Is it still techinically fly fishing?


You asked, "is it still technically fly fishing?"

A good rule of thumb is, if you can do the same thing with a crappie pole, then it isn't. LOL!

Seriously though, I didn't realize there was a technical definition of fly fishing, but in any case, it was fishing. Or maybe it is just that I don't care if there is a technical definition.

Maybe a dirty pinner would care.;-)

The 18' leader rule is a non-issue on a stream like that because if you had installed one that long, what would be the point? You couldn't use all of it anyway. There is likely a reason for the rule, but I bet it has absolutely nothing to do with insuring that you have at least some fly line out.

Nice pictures. It made me homesick for PA waters.
NewSal wrote:
acristickid wrote:
Isn't 1-2 pictures of a 4 inch fish enough?

You sure did succeed at being an ******.

No, he's right.

Some post cross the boarder on absurdity. This is one of them. A bajillion pictures of cookie cutter brookies with some contrived philosophical, naval gazing stuff? If it wasn't serious it would be a perfect satire of what is posted on this board with regularity.
Although I enjoyed looking at the brookies the pics had nothing to do with the subject. But no biggie.

And...Akid is not as described in this thread. A good guy. He came all the way from his home to help us plant trees and shrubs on a North Branch/Muddy project some years ago. Also offered to show me some fishing spots.
Dang Mike. You photo bombed the crap out of this thread. It's shock and awe level photo-bombing!

What you did was fly fishing. I mean, you at least used a reel, right? Because if you were doing all that with a pole with some string tied to the end of it, regardless of how esoteric it was, that didn't count ;-)

I am curious to TB's point. Lots of juvies, where are the parents? Gotta be some larger brookies in that stream!
PennKev wrote:
NewSal wrote:
acristickid wrote:
Isn't 1-2 pictures of a 4 inch fish enough?

You sure did succeed at being an ******.

No, he's right.

Some post cross the boarder on absurdity. This is one of them. A bajillion pictures of cookie cutter brookies with some contrived philosophical, naval gazing stuff? If it wasn't serious it would be a perfect satire of what is posted on this board with regularity.
+12-3-4-5-6 whatever--
PennKev wrote:
NewSal wrote:
acristickid wrote:
Isn't 1-2 pictures of a 4 inch fish enough?

You sure did succeed at being an ******.

No, he's right.

Some post cross the boarder on absurdity. This is one of them. A bajillion pictures of cookie cutter brookies with some contrived philosophical, naval gazing stuff? If it wasn't serious it would be a perfect satire of what is posted on this board with regularity.

I actually agree, but why not just not comment than come off as an ******? The only reason I commented is because when I see someone being an ****** I feel like someones gotta call it as they see it.
fritz wrote:
Although I enjoyed looking at the brookies the pics had nothing to do with the subject. But no biggie.

And...Akid is not as described in this thread. A good guy. He came all the way from his home to help us plant trees and shrubs on a North Branch/Muddy project some years ago. Also offered to show me some fishing spots.

Every great man comes off as an ***** once in a while.
If you had thrown a spinning rod like I would on a creek so small, it would definitely NOT be fly fishing, but you would have been able to share 15 more pics and maybe some bigger ones too :lol:

I am kidding! Thanks for sharing the lovely pics!

I think you were fly fishing the only effective way you could in the particular situation and you had success and fun.
"Kid" is a punk-***....I too like the variation. Well done, sir!
NewSal wrote:
fritz wrote:
Although I enjoyed looking at the brookies the pics had nothing to do with the subject. But no biggie.

And...Akid is not as described in this thread. A good guy. He came all the way from his home to help us plant trees and shrubs on a North Branch/Muddy project some years ago. Also offered to show me some fishing spots.

Every great man comes off as an ***** once in a while.

Yea, some of us more than others. ;-)

In the event that Mike was actually offended by Akid ... Based on all the pictures, it is obvious to me that Mike already found his safe space.;-)

Heck, I felt a sense of calm when I finally reached the last picture. :p
People's reactions to this post are far more ridiculous than the post itself. How DARE the OP think about things on the water! Apparently if you have critical thoughts you can't enjoy yourself.

As for the adults versus juvies. The 5-6" range fish in the pics ARE the adults.

FarmerDave wrote:
NewSal wrote:
fritz wrote:
Although I enjoyed looking at the brookies the pics had nothing to do with the subject. But no biggie.

And...Akid is not as described in this thread. A good guy. He came all the way from his home to help us plant trees and shrubs on a North Branch/Muddy project some years ago. Also offered to show me some fishing spots.

Every great man comes off as an ***** once in a while.

Yea, some of us more than others. ;-)

In the event that Mike was actually offended by Akid ... Based on all the pictures, it is obvious to me that Mike already found his safe space.;-)

Heck, I felt a sense of calm when I finally reached the last picture. :p

Being offended and recognizing someones attempt of being a butthead are two separate things, I would hope a bunch of guys talking about fly fishing have thick enough skin to not actually get offended over the interwebz.

And to answer the age old question of "Is it fly fishing", if you are using a fly imitation as the means to catch a fish then you are fly fishing, regardless of what kind of reel, rod, or line you use ;P

Now, if you are using double articulated streamers with rattles, but also using a fly rod and line to cast that home-made rapala, then you arent fly fishing, your home-made rapala fishing... just kidding...kinda :p
NewSal wrote:

Being offended and recognizing someones attempt of being a butthead are two separate things, I would hope a bunch of guys talking about fly fishing have thick enough skin to not actually get offended over the interwebz.

LOL I wasn't offended at all. Just thought I would share some pics of the brookies..

Underlining factor is, I posted a few on a facebook group and had someone try to say that I didn't catch 40 natives and even gave me a hashtag #captainnative. I figured before I get a different hashtag name I might as well put them out there. I would imagine that someone some where, maybe even the first person that commented on this post, would have said the same thing. :)


Anyway I went out today and fished some dry flies. And just for fun I photobombed the thread in the tying forum as well to be a smart@$$. but I guess I will have to limit my fish pics to 3-4 couldn't find it in a rule book upon the exact number of pictures allowed to be posted.

It doesn't matter to me how anyone fishes, fish bait, spinners, I don't really care. I was just looking to see what everyone would "define" fly fishing as. Just goes to show that we all have different views of what fly fishing is. Fishing is fishing to me to be honest.

As far as the adult brookies, I have seen 3-4 in the 8-9" range and lost one. They are a bit more picky than the piranhas, I posted.
lol that's a lot of damn pictures.
Dear CaptinNative,

I replied to those posts on your question to what kind of rod to build for this kind of fishing. I missed the personal attacks and figured the administrator locked it down because he is kind of "the Moses of flyfishing with his 10 rod commandments ye shall never breaketh". He's done that many times when others have varying viewpoints.

In any case, I stand by my advice but keep in mind what I said at the end. Just really enjoy what ever rod you choose, it should feel like an extension of your arm.

I'm glad you finally did this type of fishing and you are excited about it. It is rewarding in other ways than chasing large trout. Be excited and don't let the "Sergeant Satires" comment their way into tarnishing your enthusiasm.


General Jerk
mike_richardson wrote:
LOL I wasn't offended at all. Just thought I would share some pics of the brookies..

Underlining factor is, I posted a few on a facebook group and had someone try to say that I didn't catch 40 natives and even gave me a hashtag #captainnative. I figured before I get a different hashtag name I might as well put them out there. I would imagine that someone some where, maybe even the first person that commented on this post, would have said the same thing. :) ...

40? I only counted 38?

Did you use a lure which had synthetic or natural materials wound about a hook? I think u meet the PAFBC definition as far the FFO project waters. Competition nymph'ers seldom have any fly line out when competing in tournaments. If you are using a fly rod, flies and fly reel I would say you are fly fishing.
I didn't take pictures of the 7" ones I had on the stringer. Need to get my moneys worth out of my license right?
I honestly don't get it. This thread would have been ripped to shreds a few years ago. I miss the good old days . . .

The "look at what I can do" threads, the GoPro hero videos, the excessive photos of every fish caught, It is all too much.

What happened to humility? It seems to have been lost in this generation.

Cranky #censor# #2
