Kayak Rant

Let me guess they were kayakers in cheap Walmart kayaks with no life vests on. That's so funny they were up in the narrows. I would have yelled at them but if they are up in there trying to kayak they probably aren't too smart anyways. There are more stupid people out there than ever before.
PennKev wrote:
Tolerance is great, but someone taking their kayak out on one of the most popular spots, on one of the most popular trout streams, during peak fishing season doesn't make them any less of an oblivious, mindless idiot.
Agree. He must be related to the guy who picked up the golf ball at the Byron Nelson golf tournament. You can't fix stupid.
I see nothing wrong with the OP being upset about having an evening ruined by a boater or anything else for that matter. It's not like he berated or even said anything to the boater. I'd be highly disappointed as well. He handled it correctly and just stayed quiet and came here to complain about it which is fine. Just because something is public and legal doesn't mean you have to be all smiles and positive about it. It's ok to complain. You just have to accept and eat it is all. being mad about it is completely within his right.

Also, I think a Kayak coming down the Narrows would have a much larger impact on a rising trout there than it would in, say, the Potomac where boaters are a regular thing day in and day out. It's the same thing with Ducks on Spring Creek vs a small mountain stream. Ducks will put trout down like a Herron when trout aren't accustomed to them. On spring creek they don't even move for ducks. It's all what they are used to seeing and I'm sure boats aren't very common on in Narrows.

Like Mike said, I'd have bailed immediately and moved downstream.
How dare another citizen make use of a public resource that isn't fitting with your own personal use of that shared public resource!!! Such selfishness shan't be tolerated.

Well these "citizens" pay nothing to use the same resource i pay annually to use. In addition these special regulation waters were established for the benefit of fishermen. There are miles and miles of water, why put in in area that is going to put you in direct conflict with those who are utilizing the stream section with a an expressed purpose? Is it right for someone to walk their dog in the middle of state game lands on the first day of deer season?
I love kayaks.

Crunchy with a soft center. What's not to like?
I would suspect the situation the op experienced comes down to honest ignorance, but not on purpose. The Yaker may have never fished a day in his life and might not know what many on here are striving to do.

Spend some time on a warm water lake fishing the shore line from a boat, the conversations you will here from people on kayaks passing between you and the shore makes it quite clear they are oblivious to the impact they may be having on your success rate.

Different life priorities.
There are miles and miles of water, why put in in area that is going to put you in direct conflict with those who are utilizing the stream section with a an expressed purpose?

Well, maybe because it's fun? Running down thru the Narrows in high water with somewhat tame 'rapids' is probably a lot more desirable to some than lazily floating a boring stretch of flat water. And depending on the skill level of the kayaker, if a beginner just getting into the sport it's probably quite thrilling.
These morons just don't get that fly fishermen are superior beings requiring the utmost in respect. Somebody needs to show these Neanderthal kayakers life's flow chart of inflated self importance.
So did you sit there and pout or change your tactics ?


kobalt335 wrote:
Last night I fished the Narrows on Fishing creek,. Every parking spot had at least one car in it, so it took a little walking to find a spot with noone in it. I sat on the shore watching the sulfurs start to come off, and a kayak comes paddling down through. I'm normally pretty tolerant of kayaks, however I feel the narrows is not a very appropriate place. Needless to say the few fish I saw starting to rise never came up again. Felt like a wasted evening to me.
albud1962 wrote:
How dare another citizen make use of a public resource that isn't fitting with your own personal use of that shared public resource!!! Such selfishness shan't be tolerated.

Well these "citizens" pay nothing to use the same resource i pay annually to use. In addition these special regulation waters were established for the benefit of fishermen. There are miles and miles of water, why put in in area that is going to put you in direct conflict with those who are utilizing the stream section with a an expressed purpose? Is it right for someone to walk their dog in the middle of state game lands on the first day of deer season?

It is all public water and can be used however people see fit. These waters are to be shared by all and hopefully that occurs in a civil manner. Now, as far as not paying for the resource......umm.......how about launch permits/registering your boat? As long as you are using a public boat launch or going to put it in a state park or something then your kayak needs to either have the state park permit or the PFBC launch permit. Those aren't free. Just think of all of the extra dollars in fees that should be bringing in that didn't exist before the boom of kayak popularity. So, yes, they paid for their right to use it too.
In the scenario mentioned in the OP, I would have tried a different approach.

Struck up a conversation with the guy. I'd ask if they fished or knew how special a time it is on some trout streams at this time of year. I'd also explain what their yakin will do to the fishing, how many people are below you and that they probably won't be received very well. I'd offer suggestions for other times when they would be less likely to have a conflict or another stream where fishermen numbers are much, much lower.

If that doesn't work (ie, you get the finger), you simply wade out and drive down river looking for the Subaru, Mini Clubman or Prius with a yak rack and pull off all 4 valve stems with water pump plyers. Everybody wins!!
How would you like to be told of the perfect flows and time of year for kayaking. Might as well just start off with the finger. In times of real dilemma I prefer confronting the person rather then his inanimate property.
poopdeck wrote:
How would you like to be told of the perfect flows and time of year for kayaking. Might as well just start off with the finger. In times of real dilemma I prefer confronting the person rather then his inanimate property.

I agree. I'd pound the remainder of my beer (ideally a Bud Heavy or a Busch) and spike the empty bottle off the gravel bar I was standing on. Throw in a lip dessert. Break my fly rod over my knee (and submit a subsequent warranty claim for it). Turn my hat around backwards (if not already) and get in somebody's face.

Enough of this FFer gentleman snob crap. The yakkers and spincasters and dog walkers think we're wussies. Time to sack up.

Who wants to set up a gauntlet tossing articulated streamers bank to bank with me next time this goes down?
Come on Swattie, we all know you dip Snus and fish spinners.
streamrunner89 wrote:
Come on Swattie, we all know you dip Snus and fish spinners.

I’m stopping for a pound of sliced bologna on the way home. Better keep that purdy Tacoma of yours in the garage…that I have the code for… ;-)

In the process of snapping the rod over your knee, you tear your 16 yr old pair of LL Bean waders and return them under warranty for a new pair. Unfortunately they changed the rules or you could have added that to it
Yeah, I’ve switched from Bean waders since I can’t get them free any more. They no longer have my business. I mean freeloading.
Swattie87 wrote:

Enough of this FFer gentleman snob crap. The yakkers and spincasters and dog walkers think we're wussies. Time to sack up.

Speak for yourself. I've never had this problem.;-)
FarmerDave wrote:
Speak for yourself. I've never had this problem.;-)

You must be fishing with a longer pole. Tenkara?
Cane pole likely