Longer Pole are much more accurate



Active member
Apr 13, 2020
Or Aren't they?

Was thinking of a shorter rod this time around 7'6" or 8' 7wt.

most of my work is from a crowded boat with casts out to 30-40'.
Conventional wisdom says that shorter rods are more accurate. If your cast is off by, say, 5 degrees, that translates into a bigger miss the longer the rod.

There are all sorts of trade offs between long and short rods.
Thanks Bob. I was looking for conventional wisdom. The tradeoffs are many and I decided to keep to 9'.
Shorter rods are good for small streams/creeks. Less tangle with trees.

I can cast further with the 5wt line vs the 3wt with same 3wt fly. However the rod length also plays a big role in distance.
Also the bigger the fly the harder it is for me to cast with the 3wt and the shorter the distance.
I have been taught that the rod is only an extension of your arm so accuracy for me stays about the same with my 3wt and 5wt. Once I start using the 7wt/8wt/10wt rods and bigger flys/streamers etc. my accuracy drops tremendously. (I also get smacked in the back more often when using heavier flies like those for bass and salmon.). Maybe I will get some pointers on how to cast bigger flies in the near future.
Anybody got any pointers?
I have a 7.5' 6wt that is floppy fiberglass. I like it for short casting in Pads and clogged areas from the boat.
I gave in and bought a 9' 7wt and doubt I'll regret it for general use in Bassy Waters.
I've noticed how many rods many forum members have and that is the direction I'll go in years to come. A rod for each need as the need develops. I'm thinking rods are just a bit more important than reels.
When you said pole it made me think of Huck Finn.
Not the pole, it is the leader you cast! The delivery, bounce off the rock, hit that overhang grass and drop in. Pole is only as good as your leader. 800 dollar pole, 20 dollar pole. Work in the same manner, cast the fly with the knowledge, I am there. Not the right fly, ramble on brother to the next.

Get as close as you can, position yourself and "POW". Fish on. Most not understood of all is the leader you use.

Leaders are the main link. I know this, Everyone has them. All the companies, I would guess wholesale from Japan now. 5.25 a dozen.

Jim La Page orvis once told me a quarter each but that was 25 years ago. A cut stick and a proper leader, will catch them all!

We have got so far ahead of ourselves we forgot what it is like to fish. Fish, just fish. Enjoyable fishing.

So looking back in my life, a long stick, cut from a tree, a leader, looking over my shoulder, ready to run, fishing all those places, you can not fish. Members only! Was tracked, hunted, yelled at but never caught. Just kind of slipped in and slipped out. Funny how we are now friends now!

While fishing the primitive way, I was always on lookout, for ginseng, coon tracks, mink tracks, deer signs, fox droppings. Went back as a trapper and collected some fur, went back and harvested some grouse, squirrels. A couple bear and a lot of bucks.

But that is what I did, before the new age of high price fishing. I kind of enjoyed those days. If I could not catch them regular, I got in the water and reached under the rocks. I hated crayfish and watersnakes. Made me nervous.

I was one of a kind. I do not really know if I am sorry today, of what I took, I guess I am sorry for what you can not take. Rattlesnake dinner, or a young coon, a possum with gravy, porcupine k bobs, muskrat fried, and all favorite Roasted Beaver, sweet, sweet Beaver. Better than any roast beef! Grouse on a stick, you name it.

Take a rat trap. bend a nail, sharpen it and tack it on the trap, the whacker. Put corn on the trigger, tack it to a tree about a foot high.

Turkey sees the corn, hits the trigger, nail goes into head, turkey pulls out and bleeds out, you have to search for the bird. But you have to remember, it takes all day and then some. Survive, when it gets tough, you must get tougher. The end, might be the beginning.

Do you do this everyday, no, but you must know how to, do it, if you must. All about a pole, what pole, The 800 dollar pole of no use.

The good old days. Hook, line sinker if you got them, if not, forage!

Get a fire started and never let it burn out!

I’m with you max, today we have people using leaders that are 30 to 40 ft long and they call it fly fishing.
I have a lot of rods but I tend to only fish the rods I want. Doesn't matter if it's not the best rod for the job, it's the kind I like. Both of my go to rods are 7.5 ft fiberglass.
larkmark wrote:
When you said pole it made me think of Huck Finn.

I’m the original.
Baron....if you were the original you'd be going by the name of Huck Finn.

I have a lot of rods but I tend to only fish the rods I want. Doesn't matter if it's not the best rod for the job, it's the kind I like. Both of my go to rods are 7.5 ft fiberglass.
I hear ya, unless it's "big water", I'm using fiberglass. 7' Wonderods, 7'3" Garcia Conolons or 7'6" Browning Silaflex. Some people like others, but hey it's just my personal preference. No worries.
PennypackFlyer wrote:
Baron....if you were the original you'd be going by the name of Huck Finn.

"Baron" is clearly a pseudonym to protect the guilty. ;-)
Fly-Swatter wrote:
PennypackFlyer wrote:
Baron....if you were the original you'd be going by the name of Huck Finn.

"Baron" is clearly a pseudonym to protect the guilty. ;-)

I think of Baron more like Charlie Brown :)



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Okay, that does it. No Christmas tree for you. Lol.
I just finished a two day fish on the green. Fished with the new $35 Eagle Claw Crafted Glass rod. A bit heavy but casts nicely. Tore off once, shook off twice and a couple good bumps but no fish. Ants.
Rented a drift raft with a big frame and it was fun. My 38 yr old son caught a 20” bow on caddis fly. First big fish ever for him on a fly. I could have pulled the oars for weeks. What a trip.
Nice! I'm Green with envy.
It was odd on the green as you could see many of the fish. I’m not used to being able to see what I catch. The Fish in A-section are enormous but the fish in the Resuvoir are even bigger. Uncanny bigger.