kit made me promise him that I would not buy a whip finish tool. So to you ---> learn to whip finish with your hands. It takes time to "figure it out" but once you do it once, you won't forget. Here is a good link:
Be careful! A 13-year-old asked me if I'd show him how to cast if he got a fly rod. So, I gave him one I think I'd "won" at a TU banquet. Then I took him out and showed him how I think you should cast.

He wants to tie flies. I 'advised' him what to get, gave him an old Harvey tying manual, and a copy of Humphreys's book. His mom has said that's all he wants to do now.

Disclaimer: I had warned his mom and dad that fly-fishing is all consuming and that his dad (a legitimate farmer) might not get much work out of him now. It is coming true.

I am almost afraid to tell him about the local TU chapter's fly-tying classes that will be offered this winter.

I hope I am not arrested for contributing to the delinquincy of a minor!

Anyway, be careful! 🙂
Great story, Rich. Apparently you aren't as grumpy as you sometimes seem to be.

But I have a question.

rrt wrote:

Disclaimer: I had warned his mom and dad that fly-fishing is all consuming and that his dad (a legitimate farmer) might not get much work out of him now. It is coming true.

Are you saying I am an illegitimate farmer? :lol:

Uh, oh, I guess I "struck" again. No, I'm not saying that at all. I was just trying to say that the young man's dad is having to compete with fly-fishing/tying to get him to work. His dad is a big man, so I imagine he will get his son to do the work when he needs him!

Anyhow, don't let my story fool you. I'm still pretty grouchy most of the time, and please make sure you help to promote my grumpy image!
rrt wrote:
Uh, oh, I guess I "struck" again. No, I'm not saying that at all. I was just trying to say that the young man's dad is having to compete with fly-fishing/tying to get him to work. His dad is a big man, so I imagine he will get his son to do the work when he needs him!

Anyhow, don't let my story fool you. I'm still pretty grouchy most of the time, and please make sure you help to promote my grumpy image!

I knew what you meant. I was just messing with you.

But the cat is out of the bag about you being a nice guy. ;-)
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