Lehigh river



New member
Apr 28, 2014
Hi I'm new to the forum but I plan on fishing the lehigh river a lot more than I do.when I get my license and go on summer vacation from school. Reason is because it's basically In my backyard . I use a switch rod but was wonder if anybody had any tips for fun days. Is there any good runs where swinging flies is successful? I'm new to the lehigh when it comes to fly fishing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Check out the map here for access points above Allentown


There are a ton of great runs for swinging flies at any of those points.

Points south of that map around Allentown area has good water too.

I don't think you can go wrong. Just get out there and enjoy.
Thanks I will use this map a lot but other than swinging what other methods produce well on this river, indicater nymphing ?
A few weeks ago we rode bikes up from Glen Onoko about 4 miles and fished along the way. We picked up a few on caddis and stonefly nymphs. I personally like the Rockport area. Pay attention to the releases/water level and be careful. It is treacherous wading. A wading staff and preferably a fishing buddy are good to have.

If you are willing to walk/ride a few miles and have a day to pick apart water, have at it. The good water and fish are there. I can't really speak to wet flies as I have tied on a wet fly less than a dozen times in 20 years of fishing.
By summertime the Lehigh might be fishable.
It will be summer until you are done with comps. I'm waiting for my invitation for this years float / monster hatch or should I just talk to Phil? :-D
krayfish wrote:
It will be summer until you are done with comps. I'm waiting for my invitation for this years float / monster hatch or should I just talk to Phil? :-D

Student teaching, work, kids baseball, coaching one team, competition. That is my priority list. I fished 1 time in 3 weeks. I have stopped a few times at my favorite spots on the Lehigh and watched a billion grannoms flying around and no fish rising. You know....normal Lehigh stuff.
Keep me posted. I'll run up if it gets fishable. Tom would like to see it and so would Josh.
I will be in contact in July. Lol seriously though, I walk next Saturday. So, I should have some more free time. Will give ya a shout.
Yeah ive been watching the flows seems to be really erratic. Was looking okay for a little then saw it jump back to 2,000. Again be careful wading someone died the other day

If you check out the white water release schedule and have a safe max cfs ..... You'll be fine. We aren't going there for a few weeks and the lakes dumped or are dumping water in prep for big rains.
Thanks for the response Krayfish I thought thats what it may have been for. I cant wait for some steady flows to fish it
There is a wade chart for the Lehigh on the website:

This will give you an idea of wadability. Regardless, be careful. Even at lower flows the river really pushes because of the gradient. Studded boots and a staff are a must have.

Don't hold me to this but the Corps may drop the release over the weekend and hold it at 400 CFS. The Corps has been releasing a lot of water and dropping the lake in anticipation of the rain. Stay tuned to the Corps website or facebook page.

This may make the first few miles below FEW fishable this weekend. The rest of the river may be blown out because of all the tributary inflow.
Thank you guys for the tips I can't wait to get out there when the flows are actually fish able
And btw I'm only 15 so when ever I go out I'll be shure to have my dad come fish with me or my friend and his dad. I've waded before in the salmon river and in Easton near the shad ladder every season for three years now so I' have common sense when it comes to wading
Being young can go against you due to thoughts of invincibility. Just remember that if you pick a fight with the river...the river will always win. Just exercise caution and common sense. If you see a fish you can't reach, go to the next fish. Never saw one that was worth the risk of drowning.

Just be patient. Flows will be good shortly and that will help put more bugs on the water too. Enjoy and post some pics.
That's good advice, Krayfish.

I'm starting to realize it. This year was the first time I thought about trying a wading staff on Penns.
I don't own a wading staff and I fish the Lehigh enough. It is really dangerous. I make sure I find a sturdy stick when I know I need to cross some water. I can say truthfully I have almost died one time on it. Scary schnit.
The Lehigh is probably my favorite place to fish. It doesn't always give up the goods but when it does it can be really good.
Steelhead tactics type tactics work very well here. Swinging can produce but I've mainly caught smallies with streamers. Big indy rigs are very effective. Dry flies are the easiest way to catch fish for me...just gotta get it front of them while they're still rising.
I fished last weekend and it was pretty good, brought a couple to net and lost one that will bring me back. I drive past several streams loaded with trout to get to the Lehigh but its the adventure and potential for monsters that brings me back.
Yes in New York I saw some guy almost drown because of his wading staff he got all tangled up in it . Scary. But I do have a foldable one I sometimes carry but I'll keep it with me. But I will update when the time comes