Is working up-stream dead?

yeah-I went from 225 [muscle head] to 150--only took 50 years-who needs Marie.
FarmerDave wrote:
When fishing a pond, anyone fishing clockwise should yield to those fishing in a counterclockwise direction. ;-)

Very interesting. This leads to many additional potential scenarios in my mind...What if two anglers are both fishing downstream on two separate tributaries and they arrive at the confluence of those two tributaries at the exact same time? Who has the right of way to continue fishing down the resulting larger stream below the confluence? Yield to thy angler on your right?
Swattie87 wrote:
FarmerDave wrote:
When fishing a pond, anyone fishing clockwise should yield to those fishing in a counterclockwise direction. ;-)

Very interesting. This leads to many additional potential scenarios in my mind...What if two anglers are both fishing downstream on two separate tributaries and they arrive at the confluence of those two tributaries at the exact same time? Who has the right of way to continue fishing down the resulting larger stream below the confluence? Yield to thy angler on your right?

Neither. Didn't you see the guy fishing upstream just below the confluence?
I don't yield to up or downstream fishers. If I see other fishermen, I try to get away from them. As for fishing up or downstream, I'll do what the situation dictates.
krayfish2 wrote:
I don't yield to up or downstream fishers. If I see other fishermen, I try to get away from them.

I see what you did there.
When I fish a stretch of water I'll usually fish either upstream or downstream first, go to a certain point, and then work back to where I started in the other direction. I'll typically fish upstream with dries and nymphs and downstream with big streamers and wets. Just what I do, anglers all yield to each other is my mentality when I fish. Whoever gets to a hole/run/riffles first has the priority to fish it and the other person either waits or goes around them.