Kayak Rant

After Saturday......I'd like to start a jet boat rant. I need to film some of these a-holes. Full throttle pass by at 50'.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
Cane pole likely

Not lately ... unfortunately. They all need repairs so I have been forced to use plastic.
krayfish2 wrote:
After Saturday......I'd like to start a jet boat rant. I need to film some of these a-holes. Full throttle pass by at 50'.

I can accomadate you. Where will you be this Saturday? You get the Go-pro ready and i'll gas up the boat and strip it of extra weight.
I'm with Kray on that one.
Almost had one kill me last year while I was yaking near shore no less. While they were laughing, I was not.
I might start carrying a flare gun in my yak with my bull horn
Hey poop,
There's nothing funnier than guiding an old feller with double hip replacement and the a D-Bag buzzes you at 30'. The first wave comes over the gunwale putting 20 gallons in the boat and knocks the old timer down. F'n hilarious.
Yea, film the old dude toppling over, post on youtube, become interweb hit.

Follow up with disabled kid.

Be better than Don Rickles and Buddy Hackett

That was sarcasm
krayfish2 wrote:
Hey poop,
There's nothing funnier than guiding an old feller with double hip replacement and the a D-Bag buzzes you at 30'. The first wave comes over the gunwale putting 20 gallons in the boat and knocks the old timer down. F'n hilarious.

Yeah sounds good. It's your production so whatever you want to do.

I can't argue the fact that some jet boaters are D-bags. I see the popularity of jet boats increasing significantly and a lot of these guys have More bravado then sense.

I fish the Delaware so it's a big river. I will always yield to kayakers and tubers and only head into shallow water when the passage is clear of all others. Typically where I need the shallow draft there aren't any other boats anchored up. At most I may wait a minute so it's no big deal. If someone is anchored in 12" of water or less then they would be the D-bag.

Anchored in 1" or 100' of water..... doesn't matter. If the anchored boat is fishing, the boat approaching must yield and not yell "sorry, I'm on plane". If that means the jet can't access the hole above you....so be it. Guess they should have gotten off the trailer earlier. The Susky is almost a mile wide where I fish. I understand that there are rock shelves, shoals, etc that are EVERYWHERE. Find another way around me without pushing a 3' wake into my boat. It's not only etiquette it's the law. I'll just start filling them and submitting the video to PFBC conservation officer. Better yet, maybe I'll take him on a float so he can see it first hand.
When you guys are done, I think I will start a sailboat rant.
Don't even get me started on them
krayfish2 wrote:
Anchored in 1" or 100' of water..... doesn't matter. If the anchored boat is fishing, the boat approaching must yield and not yell "sorry, I'm on plane". If that means the jet can't access the hole above you....so be it. Guess they should have gotten off the trailer earlier. The Susky is almost a mile wide where I fish. I understand that there are rock shelves, shoals, etc that are EVERYWHERE. Find another way around me without pushing a 3' wake into my boat. It's not only etiquette it's the law. I'll just start filling them and submitting the video to PFBC conservation officer. Better yet, maybe I'll take him on a float so he can see it first hand.

Not arguing with you on the behavior of some jet boaters. You are only partially correct on the anchoring. What you say is true and it is the law. However, anchoring in the only navigable part of a river does not mean the river is blocked to all others. Boats are not required to run aground or proceed no further simply because you want to anchor in a wake free fairway. If your anchoring in a navigable channel or fairway does not allow other vessels safe passage then you are wrong. So if your anchored in the middle of path through a rock shelf you are wrong. To expect others to proceed no further is kind of like expecting miles of stream to yourself.

Your 3' wake is over stated. It is not possible to push a three foot wake in 12" of water. I know my boat never pushes out a 3' wake at any speed. Most jet boats are flat planing hulls with little displacement. At 30 MPH my wake could be measured in inches not feet. In fact it pushes out far larger wakes when it's off plane and squating lower in the water. So the wake is far larger when going at "no wake speed" then when on plane but it's wake would still not be measured in feet. Go to the wooldridge promo video and show me one wake that's 3', 2' or even 1'.

Again I'm not defending every jet boat out there. I can say that I, and those I know who operate Jets, would never act in the manner you mention even if you were wrong in your anchoring location. Human Injury or death, regardless of who is right or wrong, is a far bigger concern then a dented or ripped hull.

Can't we all just get along?
Agree with some of that but not all of it.

Funny story from last summer.....guy runs by at 75% or more throttle. He did it too close and I just shook my head. Within 5 minutes, here he comes back downriver at full tilt. We are anchored in a deep pool with countless ways to pass at distance. I turn to see the guy barreling down on us and put my hands up to signal 'wtf are you doing?'. He gets 30 yards above us, busts a 90 degree turn an kills the motor. Wave was big enough to #1- spill my 1/2 full beer sitting on the tackle tray and #2- knock the anchor loose. I couldn't get too mad when I turned around to say something and saw him hanging over the side with a net gathering all of his belongings that got washed off the deck when he swamped the back half of his boat.

Add to that....2 guys heading upriver wide open. Front boat swerved in the riff....rear boat didn't. The second boat stopped dead and the driver was launched over the console, bounced off the deck and into the water. 2 guys tried to move the boat off of the rock....no chance. They didn't get it unstuck by the first boat making circles until the wake dislodged him. Raced out of sight above us and the came back through at top speed 10 minutes later. They didn't even fish !
I've got quite a bit of experience with a River Rave jet boat here on the Juniata. If you stop/slow down and come off of plane it throws a ton of wake. If you stay on plane and zoom right by the wake is so minimal that it is trivial. Just my opinion.
So....jet boat owners believe it's ok to cruise by at 50' ......same as the dog lover thinks it's ok to bring their 5 labs to the Tully and have them swimming around the anglers to retrieve dummies.

Guess I learned sumpin
krayfish2 wrote:
So....jet boat owners believe it's ok to cruise by at 50' ......same as the dog lover thinks it's ok to bring their 5 labs to the Tully and have them swimming around the anglers to retrieve dummies.

Guess I learned sumpin

Truth is, a boat (jet or otherwise) makes less of a wake at 50 MPH than it does at 15.

That said, they make even less wake at idle.

No excuse to buzz people though.

It must really suck to fish where you fish. ;-)

It does suck sometimes. I do think it is pretty ignorant to run wide open through a section that is being fished. If I did it to them, I'm sure they'd have something to say. My real concern is running wide open while heading by me at 30-50'. Lots of rock shelves and hidden things in the Susky. Wouldn't take much to knock a boat off line and have it coming at me like a missle. If I get killed, that's one thing but having a client or one of my nephews injured / killed.... totally different.
Well, why didn't you say so? ;-)

I hear ya.

Like I said, no excuse for buzzing people.

People suck.

No rebuttal.
Although the susky is a very wide river a large part of it is simply not navigable in some areas. Your tolerance to distance has to change in these areas especially if your going to be anchoring near a navigable area. Now you may not be able to get your boat through the area but that does not mean you get to close the river off to others who can when they are on plane. It also does not mean they have to come off plane and risk damage and injury to themselves because of a 3" wake.

I can understand the fear of being hit by an out of control boat. That's a real concern. However, i would think that most jet boat operators would not go somewhere if there is even the slightest chance of hitting another boat. You've adequately described the couple knuckleheads that are the exception to my statement. Yes, I agree with you that those knuckleheads are a dangerous lot but I believe they are in the minority.
krayfish2 wrote:

It does suck sometimes. I do think it is pretty ignorant to run wide open through a section that is being fished. If I did it to them, I'm sure they'd have something to say. My real concern is running wide open while heading by me at 30-50'. Lots of rock shelves and hidden things in the Susky. Wouldn't take much to knock a boat off line and have it coming at me like a missle. If I get killed, that's one thing but having a client or one of my nephews injured / killed.... totally different.

Hey Andy,

Before you pass out, row your boat and anchor up out of the fast lane.

That way when you wake up / sober up, you should be good to go....