Lehigh private fishing club

Reeder wrote:
Not only is it illegal, but there is nothing more heinous or unsportsmanlike, aside from fishing with corn, than trying to deny someone the right to fish waters that we all own. If you are willing to surrender your rights due to fear of being harrassed, that is your choice, but don't act like someone who makes it a point to fish said waters is breaking some kind of moral or ethical code. Implying this is contributing to and justifying the bully tactics of those who think they can buy what is not for sale. Under no circumstance is it wrong to want to fish waters that you own, whether you just want to fish there just to prove a point or not.

You are right, in general.

There might be cases where I might want to fish to make a point, but this would not be one of them.

I'm not saying I would expect a confrontation there. In fact I wouldn't unless I went there to cause it.

But several posts on here gave the impression that we should or they would fish there just to make a point. News flash, the point was already made several years ago, so there is no value in instigating. All you would be doing is rubbing it in, and that is lame.

I'm sure that club knows the rules (very expensive rule).

Go ahead and fish, but try to be respectful to the adjacent land owners, just like you would if it wasn't posted.

When I fish anywhere, I try to respect the surrounding land owners. I don't fish in peoples backyards. I'll move on past.

And in case that wasn't clear enough... If someone wants to make a point about navigability and public access, doesn't it make more sense to do it in a place where it hasn't been settled in court?

Have at it, but be prepared to pay a fine, which may or may not eventually be reversed in court. that is, if you chose to really make a point by fighting the ticket. It's how it works, and we will appreciate your efforts. And don't forget your smart phone.;-)
If the club in question is the Lehigh Falls Fishing Club in Stoddartsville I believe the club sold that property to the Wild lands Conservancy after they lost the appeal. I was looking into fishing there and contacted the Conservancy. They said it was fine to fish there.
fishbaithohaha wrote:
I'm impressed that without opposable thumbs, you are able to read and type, Farmer.

What do the thumbs have to do with reading?

Voice to text. Technology man.

FD - I fall right in between being a millennial, and being old. It's a knife's edge cut off. From most of what I'd see and hear, I'm ok with old.
Dammit Steveo, I was just going to propose a Lehigh JAM ( which is long over due anyway) and now you may well have extinguished an otherwise contentious thread. What am I going to read at lunch tomorrow?
Swattie87 wrote:
fishbaithohaha wrote:
I'm impressed that without opposable thumbs, you are able to read and type, Farmer.

What do the thumbs have to do with reading?

He'sfromOhiosothatwasprobablythebesthecoulddo. ;-)

Dammit, forgot my prosthetic thumbs when I typed that.
steveo wrote:
If the club in question is the Lehigh Falls Fishing Club in Stoddartsville I believe the club sold that property to the Wild lands Conservancy after they lost the appeal. I was looking into fishing there and contacted the Conservancy. They said it was fine to fish there.

I read this awhile ago and I am still laughing.

Reeder wrote:
Not only is it illegal, but there is nothing more heinous or unsportsmanlike, aside from fishing with corn, than trying to deny someone the right to fish waters that we all own. If you are willing to surrender your rights due to fear of being harrassed, that is your choice, but don't act like someone who makes it a point to fish said waters is breaking some kind of moral or ethical code. Implying this is contributing to and justifying the bully tactics of those who think they can buy what is not for sale. Under no circumstance is it wrong to want to fish waters that you own, whether you just want to fish there just to prove a point or not.

These are my thoughts exactly. To those that keep writing that I am only going through looking for a confrontation I’m not for the 3rd time lol. We all own that river and I am gonna fish wherever. If some of you choose to let people take ownership of something they don’t own, then that’s your business. No judgement from me. I believe in Rights. And if I have the right to wade through that area I will. I’ll be polite if I see someone. And I’ll tell them to bleep off in the same breath if they want to give me an attitude.
troutbert wrote:
I think fishing and/or boating there to maintain our rights to public waters is the citizen's way.

The court upheld the long standing right of access to Lehigh.

It is up to citizens to then make sure that right is maintained in reality, on the landscape, rather than just in legal documents.

Use it or lose it.

If the adjoining landowners choose to be provocative, that would be choosing to commit a crime.

The citizens should then report that to law enforcement.

That’s how I see this whole thing. Agree completely with this.
JustFish wrote:
Reeder wrote:
Not only is it illegal, but there is nothing more heinous or unsportsmanlike, aside from fishing with corn, than trying to deny someone the right to fish waters that we all own. If you are willing to surrender your rights due to fear of being harrassed, that is your choice, but don't act like someone who makes it a point to fish said waters is breaking some kind of moral or ethical code. Implying this is contributing to and justifying the bully tactics of those who think they can buy what is not for sale. Under no circumstance is it wrong to want to fish waters that you own, whether you just want to fish there just to prove a point or not.

These are my thoughts exactly. To those that keep writing that I am only going through looking for a confrontation I’m not for the 3rd time lol. We all own that river and I am gonna fish wherever. If some of you choose to let people take ownership of something they don’t own, then that’s your business. No judgement from me. I believe in Rights. And if I have the right to wade through that area I will. I’ll be polite if I see someone. And I’ll tell them to bleep off in the same breath if they want to give me an attitude.

It's apparent you are out there to "JustFish"....so just fish and enjoy yourself. You are well within your rights to do so. Just be respectful of others, like it is your intention, and you will be fine. Have a great time and catch some fish!
I would fish that area of stream in a clown suit just for effect.
JackM wrote:
I would fish that area of stream in a clown suit just for effect.

Can you imagine? I don’t know if I would laugh or be afraid. Remember, some people have clown phobias. Would be hilarious to witness.
5 Pages of this HOT MESS of a thread.... and it ends like this.....


If the club in question is the Lehigh Falls Fishing Club in Stoddartsville I believe the club sold that property to the Wild lands Conservancy after they lost the appeal. I was looking into fishing there and contacted the Conservancy. They said it was fine to fish there.
steveo wrote:
If the club in question is the Lehigh Falls Fishing Club in Stoddartsville I believe the club sold that property to the Wild lands Conservancy after they lost the appeal. I was looking into fishing there and contacted the Conservancy. They said it was fine to fish there.

On Google maps it shows some land on the river right side being public/conservancy land. But not that whole side.

Are those boundaries accurate?

To fish that stretch, what is the best way to access it?

Is there a way to drive or walk in there, without crossing private land?

Is there a way to drive or walk in there, without crossing private land?

Yes, apparently you can wade right down or up to where ever it is you want to as long you stay within the high water mark.
Smike wrote:
5 Pages of this HOT MESS of a thread.... and it ends like this.....


If the club in question is the Lehigh Falls Fishing Club in Stoddartsville I believe the club sold that property to the Wild lands Conservancy after they lost the appeal. I was looking into fishing there and contacted the Conservancy. They said it was fine to fish there.

That’s not the stretch I was implying about.
Sorry JustFish. From what you posted it sure sounded like that club. Why don't you just name the club so we know what we're talking about?