LJRA To Discuss Upper Bells Gap Run Brown Trout Removal

I read this morning from the LJRA that the project to improve Bells Gap Run for brook trout will start with a pre-project study to be conducted by Juniata College students this fall. The study will include an electro-fishing sampling of the stream in several locations upstream from the reservoir. The purpose is to answer the question as to what the mix of brown versus brook trout is with factual consensus info.

It’s great to see that this project appears to be moving forward. Kudos to the LJRA.
bdh77 -- Where did you find this? I have not been able to find it (probably my poor computer skills).

I agree with you: Kudos to the LJRA.
bdh77 -- Thank you. Since I am one of the last people in the world who does not do Facebook, I had my computer-savvy wife find it for me. It looks as though this could be a positive, hopeful situation for wild brook trout. Let's hope so anyhow.
What is a "conservation release"?
I'm sure I'll be accused of hijacking this thread with this question, but if I recall correctly there was a topic on here a few years ago discussing the genetics of the native brook trout that are currently in Pennsylvania. I could be wrong, but I seem to recall that virtually all of the "native" brook trout in the state have, at least in part, some genetics gotten from hatchery brook trout many years ago after the state was deforested by logging -- and that virtually no native brook trout populations in the state have pure brook trout genetics undiluted by stocked brookies. Can someone smarter than me find this topic because I'd like to know if the native brook trout that many are trying to protect actually are the same as the native brookies that evolved over the centuries or are they partially invasive themselves?
Guessing that your remembering this research.