Just had a brainstorm! Today, 9-26-21. Read On!



Active member
Dec 30, 2009
Recent post about 50 most influent fly fishers. Yes, very good. Like it.

Generally, there is a cost. Paflyfish, hosts 1000's of influent fly fishermen. Why were we not on that list? Maybe because of no cost, or gain. Our book does not stop at 250 pages. Our book is infinite.

Well, i would like to see that change in a Big Way. Oh, i can feel a little excitement. Read On.

Do you love the outdoors, do you really love fishing, would you feel good to help out other people, are you willing to share your advice?

If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then follow this! With an open mind.


I suggest we start a painted rock project. Paint some, on back, your Paflyfish name and under it Paflyfish,com

Place them where you go fishing, along the stream, on a picnic table, a parking area, etc.

What a great gift to find and better yet, a huge gift when the finder logs in and members up.

Some may think, i am off my rocker again. In reality, if you saw one, would you pick it up, walk by or put it in your pocket "as the catch of the day". I like picking them up, how-ever never seen one streamside. We can change that. "Hey, found your rock, how did you do, nice you were there. Hope we fish together someday"!

Surprisingly, this is not a bad idea.
Well done.
I think it is a very bad idea. Since when is graffiti not a bad idea?

If any of you feel the need to advertise yourself and/or this site, put it on your car, hat, or tee shirt. I think I have a PFF hat around here someplace. Talk to the moderators, they may be able to hook you up with a hat or decal.

I took it as a small rock you put in your pocket not a large immoveable rock.

Kind of like the painted Geo cache ones I've found.

If you wish to purchase hats and leave them streamside, be my guest.
I see that now, so I apologize.
maxima12 wrote:

Some may think, i am off my rocker again.

Again? ... Never realized you got back on.;-)
Yes, a small personal stone. Should have said that. Let us remind ourselves we are outdoorsman. Not polluters. A takeaway gift. A trinket, a keepsake and most of all, a passage to a better place of friendship and kinship.

A slight reminder, "we were there and did you get there". You know, when fishing, you see it, the lure in the tree and sometimes you spend more time getting the lure than worrying about the fishing.

The lure is generally known by maker but never known by who fished it.

This is not intended to make you famous, intent is more on friendship. After all, it is a nice gesture in the brutal world of today!

I think that's kind of a cool idea, Maxi. I wish I could have left one today where I was..first time on that crick and it won't be the last.
I’ve never seen a painted rock except in someone’s front yard or lawn. I must live under a rock.

BTW great idea.
Jifigz------I hope you do not mind me, calling you BROTHER! I would love that pocket stone in my hand. For now and for ever! Little things, sometimes are better than all you can buy!


Here is when it gets a little cooler, find that jifigz, without a map! gets better, no note, no call, no idea. Just a chance, i like that chance. A chance, that is really all i ever wanted!

Thank you sir. thank you for "THE CHANCE". Best part, even if does not happen, i am still looking!

i like it, because it is "WE". Remember, it. "WE THE PEOPLE".

I am Paflyfish, "WE".

I actually leave a fly I have tied that i know hooked up on the stream i am at . And lodge it into the side of a tree or something along a path where I think and hope someone my see or find it. Or along the bank that i know is a popular spot. Maybe if someone finds it they will copy my pattern or close to it and hook up! I do not leave any indication as to my identity. I started doing this when i hooked up on a trout with someone elses fly lodged in its jaw. It was a small at least SZ 18 beadheaded caddis nymph ribbed with copper wire, that I still have.
Used the closest thing I had in my box. And success!

As long as you don't stack a pile of rocks up to put your pocket rock on top, I find your idea interesting.
did a little research, Acrylic paint is good but a sealer is needed. Sharpies can be used. Again sealer is key to keep it from fading.

Yes, Lyco, again you brought light to the picture. Common sense needed. Keep it simple. Do not alter Mother Nature in any way. Keep it simple. A well placed stone. Not a bunch everywhere. This is not intended to obstruct, intended to induce a good feeling.

Wow, what a nice find! Who knows we might need a rock forum.

Thank you fellows for your support.

Saw something similar on a Maine beach this year. There where painted clam shells and small stones with email address for a 3rd grade school project. The students were collecting information on where people were coming from. Neat idea. Better than CRT!