Is it still techinically fly fishing?

NewSal wrote:
PennKev wrote:
NewSal wrote:
acristickid wrote:
Isn't 1-2 pictures of a 4 inch fish enough?

You sure did succeed at being an ******.

No, he's right.

Some post cross the boarder on absurdity. This is one of them. A bajillion pictures of cookie cutter brookies with some contrived philosophical, naval gazing stuff? If it wasn't serious it would be a perfect satire of what is posted on this board with regularity.

I actually agree, but why not just not comment than come off as an ******? The only reason I commented is because when I see someone being an ****** I feel like someones gotta call it as they see it.

Sometimes the self indulgence needs to be called out too, though. That's what's happening. There's two ways to do that, a long drawn out post or a quick ****** style comment. Both are valid ways to keep such content in check IMO.
And to answer the age old question of "Is it fly fishing", if you are using a fly imitation as the means to catch a fish then you are fly fishing, regardless of what kind of reel, rod, or line you use ;P

Now, if you are using double articulated streamers with rattles, but also using a fly rod and line to cast that home-made rapala, then you arent fly fishing, your home-made rapala fishing... just kidding...kinda :p

I couldn't agree more.
Holy cow, I just posted some fish pictures. Thought some may enjoy them. Guess I was wrong.

Self indulgence? its a bunch of native brookies, they aren't that hard to catch.

Mods, can we just take the thread down and move on?

Sheesh.. Lesson learned do not post more than 2 fish pics to PAFF, or pose any thoughts requesting how someone will define fly fishing.
mike_richardson wrote:
Holy cow, I just posted some fish pictures. Thought some may enjoy them. Guess I was wrong.

Self indulgence? its a bunch of native brookies, they aren't that hard to catch.

Mods, can we just take the thread down and move on?

Sheesh.. Lesson learned do not post more than 2 fish pics to PAFF, or pose any thoughts requesting how someone will define fly fishing.

You should know better than that, I've gotten a barade of nonsense on here before for posting fun-hearted questions and comments on fishing related things.

I see both points of view, but when it boils down, it seems that some people on here would rather have a 50 page thread on politics than have a post with maybe an exorbitant amount of fish pictures, but at the end of the day, this is a fishing forum, fishing related topics should hold precedence, IMO. Regardless if multiple fish pics, or redundant questions get brought up, its still better than bickering about left vs. right, or other non-sense in my book.
Gemmies are overrated,board should have a size rule for pic posts.
In most of those pics his hands don't look wet. Plus the time out of water for the picture. That's no way to release fish. I wonder how many lived to be caught another day?
mike_richardson wrote:
Holy cow, I just posted some fish pictures. Thought some may enjoy them. Guess I was wrong.

Self indulgence? its a bunch of native brookies, they aren't that hard to catch.

Mods, can we just take the thread down and move on?

Sheesh.. Lesson learned do not post more than 2 fish pics to PAFF, or pose any thoughts requesting how someone will define fly fishing.

Yes, it's self indulgence. You found a reason to post bunch of the same brookie pics on the fly tying board too for cripes sake! You're spamming the hell out the forums.
salvelinus wrote:
In most of those pics his hands don't look wet. Plus the time out of water for the picture. That's no way to release fish. I wonder how many lived to be caught another day?

Yup...and by the way, how you doing? Your cabin fever break from last year's drought yet!?
mike_richardson wrote:
Holy cow, I just posted some fish pictures. Thought some may enjoy them. Guess I was wrong.

Self indulgence? its a bunch of native brookies, they aren't that hard to catch.

Mods, can we just take the thread down and move on?

Sheesh.. Lesson learned do not post more than 2 fish pics to PAFF, or pose any thoughts requesting how someone will define fly fishing.

Noooooooo, this thread is cracking me up, don't get rid of it. I would like to beat your record of fish pics in one post but not sure I have the time to cut and paste that many pictures. To the ones who don't like the pics just hop on to the next thread.....but throw in some one liners first.
CLSports wrote:

What happened to humility? It seems to have been lost in this generation.

Cranky #censor# #2

You forgot to yell "get of my yard you whipper snapper!"

Don't worry about what others think. Did you use flies? Did you have a fly rod with fly line? But, mainly, did you have fun?

It's nice that there are streams with that many brookies -- and especially so if the creek is near where you live.

Guys like me take things too seriously and often don't take the time to smell the roses or to admire the lovely trout that we do manage to catch. The brook trout you caught were beautiful, and that you thought enough of them to post them on here is a testament to your admiration of these lovely trout.

Enjoy your fishing.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
Dear CaptinNative,

I replied to those posts on your question to what kind of rod to build for this kind of fishing. I missed the personal attacks and figured the administrator locked it down because he is kind of "the Moses of flyfishing with his 10 rod commandments ye shall never breaketh". He's done that many times when others have varying viewpoints.

That is hilarious because I know who you are talking about. Fantastic description of him.

Mike we have had this conversation and I am all in with the euro techniques which includes long leaders and even a level running line for the fly line. I still considering that fly fishing. I am still using flies and technique specific line and leader. No different than having a dry fly rod, dry fly leader, and specialty fly line. Or another example is having a streamer rod that I use short leaders and a shooting head line specific to fishing streamers.

Really it's about having fun. I really don't care what people define what I am doing and how I am fishing as long as I am catching fish.
I look at it this way. It's fish porn; therefore, I rather just look at the pictures. But then some of those were so young I kind of felt like a fish pervert when I looked at them a second time.


Stocked, TIC release.




Fingerling stocker.




Stocked holdover.




fingerling stockie



Stocked holdover.



Stocked brood fish.



Stocked holdover.




Fingerling stocked.



Stocked, TIC release.

Stocked holdover

fingerling stocked


Maybe wild.



I don't think that fish #27.748 is stocked.. But I could be wrong. It's hard to tell with the photo. Wish I had a better view of the fins. And a DNA sample. Or maybe if the OP had extracted the otolith.
How am I spamming the forum?
NewSal wrote:

And to answer the age old question of "Is it fly fishing", if you are using a fly imitation as the means to catch a fish then you are fly fishing, regardless of what kind of reel, rod, or line you use

I don't think the PFBC would agree with you if you were fishing in a FFO project.

Personally, what I liked most about the gemmie photos was the variety of the shots.
Lighten up folks.

Sure, the multiple fish pics are a bit redundant (we may remove some of them at a later date to save space) but we encourage sharing pics and fishing stories around here. And, of course, little gemmies have some fans around here too.

While photos of exceptional trout are popular, these pics, quite frankly, reveal what is typical for a day of brookie fishing in PA. Sometimes revealing what is typical, rather than exceptional, is useful for new FFers and beginners to see.

Dave_W wrote:

While photos of exceptional trout are popular, these pics, quite frankly, reveal what is typical for a day of brookie fishing in PA. Sometimes revealing what is typical, rather than exceptional, is useful for new FFers and beginners to see.

It depends on where you fish for brookies. In much of NC PA that isn't typical.

So I found the post interesting because it raises the question of why is it that he caught a lot of brookies, but they're all small?

I don't see it as a typical distribution, but one that is surprisingly skewed towards small brook trout.
