Just starting out...



Jun 19, 2008
Well, I just started to tie about 3 months ago and would like some constructive criticism =) I also dont have the best camera either although it works much better than the iPhone does. Here are some pics I took of a size 18 parachute midge, a soft hackle/PT kinda deal basically with olive possum dubbing with some PT fibers pulled over the top and a mottled hen hackle tied under the wingcase from the PT fibers. The other one i found out of a magazine called an Arizona prince, but my biots for the tail got straight as i tied it.... Any feedback will help. I have been catching fish on my flies which i VERY rewarding i've come to find out. All stockies however which i know will eat a rock if the opportunity presented itself. I can tie the basics, HE's, PT's, WB's, and they all look good with or without the "hotspot"...
haha well i cant get the pics to show up sorry!!! i will try again tonight...
haha well i cant get the pics to show up sorry!!! i will try again tonight...
The main reason pics don't work is because the file is too big. Either resize, or link to a site like photobucket.
Check your PMs, I sent you a message on posting pics. and how to resize this mourning.

I've been waiting for the pics. all day. I might learn something from them. I never tied a parachute under a 16.
Here is my 18 parachute midge.... Thanks for the tip Buffalo, will post the others in a few. Ok got the soft hackle on there too. My other tie came out too blury, i will have to try again in the morning. Any suggestions on how to improve will be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys...


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The fly on top, is that all CDC or does it have dry fly hackle wrapped arund it. It looks nice I havn't done mutch tying with CDC. Test it in water to see how it floats before you tie a lot of them. It looks like it would do good.

The soft hackle fly, looks nice. you can tie everything out closer to the bead, when I whip finish I take the thread over the back half of the bead and it will slide down the bead in place you won't have as mutch thread exposed. I don't think it will mater a lot to the fish. It dosn't take a lot of thread to finish one with a bead. the bead protects the thread from being cut by the fishes teeth. If you want to you can dub the thread when you whip finish. I never do it.

Just a couple minutes ago a quill gordon landed on my computer, I went and got my camera, but its not here now.
i used grizzly hackle with a small antron post... I have superfine dubbing with xsmall silver wire. I figure i'll rub some floatant on the hackle and the front of the body to keep it floating. And yea i have a tendency to have some thread show when i whip finish. I think the 6/0 thread may be a bit thick too. I used a half hitch around the post and one around the body of the parachute and it seemed to hold up nice.
They are both really nice looking flies for 3 months tying! It's a little hard to tell from the pic, but you might need some more hackle turns on the parachute. It looks like you used a heavy wire scud hook, and with the wire ribbing, you might need a bit more help keeping it floating. This looks like an emerger pattern where only the hackle and post will be on the film, so they need to be substantial.
Don't forget to de-barb your hooks.
Good work!
The top looked like cdc to me, you have a very flat focal plane when your doing close ups. The pics look good also.
Both look great, don't change them. I redid them here for you so they can be seen better. Also use a back ground when taking pics and a light facing the fly helps. I use a blue manilla floder or black depending on the fly.


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Very nice flies. Don't change a thing.
Appreciate the feedback gentlemen! I will post A few others I've been working on this weekend.