Is this a Pokémon or something?



Well-known member
Jun 27, 2015
I am sure there is a "gotta catch em all" joke in here somewhere. This is either the ugliest or coolest tiger I have ever messed with... I am assuming a club stockie freelancing after Ida.


My 8 yr old suggested “Brownkie”.
flyflicker wrote:
My 8 yr old suggested “Brownkie”.

That is a winner so far, and should at least win the junior division!
Unlike WT2, I think it is a beautiful fish because it is so unusual. It combines the characteristics of brook and brown trout colorfully. It is worthy of taking the time to photograph it. I have caught only a handful of tigers over the years. Some small ones in wild trout streams have been lovely. Some larger ones in stocked streams have not been lovely. But, the one in N-W's pics is lovely in its unique way IMO. I agree that Brownkie is a good name for it.
I think it’s a cool looking fish, congrats on a nice catch.
I've never caught anything like that. Beautiful colors i will say. Congrats
Wow! Markings enhanced by the Brookie’s fall colors??
It's that first pic that I referred to as looking photoshopped (jk), as it seems to have the Jay Leno syndrome. It actually does have nice coloring though.
Nice! But what's a Pokémon? (Don't answer. The question is a joke.).
wildtrout2 wrote:
It's that first pic that I referred to as looking photoshopped (jk), as it seems to have the Jay Leno syndrome. It actually does have nice coloring though.

Thanks, all. Def not photoshopped, not even autocorrected with filters. I shared because I too have not seen one like this! I do think the Leno thing may help with deciding its Pokeman name too.