Jamboree 2007

I think it would be cool for folks to be able to check out Sandfly's shop too. I know I would.

Uh huh. Be sure to check out SF's new line of genetic hackle. No web at all. And it's so stiff, that when ya pluck a feather from the skin it growls atcha. Just be forewarned....from the time you slam the car door, until the time you finally find the "in" door(I ain't tellin ya where the door is neeeeether) to SF's shop, the new genetic hackle will have you under attack. And he don't like fly tyers neeeeether. :lol: :p :p :p
With a rooster like that, I'd bet you'd have a good supply of CDC feathers and pheasant capes. :-D
OK Festus,

So we are rolling a little here...For those curious, The drive times to Gaines PA are

Harrisburg to Gaines = 3.0 hours

Pittsburgh to Gaines = 4 hrs 11, mins

Philly to Gaines = 4 hrs 15 mins.

With that said, How many people would consider going to Gaines for the Jamboree on June 1,2,3, 2007?

Count me in as the first vote.

Also, if you prefer Coburn, the same weekend sound off.

I'd probably be willing, pending any huge class projects. I'd probably be traveling light... is there tent camping?
Sounds good to me..that way if rains so hard I feel like leaving again, I only have to drive back as far as Keating to the camp.
June 1-3 is good for me. Either place, particularly if all I have to do is show up.
My daughter graduates that weekend.

My wife said "you can go, but it will be the LAST weekend you ever see".

Looks like I'm out..................

Cool, sounds good.

If there are many other tent campers, we should probably get together and split the cost for tent sites, as they usually fit two or three...

just a suggestion.

John, if you are talking high school, those graduation parties nowadays are often held a week later. It is attractive to the graduates because their friends don't have to divide their time between all the parties on the same night. Plant that idea in your daughter's head and we'll see you on Saturday!
I hereby nominate SandFly as the official firewood pickeruppergatherer. :-D
Hi guys. Just thought I'd let you know that the cabins at Hemlock are, I believe, all taken already for the first weekend in June. I will be there that weekend at my Dad's place, but it doesn't seem like it works well for a Jam at Hemlock. If the Jam is a different weekend at Hemlock or North Central I will try to attend, but cannot promise. I hope you all are doing well.

- Will
Sign me up.
...With that said, How many people would consider going to Gaines for the Jamboree on June 1,2,3, 2007?...

I am up for that!

You bikesters might consider bringing the mountain bikes. Alot of good fishing between Ansonia and Tiadaughton. 7 miles worth.

PLUS...there an added bonus. But I ain't spillin the beans until the middle of May.
I'll go to canyon country, I'll probably be up there one of those weekends anyway. I've got no interest in going to Penns.
Yea i gots my rooster trained to chase any one wearin chaps festus....fire wood chaser now how did i get that job, oh yea the van runs down the trees.....just remember the road rally is going on that weekend and some roads will be closed festus...besides i go watch it, cant help it im a old motorhead.....
Dear Maurice,

I'll certainly stop by and visit no matter where you have the jam if the weather isn't totally suck-o. I'd just stay in Williamsport because I'd have the four legger with me and I have never tried camping with her. Penns or the Pine are pretty much the same distance away from my base camp.

Tim Murphy :)
While I'd probably prefer the May weekend, I'll show up for either date and either place. I'd love to head to Tioga for a few days, so my vote is for Gaines.
I have a conference for work June 1-3, so I can't make it then.

I'll come if you have it earlier.