Jamboree 2007



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
The Jamboree has traditionally been held in late May. That's only 90 days away and no one has mentioned it. I'm just sayin', is all.
I'm going to extend my regrets early. I'll see you all in 08.
May is bad here we are in our busy season unless its up this way, where i could visit.... :-(
Well Jack don't stop there. When do you want to go May 18-20 or June 1-3? Where do we go? Penns Creek at Hemlock Acres.

Just asking?
Just let me know where and when and i'll get my raincoat and probably be there.
I'd love to join you this year, but I can't make June 1-3.

I've not been to one of these before. I assume this is fishing, camping, and bull$hiting around a campfire.
Dave, all:

I was purposely vague and coy because as you may know I am organizing and preparing for a Smoky Mountains Extravaganza in late April. By the time we return, there will be just a few weeks before the Jamboree time. For 2007, I plan to attend, but maybe only for 3 days and I'm not sure if I will be getting a cabin or camping out. All that said, I cannot be a ringleader, though I am more than happy to help in the planning and preparation, so long as a few others are going to pitch in as much or more so.

I personally favor Hemlock Acres for the Jam, but last year, in order to end the controversy over the location, I promised to be supportive of a northcentral Jamboree location such as 2005's Cedar Run location. I'll be honest, though. As much as others pushed for this alternative, unless someone steps forward to organize a northcetral Jam, it isn't going to happen. The stalwarts of the Jam-- and I'll name them here: Paul G, John and friends and Family, Maurice, myself, Jack Steel and friends and Family, etc. -- all seem to favor Coburn. Paul and John have campers at Hemlock which serve as meeting locations and I think many of the regulars may not attend at all up north.

So, I'm going to stay silent for a few days and see what comments are made and unless someone takes the bull by the horns, I'm going to welch on my promise and start the process of organizing a Jam in Coburn. I will probably attend at either location. There was discussion about the Delaware River, but I think if we use a location very far from the center, it will reduce participation drastically. I really don't think I'll be up for travel to the other side of the state, nor would I expect people from Scranton or Philly to be enthusiastic about coming all the way West, the sub-par fishing notwithstanding.

Here is the page from last year which will give newcomers an idea what we are talking about:
Last Year 2006 Jamboree Information Page
I like the idea of a central location as well. I was only at last years for about 24 hours but thats that. I can not possibly put enough time on spring, Penns, FFishing et all. So thats my vote.

Albatros, I think that you would really like it as long as you have quality rain gear. :lol:

Its nice to put a face to the pseudoname.
whats the deal with the raincoats?
ryguyfi wrote:
whats the deal with the raincoats?

It rains every year....or at least the last three or four anyway.

I'll go to NC/Pine/Kettle area in a heartbeat. But I can't organize.

There is not much to organizing except putting together a list of the Campgrounds and ammenities in the area. I'd encourage someone from NC area to organize this years Jam.

ROFF has stolen our traditional weekend in Coburn again. According to Hemlock Acres, they have plans to gather there from May 19 forward.
I've been a doin' some scoutin today. Far as I can see, ol Sandflys backyard outta make a dandy spot fer a get together. I reckon he even has a few roosters runnin 'round for fresh hackle. :lol: :lol:

Seriously, you all decide on the NC, and I can handle the organizin part seeings how there's a purty decent campground just down the road a piece and they have camper rentals from $35-$50 a night. Might even be able to swing a deal on a weekly rate. Campground is right on the water, 10 miles from The Canyon, 25 miles to Kettle. They sell my flies there to! :-D :-D

Once everybody decides, I'll see to the particulars. Don't know if I can post links to the campground or not.
What ever the group decides would be great. I would really like to attend this year. The last time I made it Paul G, Pad and I had nice afternoon with some BWO on Spruce Creek.

I would like to add a page on the site here making sure everyone knows the details.

dkile wrote:
What ever the group decides would be great. I would really like to attend this year. The last time I made it Paul G, Pad and I had nice afternoon with some BWO on Spruce Creek.

I would like to add a page on the site here making sure everyone knows the details.


That was the flood guage hole on the Little J! I'll never forget that hole.

Not that I blame you for being confused. With all the fish you were landing, I don't see how you had the chance to look around all that much! :cool:

"Who am I?" and "Why am I here?" - Admiral Stockdale

Thanks for remembering the details. Well I had the right state anyway! It was one of my favorite days fly fishing. Besides me being a complete tourist with you and Paul driving me around it was kinda of a cool of day sun, fish and music.

I don't know if you remember the guys at that house across the river jamming on some music out the windows? It was some good tunes too. Strange place for the house, but the music and the fishing worked for me.

Should we have a poll on the potential for a Jamboree Location?

Since Roff has Hemlock Acres the 19th we ccould set the poll for Hemmock Acres June 1,2,3

PA Grand Canyon May 18,19, 20 or June 1,2,3
(Festus and Sandfly, what is best for hatches?)

The way I see it, If Festus is off'rin to host, we might outta ablidge his hospitality.

Anyone have a preference for another spot we could include in the poll? Anyone else want to host?

Lets keep the debate going.

PA Grand Canyon May 18,19, 20 or June 1,2,3

The weekend before and the week after Memorial Day are the best bets. I don't start getting serious until the Memorial Day weeekend is over. Some Green Drakes, some Sulphers, some Isonychia, some tan caddis, a few little green caddis, etc etc. Actually, this time of year finds the angler fishing several different hatches.

I'd recommend getting the show on the road and making reservations as quickly as possible. The campground has 2 pavilions, and at the last jamboree held for another board, everybody circled the campers around the pavilion.

I vote for June 1 weekend, let me know when and where.

If we hold it at Hemlock, I would try to take charge of the details. with some help from some friends and Rudy(CG's owner) I could probably get it do, I am not very PC savy!

I don't think I would go back to Pettecote Junction again. If it rain AGAIN and Big Pine is blowen out, it seams like we did more driving then we did fishing, to get to the other streams in the area.

I think it would be only fair to takes a poll form the people who are going to be there to see where we should have it!

The CG's that Festus show us looks like a good one!

We'll see what everyone decided!

A little feedback on polls. I thought it would be a good idea last year, and was told it just started arguements. If Festus wants to work out the details up on Pine, I say go for it.

Bear in mind that I can't go, it's just my feedback from trying to put these things together in the past.

A lot of folks really wanted to go to Pine again. I think that moving the Jam from time to time would be a good idea. I think it would be cool for folks to be able to check out Sandfly's shop too. I know I would.