Looking for feedback



Jun 18, 2010
Ok here are some flies that I did...let me know what you think..suggestions?

1) Variegated Chenille bugger with griz hackle and barred bou tail

2) sz 4 slump buster

3) sz 6 hair wing triple decker salmon fly for Montana this summer

4) articulated surf candy to imitate dace minnow (always heard them called redfins)

Any suggestions?


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I can't enlarge #1, #3, or #4 but #2 looks good. #3, from what I can see, looks great but #1 appears the grizzle tail could be fuller.
If you are using these for trout I would shorten the tail on #1 and #2. Trout usually take streamers and buggers short and you might not get a hookset. I'd shorten the tail on the bugger and double the amount of material, and either shorten the tail on the slumpbuster or toss in a trailer hook.

The last 2 look pretty good.
Thanks guys.... Agreed on the length and amount of material on the tail of the bugger... Slump is to take out west and it was the longest one I tied (tail) watching all those Galloup videos perhaps I got a little crazy...
Where out west are you headed?
Headed to Montana in July for 10 days... Gallatin, Madison, Big Hole, Yellowstone for sure.
Well yellowstone if runoff is over
should be over-prime time but keep up with this if you don't already-good site

Montana Fishing Reports
if you are going in early july
B------h creeks,montana stones and other salmon fly nymphs and drys including royal wulffs are more timely.
pete41...thanks a lot. I will check that site out tonight. I made an attempt at a salmon fly (see above) and was looking for a good pattern for stones. B---creek I will look up not familiar with that one. Thanks for the info!
2s and 4s in july-
even though I was an avid streamer fly fisherman july is not streamer time in that area.However a 4 or 6 black muddler marabou fished with a gentle pumping action right at dusk ,just subsurface can get some monsters looking to pick off dinks feeding on salmon flies or caddis or green drake-won't get a lot that way but a good way to get a moby and what a thrilling take when they boil up.
an after thought-
You can use a dropper with a big hair wing tent caddis with the muddler marabou but keep in mind the water will still be a little high and off color so 6 or 8 pd tippet is called for-if you try this-walk the bank and target your marabou to go over submerged rocks-rainbows in front,browns in back.
July in the Bozeman area still light until about 10:30 but mountains will give you almost four hours of prime early and late fishing-good luck.