Little Lehigh tricos

so please explain who he was and what he did for those of us not in the know
Rod owned the little Lehigh fly shop for many, many years. Promoted the stream and kept an open eye on what was happening and what was going to happen! Had many famous flyfishers come and spread the Lehigh word, by mouth, by word. I would call Rod, the "watchdog".

News, info, pictures, lectures, kept the L L alive! Unfortunately Rod has left. You all know the deal here! When the "watchdog goes", a free for all happens and less care of the resource.

It was his life and he gave it life. All the things happening on the Little Lehigh, the bad stuff, did you hear of things like that 10 years ago. No--------never----------watchdog would have bit off your leg!

Rod Rohrbach still has some viewing on the web. Check it out!

Many a sacred stream have become "free for alls".

Again in hindsight , he ain't wrong . What was literally a Fly-fishing destination is now a sad shadow of itself
I started fishing the LL 70+ yrs ago and that about sums it up.Compared tothe50's,60;s and 70's it is a SHADOW of what it was!!!
Give up! No. Give in. not an inch. Take back. Yes! Take what is rightfully yours and push out the debris! Debris of non -conformers.

Rules and policy were set up here. Little Lehigh has policy and rules and regulations. Bypass the Commission, A little leg work and "your surprised". Allentown is waiting for the "right one".

Commission has become "free play". "freelance", "freeloaders". Yes, you! Do it! Put that mixed drink down and get what you are, in the minds of numbers, suppose to fight for! Tired of fighting, you say! Come to my house and i will give you a slap, a reminder of what is awaiting!
You know! I always stood behnd you guys! As a fellow outdoorsman, which you all are, or claim to be, I am losing hope. What you have you can not control any longer! Why is that! Am i seeing the final countdown!

Hope that someone in the fish commission sees this, better yet, Hope a wise man sees this and thinks and thinks and thinks some more.

Solution is not necessary money! Solution is Pa. Pride! Mayors, Dr. Lawyers, Hospitals, Judges, Local Goverment, Business, Mom, Dad, etc. Little Lehigh is a Proud Entinty to all! If it goes, "everyone looses". Have not been there in some time! I would like to return to a masterpiece!
maxima-Pa pride? RAH RAH, GO TEAM! All pretty darn abstract.
What concrete things can people do right now? Specifically about this arguably ailing stream. Celebrity flyfishers? Watchdogs?
I haven't been there in a few yrs but it was good then. What really changed?
Larkmark. People take "Big Pride" in Little Lehigh, Many! People of Allentown, T. U., just about every walk of life people, walkers, picture takers, bike riders etc. You get it. Everyone! All makes, All models!

Yes, changes have occured! Not in the way that, Little Lehigh can't revive itself. Many are understanding that new changes are needed in the future and an ongoing approach.

Examples are:
L. L. supplies drinking water to hundreds of thousands.
L. L. has problems with flooding and erosion.
L. L. has problems with increased run-off.
L. L. has mud snails
L. L. has a future problem that is potentially harmful; The eroding, old, sewage treatment and lines, as we are finding out, a problem in very many communities. I would think, since many recognize this, You will see progress, by the way their date, 2025. Most likely, 2030.

A while back, people were posting on here about several dam removals on the Little Lehigh?

Has that resulted in better trout habitat, or not?

Does anyone have before and after photos of these sites?

This might be a good place for this: You know I like stocking of fish, Brings a crowd, Good for everybody! Crowd! OH! BOY!. Crowd, I like it and generally work my way down the stream. Hi, I am Johnny, here's a couple leaders. You don't need my last name and address!

Out of the crowd, I notice many have a good time! I try and figure out the type of person, no time I am fishing too! Well, that type of person is just like me and you! Could be " that type of person", goes a little bit more!. Yep. I will donate!

Yes! 50 cents, a buck, 2 bucks. You said "How Much"! Streams in Pa. will need more than 50 cents!

Again: Where are the Gals, I am looking for 50, 50 but to be truthful, I am looking for 60 ,40! Tired of seeing men! I would rather talk to a woman, than a man anyday! That's why i am Maxima12. I see the future!

Would like to see a gal, take the name, Red Ibis, on this site and show off, "What you Got". Flyfishing "that is!

The first of the last and last of the first!


Red Ibis? Where are you?

Can't you hear me calling?
Funny, How dams were good a 100 years ago, like the ones on the Little Lehigh and matter of fact on many streams. Now days dams are no good! What changed? I can't understand the whole dam thing!

Dam it!

Back to L. L. tricos. A famous trico pattern on the L. L. was tied backwards. Tail at the eye and head at the bend!

Stunning Masterpiece! Actually better than the standard pattern!


I wonder? A Green Drake, bsckwards
As far as I know there was only one dam removed on the LL and that was just above the heritage section. It was a low level dam. I rarely fish that area anymore, so I cannot comment on the changes there.

However, I did visit it for the 1st time this year in a section of the park downstream of that area and noticed plenty of differences. Last year, there was a LOT of in-stream vegetation that had grown in well by late summer. This year, there was NONE in the same section. I imagine this is a direct result of the flood frequency and magnitude. It is a very silty bottom and a heavy storm even can flush the vegetation out very easily. It was sad to see since I thought the stream looked very healthy last year and this year looked barren. Less fish too.

I also noticed fewer tricos as well. It may have been late in the season, but usually still strong this time of year.

I also noticed the park system had done their usual job of trimming all vegetation down all the way to the bank. They will never learn. I heard the argument before about the park users wanting to be able to see the stream when they are there, but does it need to be SEEN for several miles and totally destroyed in the process? This stream has been and will be on a downward spiral. Sad to see since it has so much potential. As least the joggers are happy.

FWIW, Saucon is the opposite. Good job there for restoring growth in the floodplain area and allowing for natural stream bank vegetation to grow back in the park. It is about time. Still affected by floods there too. Vegetation in stream is less than last year which was rare on that stream, but it was starting to come back. Not anymore.

I still believe that the little Lehigh is the perfect project for any stream restoration group , I mean it has to be a full on effort but what's there is pretty good
Jaybird, well put! What is there, is a good idea of all water in Pa.

Now again, let me state, i like stocking! Why! Education, Education, and more Education! You may be educated on strains, genetics, proper handling, species, rules, regulations, quotas, permits, license, trails and tales. Very few in the "BIg Picture".

Education, Education, Education, then improvement, improvement, improvement! Get the people involved first, get a nature feel! Get them to like. Then pound them with a education. Put this stuff back in the schools! Mean something or you meant nothing! The new hires at the Commission should be put through a vigorous test. "What can you do for Pa., not, what you take from Pa. A salary, a paycheck and "just another day".

Remember. Losers always lose and winners always win! If your not first, you're last!
Resurrecting this thread a bit, but figured it would be better than starting a new one. I'd like to frustrate myself a bit this summer and fish the tricos on the Little Lehigh. I'm not looking for specific locations, but are the tricos distributed throughout the system? I'm more curious about the area between the turnpike and Route 100 (some of the various recreations areas along the stream).