Little Lehigh tricos



Jul 19, 2017
Hi. Has anyone here been fishing at the Little Lehigh? I have not had time to fish much this year much. I assume there’s tricos in the morning. What time approximately do they fall this time of year? Thanks
I've not been on the Little Lehigh, but Tricos have been present on other Lehigh Valley streams so I imagine they should be there on the LL.

The time of the spinner fall will depend on air temperature. With these very warm mornings this time of year, the spinners fall early.
Fish will be rising all morning. As the summer progresses and the air gets warmer the spinner falls will be over earlier. I'd say just be on the water from 7-11 a.m. and you will be fine. The fish population the last two years has been less, but the trikes are strong. I have not been up this summer yet. It is an awesome stream in good years if you know where to go. Some of the drought years took its toll, but it may be on the rebound with the wet summers of '18 and '19.
To add to what CL has said, those who fish only the City of Allentown Park stretches are missing areas where wild Brown abundance good and some fish are equally large or larger than the largest fish I have seen w/i the City park stretch. Tribs can be impressive too, and I am not speaking of Cedar Ck. It might pay to explore, even in portions of stocked sections within and outside of the City.
Generally 6:00 to 10:00 am. with 7:00 to 8:30 am prime.

Use to tie a special leader for Rod Rohrbach, Little Lehigh fly shop. Rod is not there anymore. However, a simple, get the job done, midge, trico leader.

fourteen forty one.

1 ft. of .013 maxima chameleon, 4 ft. of .010 maxima chameleon, 4 ft. of .007 soft tippet, 1 ft. of .005, .004 soft tippet.

ty using double or triple surgeons knots, perfection loop on butt. Add an extra 6 inches to each piece for knot loss!

A Gary Borger leader. Perfect in all aspects of midge fishing!

Thanks a lot. Really good information.

I don’t have a lot of time to explore. I generally end up near/in the park where the hatchery is.

Thanks for your help.
Well I've seen it all now!There is a article in the morning paper showing a picture of a car in the long raceway in the LL trout nursery!It seems the woman that drove the car was confused and was driving down the foot path and slipped into the raceway.The story stated that there was no harm done to the fish or raceway.WHAT THE HELL WAS SHE THINKING?
She should have noticed that she was off the parking lot and driving on lawn for QUITE a DISTANCE to get there,I would love to hear her explain that!
Wow! And there was that small plane that crashed right onto the bank just above the wooden bridge and (ex)fly shop. I like adventure when out ffishing, but you do have to watch your step. It's good no noxious fluids got out of the SUV to hurt the trouts.
Some historical information on the 2015 plane crash on the Lil Lehi:

The pilot was hurt but survived. At least the Trico spinner fall was done when the crash happened.
Went to the LL trout farm yesterday to get detail of how/why vehicle got in raceway.
The female driver was in her 80's and apparently confused,before she went in the drink she almost ran over some people.I would guess she is a canidate for having her license to drive revoked!
Went to the Little L over the weekend. Really unimpressive. 10-20 years ago that stretch was littered with fish. I saw more people fishing than fish rising.

Not sure what happened but the number of fish and bug activity seems really down.
SMAlbert wrote:
Went to the Little L over the weekend. Really unimpressive. 10-20 years ago that stretch was littered with fish. I saw more people fishing than fish rising.

Not sure what happened but the number of fish and bug activity seems really down.

My buddy and I had a similar experience. We fished Saturday morning. Not too many bugs coming off, some occasional rises. But the fish were uninterested in everything we cast at them. Ended up with one small wild brown. Kind of funny because I've been to the Little Lehigh when its hot in the afternoon and had more success then this past weekend.
Honestly, i think the LL gets painted with a broad brush from people strictly fishing the kiddie pool and other spots close to the hatchery. Ive heard lots of people saying how the stream isn't what it used to be, and that may be true, but these people fish the kiddie pool and hatchery once or twice a year(not referring to SMAlbert of tjsingle). Im not buying it.

Saturday evening, epic clouds of tricos (males hatch at night, right?) and there i am, swinging and popping mouse patterns. Fish were rising everywhere, and i had a couple hook ups but nothing to the net. This was definately outside of the kiddie pool and hatchery area...point being is I've seen decent bugs, and lots of rising fish this year.

BTW, not to derail, but i did catch a guy using bait up at the hatchery. Where is your sense of pride? Can you hang your hat on catching a fish with bait, in a FFO section? Wanna bait, go 150 yds upstream for crying out loud.

Also, its amazing how many people can cram into the kiddie pool come trico time.
Agree with J55tiger88 regarding the abundant WILD trout. Ten yrs ago, or maybe even fifeteen by now, is when I recall the complaints from fly anglers started occurring to the extent that I heard about it regarding the lack of trout. This corresponded with a renewed effort to prevent the hatchery's trout from getting into the Heritage Area. All surveys since showed that there were very good numbers of wild browns present.
There 're no where near the number of wild browns that were there10+ yrs ago
Heard about the LL for years but never fished it. Someday.

It’s nice to hear about tricos, don’t hear about the hatch in general in these parts much.
Just the wading and lack of trees to replace what was once there is sad to me , it used to be a special place .
The biggest loss to the hatchery area was, Are you ready for this? Are you sure! No bad mouthing allowed! None of this you are wrong stuff. Then. very simple"

