Jam "stories"

salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
You did set us all up nice through Pat. I remember we all hooked some fish.

+1...If there's more fish rising at one time than you can possibly cast to, it's a good spot in my book...even if some of them are rising like 5 feet in front of you and just laughing at you when you toss your fly in their feeding lane!
I'll do my best to put you in a good situation, but I can't hook em for ya.

As they say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink....


But seriously, they did get a little tough there for a while.
You can lead a Sasquatch to water, and he'll probably fall on his arse...twice, and miss 5/6 of the fish he hooks into.
I still figure my sulfur spinner must make a heck of a dun imitation. Problem is, it didn't seem to make a good spinner imitation!

Duns start, fish quite obviously taking duns, Pat's dun doesn't work. I switch to a spinner. Bam, bam, bam, bam. Every riser I find slams it confidently and immediately. Then, time marches on, the spinners fall, and the fish very noticably switch from duns to spinners. That's the moment when they stop hitting MY spinner. Go figure.
Hey I don't think I had ONE riser to a sulphur! I missed/caught mine on a light cahill parachute and a big yellow comparadun type thing w/ elk hair. Go fig.
I'm pretty confident they were taking your cahill and comparadun as sulfurs. Yellow is yellow.

The key might have been emergers. You and I apparantly both failed with hackled flies that sit high. Spinners, comparaduns, and parachutes sit lower, with body in the water, and they worked. That was likely the key before the spinner fall.

After the spinners fell, I've no clue. I just know spinners fell, the rise forms changed, and nobody's spinners were working from that point on.
Pat, I had a similar experience on Spring Sat. night. Fish were obviously taking emrgers, but I couldn't buy a strike on any of my emereger patterns. When they switched to spinners, so did I and I still couldn't get a take. Tied on a dun (parachute) and caught two fish in four casts. Guess my spinners are broken:)

peace-tony c.
Haha..I had the same experience as yinz guys. I saw a spinner on the water, put on a rusty, threw it to about 10 risers, nuthin, stared again and picked up a handful of #16 duns riding chilly on the surface. Put my comparadun back on and caught 4 before I couldn't see anymore. Taks that suckas!

The sulphurs on Spring are the same color as the ones on the Little Lehigh - they're orange, not yellow (for the Invarias).

Up in the canyon section on Friday night, the fish were jumping clear out of the water for something. I tied a sz 16 soft hackle (Eric Stroup's pattern) off my parachute sulphur, and the fish hammered it.

Later, the fish started to take the parachute over the soft hackle, so I cut off the wet fly. When the fish switched to spinners, I switched to a sulphur spinner. A rusty spinner isn't a great immitation of a sulphur spinner - the sulphurs are lighter in color.

Over the years, I've found a spinner tied with rust brown Uni-thread and amber superfine dubbing matches them perfectly when wet. The color of the thread bleeds through the dubbing. Gotta keep those wings sparse, too. A clipped hackle wing works best for me, but is tough to see - I just clip it on the bottom to help with seeing it....
My color was fine. I had every color under the sun, from yellow to dark brown rust. I caught a natural, and it was a light brown/orangish brown. I had the color to match and tied it on. Nothin.

Again, they loved it as a dun, just not as a spinner. I think I dress my spinner wings too heavily.
The ones i saw were not orange but very pale yellow. And as was said, the fish went for emergers, then duns then spinners and then back to duns again. Kept trying to keep up but my eyes are getting so bad, even with the head lamp, once it got to a certain darkness, I was done.
The Jam 2012


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Really nice pictures Skybay. The Treaster Run shot looks like a line-up in a police station.
Thanks for the pic of me and John. It has been committed to my HD. I look old and not as happy as I actually was. Both of us need a shave.
JackM wrote:
Thanks for the pic of me and John. It has been committed to my HD. I look old and not as happy as I actually was. Both of us need a shave.

It should be titled, "Icemen Cometh" :-D
Here's a few pictures I took.

Some of the nicer fish, and the Paradise section with Maurice tossing some boo.





Trying to get caught up and have added some of the finer quotes of the weekend!!

Check out the blog - http://bit.ly/Kvmimz

Next will be adding and updating on our weekend sponsors!!
Just wanted to give a shout out to Seven Mountains! The campground looked great, they treated us like kings, and even saved the day by providing coffee when no one brought any. On top of that I had an issue with my pop up and had to change my site to a tent and after the fact, and they refunded me the difference. Top notch service! I'm very glad we changed there in the last few years.

I also updated my blog in my signature line to summarize the JAM weekend.
Bump to pump.