Logan Branch Development

Come to think of it i think people only have till this Monday to comment on Nicholas meat’s application to w/d 750,000 gallons a day from big fishing creek. They will prob get it to. Rutters on little J trib, housing developmentments sinking creek that flows into penns.
Can you provide a link for information on public comment window?
I'm sure this is going to fly as well as a lead brick, but anyways-

What can students at PSU main do about development projects like this? I came to PSU because it reminded me of home, being far less developed in 2015 than it is today. I search for PSU fly fishing and there is not a lot that comes up for conservation efforts, mostly it's about getting people to fly fish. For PSU claiming to have a rich history of fly fishing, it sure does seem like it is a lot of talk and not a lot of conservation action. I hope I'm wrong in that assessment.

The university and its students are the driving force for a majority of the economy of the Spring Creek watershed. Their inaction on development projects like this is tacit approval of said projects. Pushback from the permanent residents is one thing, but the vagabonds of the area pushing back as well is another.
I'm sure this is going to fly as well as a lead brick, but anyways-

What can students at PSU main do about development projects like this? I came to PSU because it reminded me of home, being far less developed in 2015 than it is today. I search for PSU fly fishing and there is not a lot that comes up for conservation efforts, mostly it's about getting people to fly fish. For PSU claiming to have a rich history of fly fishing, it sure does seem like it is a lot of talk and not a lot of conservation action. I hope I'm wrong in that assessment.

The university and its students are the driving force for a majority of the economy of the Spring Creek watershed. Their inaction on development projects like this is tacit approval of said projects. Pushback from the permanent residents is one thing, but the vagabonds of the area pushing back as well is another.
all good points. PSU FF suffers from what many student run organizations do- sporadic and inconsistent activity due to high turnover of participants and leadership. The contact info for the president and faculty advisor can be found on the website. perhaps they only need someone to propose the idea to them. PSU has other clubs specifically dedicated to conservation/climate. Perhaps the two groups need to be introduced. Over the years it has been hard to get a strong contingency of PSU students to participate in the LJRA clean up. Some students attended, not consistently. Perhaps 8:30AM on a Saturday morning plays into this-LOL
all good points. PSU FF suffers from what many student run organizations do- sporadic and inconsistent activity due to high turnover of participants and leadership. The contact info for the president and faculty advisor can be found on the website. perhaps they only need someone to propose the idea to them. PSU has other clubs specifically dedicated to conservation/climate. Perhaps the two groups need to be introduced. Over the years it has been hard to get a strong contingency of PSU students to participate in the LJRA clean up. Some students attended, not consistently. Perhaps 8:30AM on a Saturday morning plays into this-LOL
Strong agree on the comments on student run organizations. If only every productive student run organization had as much perpetuity and consistency as Greek life...imagine how clean the local streams would be if someone could convince a handful of frats/sororities to make cleaning the streams/state parks an initiation project.

You wouldn't happen to know what the conservation/climate groups are by name, would you? A very lazy search of the student org chart turns up the NWTF Spur Collectors, Marine Science Society, Outing Club, and what looks like a defunct Environmental Resource Managment Society.
The Citizen's Climate Lobby is a non-partisan volunteer organization. There is a State College Chapter and they meet monthly. You should be able to sign up via their website, which is an excellent learning resource. It's all about getting things done where more people equals more action.

With regard to Logan Branch, more to come.... The project is a go at this point so grassroots resistance may be needed. I hope to be involved with this.
There were several environmental groups including the Sierra Club Moshannon Group that objected to the million square foot warehouse due to the potential impact to our trout streams.
The last info I have is that the million square foot warehouse is being reduced in size by 90% to 130,000 square feet.
A new plan submittal will be required for this new proposal.
I graduated in 1989 and the last time I was back was probably 10 years ago. I originally had faith that with all those smart people living in an area practically on a world class trout stream that BMP's and smart planning would save this stream for future generations. I couldn't believe the urban sprawl that had enveloped the area. Going up for the Delaware game and I am sure I will be shocked again. I almost don't want to go because it will be so depressing. But at least the Lions will win!

Smart people, lol