Jamboree 2007

The 2004 Jamboree at Cedar Run took place in late May and we had hatches of Grey Fox, March Browns, Yellow Sallies and on the final Sunday, a few Green Drakes on Little Pine, if memory serves me well.
Count me out of the Gaines Trip, to much driving for me. It will be tough missing my first Jam ever, I guess you can't make them all. Just to far to go and sit in the rain!

A few of us talked about having a mini jam at Hemlock, when we know the weather going to be fine. Just to many year sitting around in the rain with raging streams!

I can lend you guys the big coffe pot!
Paul, how do you know it is going to rain? The Farmer's Almanac is calling for partly cloudy skies with highs in the mid-70s.
Well, rain or not... I camped in Shenandoah through the remnants of a hurricane two julys ago. My skin was pruned for 4 days after I got home.... As long as I don't have too much work to do, I'd imagine I could make it... and as far as where it is, I don't care much at all.

I fully plan on leeching all the information about where to go what to fish from all of you when I get there.
JackM wrote:
Paul, how do you know it is going to rain? The Farmer's Almanac is calling for partly cloudy skies with highs in the mid-70s.


Just a hunch, based on past performances :)
Any time. Any place. Count me in! Last year I couldn't make it because I believed that tarpon actually exist, and was trying to catch one of those. They are a myth, I tell you! A myth! :lol: I'm not sure whether I'll only be there for part of it, or make it a vacation out of it and stay a little later into the week, but I'm gonna go this year. BTW Paul, you might want to reconsider, as I travel with a bit of sunshine when I fish! :cool: Every time I ignore the weather man it seems like I go to the one place in the state with no rain. It's like those people with a dark cloud over their head, only it's sunny instead. Not sayin' I've never fished in the rain, but I'm a helluva good luck charm! Can't wait to get up there. I'm split between bringing my bike or renting a canoe, though. I'd love to fish the canyon somewhere near the middle like around Icebreak Run give or take a mile or 2, and every time I hit the trail on my bike in the morning I get wayyy to close to a bear or bears. Love 'em, but they freak me out sometimes. I'm thinking the water should still be high enough by then, although I'm used to canoeing it further downstream, so maybe I'm mistaken. Festus or Sandfly, how long to you think it would take, in float time alone, not counting fishing, to get to Blackwell from the last upstream access point assuming a close to average flow?

I couldn't even venture a guess at canoeing from Ansonia to Blackwell. But I will find out.....if I remember right, it's an 18 mile trip. From Ansonia to Tiadaughton, it's 7 miles. So I guess from Tia. to Blackwell would be 11 miles.

Looks like there's a few folks that are having trouble attending in June. Can we think about maybe the weekend before Memorial Day?

BTW....for you tenters.....there is a big pavillion to put your tent under if the clouds decide to dump.

One thing I'll need to know....the pavillion is off the water by about 200 yards, but close to restrooms and showers. Creekside sites are a little further away from facilities. I'm thinking that circling the campers and tents around the pavilion would be more convenient. Take a vote :)
I like that idea. I'm gonna be coming alone, so I'd have no problem with consolidating everyone... My old man says camping alone is great, but I don't know if I'm ready for it... Well, I will have the captain with me!
You live in philly, and your worried about camping alone... :-o come on wlking the streets with a friend is bad, campin alone is nuthin compared to philly... :-D

If it rains here at least some streams wont muddy...can always have a tying getogher at the shop too...so bring a kit...
Hey Sandfly....you forgot to tell Jay about the stickdogs.
This is the upper pavilion with 2 rental campers.
This is the $50 a night rental trailer right across from the pavilion. Microwave, pots and pans, showeer, fridge. Food and bed gear is all you need on this one.
Many times the Pine muddies up east of Galeton and west of Galeton it's still clear. Lyman run stays pretty clean, and so does the Kettle.
I'll come if its May 18-20!
Well, I picked the Jume 1-3 over May 18-20 at Pine because Festus said sumpin bout not getting started til then.

Who's up for moving it to May 18-20?

I can do it either weekend. and seems Festus can too.

How bouts you Jack. Jay L? CW, JF, Others?

Paul, you are a wimp. Iffin ya want I can drive ya around. First sign of gettin old. Oh well, enjoy the SOS.

I am up for Gaines...looks like it is a matter of dates.

We could probably split one of those campers, although I am not against tenting, Just saying, gett'in while they're hot.

Thanks for the research so far Fest.
I'm AOK with any weekend. I'd really like to see everybody being able to make it. I think this will be a very enjoyable event. Especially if we can get SandFly to come sing for us at campfire time. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Maybe he'll bring his chickens to BARBQ. :-D :-D :-D
New moon may 16th...full moon may 31st... just saying.

Festus, compare the 2 dates against what else might be going on up that way. rather be there with not much else going on.
May 19 & 20
Upper Pine Creek Trout Tournament
Fishing competition on Pine Creek for cash and prizes.

this doesn't sound like a good time to go....
of course getting around could be apain with this going on as well...no?

June 2 / All Day
Susquehannock Trail Pro Rally
Pro rally race through the Tioga and Susquehannock State Forests.
The 2004 trip to Cedar Run actually showed me one of the best Green Drake hatches I've ever witnessed (you left for camp 30 minutes too early Jack;-) ). I don't think the weekend before Memorial Day is too early to have another shot at it this year.
I forgot about that GD stinkin no good trout tourney put on by the snowmobile club. They reap the cash in and don't put a single ounce of effort or cash back into the Pine.

That's a bad weekend to fish. Better off with the June weekend. Race weekend is rough in Wellsboro, but not bad out this way.