Little black stoneflies are here!!! In dec????

Fish Sticks

Well-known member
Mar 19, 2022
Central PA

Worm fishing with my daughter 2 days ago in conewago creek by old hershey road
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I have heard of some fish that key on early black stone flies from a guide west of the river. I know most fly fishemren disregwrd them completely. I have never seen fish really go after them because i have nit seen them heavy wnough to consistently blow bqck jnto the water after they hatch
Also i thought they needed pristine water quality. Why the h*** was this thing landing on my car parked next to silty nasty conestoga that gets flushed like a toilet when the gretna lake folks pul the dam out of their lake wvery winter to get rid of the sediment.
A bunch were coming off yesterday, and the fish were on them. Even got a few on dries! I’ve never seen them this early. I guess it was a combination of warmth and sun.
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I have fished a heavy sulphur hatch on Penns in early April, with snow on the ground. Exception, not the rule, of course. Was years ago but a very memorable night!
I have heard of some fish that key on early black stone flies from a guide west of the river. I know most fly fishemren disregwrd them completely. I have never seen fish really go after them because i have nit seen them heavy wnough to consistently blow bqck jnto the water after they hatch
I had a nice day on the Segloch probably back in the 90's. I think it was late February. Fish up in the water column taking black stones.
Fish up in the water column taking black stones.
That's the trick. Wet flies just under the surface are the way to go for winter stones. They represent one of the most reliable hatches of the year on my stream, and I always catch fish when they're around.

Interesting tidbit: little black stoneflies are the main pollinators of skunk cabbage.
I may need to hang some off of a dry dropper just to see what happens!
Saw a Little Black Stonefly crawling along on a curb in a Lehigh Valley shopping center yesterday about a mile from the Jordan and a mile from Coplay Ck, the closest streams.