Keystone is pure magic..tell em Maxi

SmoothOperator wrote:
1fish wrote:
And here I am, stuck in the Bitterroot. I guess I forgot what I should be missing.
Yeah me to..... Really miss the swamp arse heat and humidity of Pa. summer...…. Sitting here looking at the mountains all around me in the Madison Valley.... Don't have to fight the crowds of Penns Creek or hike a couple miles of wilderness to catch some trout.... Only "problems" I have is where within the 30 min. drive do I want to fish......and making sure I don't overindulge in the J.D. before the evenings fishing...… I'm a W.Pa. resident all my life and now at 59 wonder...……..WHY?????? Think now I understand why Maxy rambles, to much time trying to stay cool and find cold water to fish in Pa.

The Madison valley is also a crowded chit hole in the summer, with great fishing. Love fishing Valley Gardens, by Ennis where you can wade for miles, and not see a human soul. Just kidding about the chit hole thing though, but it does get busy in the valley during the summer.

I only have the the Bitterroot, it's fork, and a bunch of tribs local. The upper Big Hole is an hour away, and Rock Creek is maybe a little longer of a trip. Just as close, or closer, but a lot of bumpy dirt road to get there. I also have true wilderness areas just to the west, at least by lower 48 standards.

Left PA years ago, and can't really say I miss it. Used to love fishing the upper Allegheny for Smallmouths, and I kind of miss that, but not a lot.

Krayfish2, Yes, i will go one more and then it ends. The Scream. been screaming till out of breath, dig deep and let a hollar out again. Matter of fact been yelling for 30 years!

I like it, i love it, i need it, i want more and more. What, you say, lonely boy. I once was lonely, till i became full of brotherly love!

Fishermen brotherly love that is. I got a full tank and it is running down the street. I am sure it will hit your neighborhood soon. Many want to stop the pollution, but you know the world now.

My pollution could be your solution to a fishermens life.

My pollution could be your solution.

I pollute with Pa. grandness. I salute my brothers and sisters that pollute you also. Pollute you with "Fishing Pleasure". You know them, you see them. They are everywhere polluting you.

Take this serious. This pollution must spread. All want it, why not.

I have been polluted by Pa. outdoor desire. The smell of the fresh air pollution, the sweet flowers pollution, the magic pollution of the outdoors!

I will call this pollution for solution!
See no sense, sitting on a fence, try to make a dollar, out of 99 cents.

There is Mr. Robin, sitting on a rail, Picking his teeth, with the enemies tail.

Peanut, peanut, on the rail, Whoooo, Whooooo, Peanut Butter!

Open your heart, let the sunshine in! Better than the doc doing it!
People are a common source of pollution, but are people themselves a form of pollution?
Never too late to start all over again! Steppenwolf .

Hope you may "Find the Way".

Brother sends the message, better than me!
find the way, well another bros thought of this.

Rush-- finding my way!

What do these songs have to do with fishing. About all you could ever imagine! The cup shared, was always shared with a clap! Music.

Music and dance always followed the sacred cup of brothers. Friendship, trophy, land, wedding, palace of unity and brotherhood.

The smell of success, the hint of riches and the pursuit of happiness!

I offer you the cup of brothers, drink, boy , drink. Get full, bend over get rid of some and drink again. Get full, not on this day but all the days to come. Drink Pa. till you can not touch another sip. You will know if you do, that sip will lead you to another trip of a lifetime.

The last thing you need is another trip. especially, a trip of a lifetime. Why need the last straw, when you can sway down the runway cool and breezy! Breeze in you hair, cool air flowing, flowers blooming, rainbow in the sky, , bright sunshine and red carpet!

Thats west. the "Big Lie"

Pa. no promise, no lies, just a start to your new beginning! Honest fishermen with a big helping hand! Pa. big helping hand! The hand that fits all pockets!
Krayfish2, maybe time, you browse in, sway or swagger your tune, blow your horn, sometimes i as a bump on a stump, see something on a painting, long gone, that reminds me of times good.

A painting of hands shaking, or the single hand pointing. I guess it is pointing where you should cast!. Cast out and catch a fisherman. A fish is too small for the poles we use. I need to catch, "Brother Pa.".
FarmerDave wrote:
SmoothOperator wrote:
1fish wrote:
And here I am, stuck in the Bitterroot. I guess I forgot what I should be missing.
Yeah me to..... Really miss the swamp arse heat and humidity of Pa. summer...…. Sitting here looking at the mountains all around me in the Madison Valley.... Don't have to fight the crowds of Penns Creek or hike a couple miles of wilderness to catch some trout.... Only "problems" I have is where within the 30 min. drive do I want to fish......and making sure I don't overindulge in the J.D. before the evenings fishing...… I'm a W.Pa. resident all my life and now at 59 wonder...……..WHY?????? Think now I understand why Maxy rambles, to much time trying to stay cool and find cold water to fish in Pa.

Both of you are killing me. I am envious, but it a good way. Good for you.

I personally wouldn't mind selling out and move to the real mountains, but my wife can't stand the cold. Normally I'd joke about just taking off, but that just isn't joke worthy anymore.

Dear Dave,

Can I still call you that? I'm old and know you from a couple of decades ago.

You and your wife live in the suburbs of Cleveland fer chrissakes. A drizzly day in the Fall around Cleveland is way worse than the coldest day of the Winter in the Rockies. It's science dude!


Tim Murphy

I can walk with head high in Cleveland, Escorted by the rule on the block. In any part of town. Fishing was part, brotherhood took the rest. I am known as "Cracker". Kind of think that is cool!

My brother, Jamal! Cleveland brings back a memory of a lifetime. A real brother, not genetic but connetic!

I would have, with best mind, left, first to save my brother! With no related blood, we shared blood of brotherhood! Hope you may understand! Maybe not! But Cleveland does!
I will never mentally recover from this.
Which story would you like to hear, the first, the last, the second, the 15th the 40th, or maybe the 69th. I could never tell the truth. I could but you would never believe it.

Blessed by the pope of rome, true! I should have died but came out as the Miracle Man! True, I guess i have a road to travel yet!

Road of honesty, help and a real long walk! Get some, while alive, The Most Beautiful, Mother Pa. I Love Pa., I love, Dorothy Guadiose, we fed the priests fresh caught trout from Mill Hall Pa. Axe factory and below and ended up with a personal prayer dedicated to me from Pope John Paul! Around the year 1992 with 2 blessed saint christopher medals to my sons! Dorothy and Padre Pio,true as true, strike me dead! And glad to go if i lied!

With the Max you get truth, .With Pa. brush away the fowl, the truth is right in front of your eyes!
A poem from a fellow angler
A friend
A writer...

I dreamed
Once again I had found
The valley, the moss
The stream that held me
Captive to it's sound
And i was a boy again
Deep in a forest creek
In Pennsylvania
You started it Krayfish2. Maybe time to boot up, tune up, stand up and Pa. the ====up!

Your scuff across the floor at little store is gone now! That time is gone now forever, what time you got now! I got it about half passed!

Half passed, hell, keep it from from full passed the the needle of time! Maybe time our time has come! You asked and i replied. Did i do you injustice brother, bring you back, i hope, real as it always was!

Real from brother to brother and sister to sister! I like the sisters, they seem to hold the real better than the brothers.

You wanted Maxi to go. Did i go well? There is so much more! The names, kept silent, secret, with regret or with respect!

Krayfish2, I had a friend on your show, long ago! Joe McFadden in conshohocken, what happened!

I do with people that i never met! been doing for 25 years, always kept away. The sweep of things, maybe i do not look good or visa versa! You see, i try not to get into that, that is all around now in a big way!

Visa versa, yes , the versa is always better than the visa!

If i was to pitch to you today,1ist pitch screwball, 2nd outside, 3rd, low curve, 4 th, sidearm down and dirty, low ball, outside, then one right down the pipe! Fastball! Swing brother, swing!

Pipe up, swing your sham, count your crows!

Krayfish2, Capt. Bud, Brian Wilson, mean anything. Guide on Delaware long ago. In the beginning! Seems times have changed. My friend was not replied to, in the nature he should have been!

That Roscoe stuff is over, over now! Lost cause! The brew is dark and the cups run empty! You want, Cream, bring your own!

And you know, Cream runs downhill! Now talk some now! On real Delaware! Subside dog, wag that tail. Fought that stuff 25 years ago!

Delaware was a target then, now it has a big red bulleye. The only, only that has a chance, Pa. Fish Commission! I know them as "The Great Boys", You know, flip flops, shorts, dirty fingers, a gruff groan!

Perspective, son, that will help! You lost because nobody cared, Inky Moore did and so Jack Beck. I bring this to fact because i loved those guys and respected them with alli had at the time. Which was little but i tried with some leaders! I think they still have some, although not mine!

You seem to be i a spot, up your way. Again it needs help, A lot!
More than you ever imagine!

The take away has been going for 30 years, Gone, Gone, Gone!
The smart, made it! In your boat, pack sandwiches, drinks and an extra oar. Your journey will be long! Get a bigger boat. One that sleeps 4. You will never know when you take the dog along!

Krayfish, want some, I will give you the Pa, Touch. The finger , that points to yhe right direction every time!

This is the point, brass tacks, down and dirty, the say, the cheese and Hammer!

Iwould say out of 1000, Yea to Pa 722 , Ney, 185, Undecided , about 100. I want 16 of those 100 and you take 7. I wear boots so 17 is cool. Flip Flops, Well you get the seven with shorts!

Ha,ha, hee haw jingle, your Pal, brother did i ever tell you i love you. I see, i hold, i vision, you! You are in. Good to know you withoiut a face. The world is always better with yin and yang. You pick first! I am glad you put a little maxi in this. Yes, Indeed! You as a deffinate winner, and a tail rider! My job is important too!

Oops! Break time! Montrose--Make it last!

Song is digging in, see you in my dreams!

I've never suffered an aneurysm after reading a post.... until now.
TimMurphy wrote:
FarmerDave wrote:
SmoothOperator wrote:
1fish wrote:
And here I am, stuck in the Bitterroot. I guess I forgot what I should be missing.
Yeah me to..... Really miss the swamp arse heat and humidity of Pa. summer...…. Sitting here looking at the mountains all around me in the Madison Valley.... Don't have to fight the crowds of Penns Creek or hike a couple miles of wilderness to catch some trout.... Only "problems" I have is where within the 30 min. drive do I want to fish......and making sure I don't overindulge in the J.D. before the evenings fishing...… I'm a W.Pa. resident all my life and now at 59 wonder...……..WHY?????? Think now I understand why Maxy rambles, to much time trying to stay cool and find cold water to fish in Pa.

Both of you are killing me. I am envious, but it a good way. Good for you.

I personally wouldn't mind selling out and move to the real mountains, but my wife can't stand the cold. Normally I'd joke about just taking off, but that just isn't joke worthy anymore.

Dear Dave,

Can I still call you that? I'm old and know you from a couple of decades ago.

You and your wife live in the suburbs of Cleveland fer chrissakes. A drizzly day in the Fall around Cleveland is way worse than the coldest day of the Winter in the Rockies. It's science dude!


Tim Murphy

Feel free to call me Dave, but you don't have to call me Dear. Heck, you can call me anything you want. I have thick skin.

Tim, I could never forget you. We never met in person, but I've seen pictures of you from Jeff F's wedding. We could pass as brothers.

17 years ago I made like a sheep herder and got the flock out of the burbs and bought a farm a few miles from Pymatuning lake.

About your last paragraph? You don't have to convince me. However, this area has great summers if you happen to be here that week. ;-)

BTW, I think you still owe me a bass fishing outing. We would have to use your boat. Mine is too small for both of us. ;-)

krayfish2 wrote:
I've never suffered an aneurysm after reading a post.... until now.

You are mostly responsible, being that you created this post, and evoked the name Gluteus Maxima. Spell check failed, but close enough.