I'm in a Funk

FarmerDave wrote:
djs12354 wrote:
I know how you feel. I've been in a funk since losing my job and having my fishing partner move to Michigan after losing his job.

I can understand that. I lost a job right before hunting season and I didn't hunt at all that year. I used the excuse that I didn't want to have to move a freezer full of meat. I didn't even look locally for a job. I wanted to move. But it was a funk.

When I moved, my temporary housing was a 1 BR apartment, at a lodge, in the mountains, end unit, on a small lake loaded with bass and panfish. The funk was obliterated.

Now if I lost my job, there would be no funk. In fact, it would end an existing funk. But they won't lay me off. Cheaper to keep me around. They would rather make me so miserable that I quit. But that aint happening, either... yet.;-)

Thanks, FD.

Hang in there and go on your terms, if they give you the opportunity.
I feel ya, man.

Fishing was priority numero uno when I was younger. I had many great times with your brother up in Potter. He was a great fisherman precisely because it wasn’t always about the fishing. We just went out and explored with no preconceptions but high expectations. I can tell you, we were never disappointed.

There are many times we stayed at camp in Ole Bull instead of heading out. We still had a great time because that was we where were supposed to be. Since he left us so early, I am especially fond of those times we stayed at camp and talked. I thought I dealt with most of my grief in 2014 but I found it particularly difficult this past year as well.

Winter’s a *****.
Swattie87 wrote:
outsider wrote:
AndyP wrote:
Here’s an idea ....how about meeting up and going fishing with a stranger ?!! I’ve been in the same funk .......I’m not too far away...

Some people think I'm pretty strange, perhaps you could fish the Tully with me.

Weirdo Jam on the Tully? Squatch, you in?

When are we doin this. I'm in. Actually I don't care where it is. I went fishing at the end of the year with a fishin buddy I hadn't fished with for some time. It really lit the fire again. I had a really difficult time transitioning from hunting season back into fishing mode.
TimRobinsin wrote:
I feel ya, man.

Fishing was priority numero uno when I was younger. I had many great times with your brother up in Potter. He was a great fisherman precisely because it wasn’t always about the fishing. We just went out and explored with no preconceptions but high expectations. I can tell you, we were never disappointed.

There are many times we stayed at camp in Ole Bull instead of heading out. We still had a great time because that was we where were supposed to be. Since he left us so early, I am especially fond of those times we stayed at camp and talked. I thought I dealt with most of my grief in 2014 but I found it particularly difficult this past year as well.

Winter’s a *****.

When he died, people warned me that grief would creep up in the coming years at unexpected times. I wasn't naive enough to believe that anyone ever "gets over it", but I'm not sure I really believed what people told me about grief sneaking up on me. Guess I was wrong, man.
I'm i n the trouble.
I ski too mutch.


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Sasqutch, hang in there. As we speak, my son is in a hospital with IV antibiotics being pumped into his veins. A disease is attacking his vertebrae, and we are waiting for the biopsy results. And the pain has migrated to his groin and legs. He is 28, just don't want to hear the "C" word.
Outsider, I hope it turns out for the best for your son. That sounds like a tough situation to be in.
Thanks BrookieChaser. Seeing him lose about 15 lbs. in 3 weeks from his thin frame, and be in so much pain was hard to take. Seems in good hands right now at the trauma center. Won't know the biopsy or blood culture results until Monday or Tuesday.

But he can't wait to fish again. He helps with the Tully float stocking, and he is disappointed that he won't make the first one.
Thoughts and prayers Outsider. GG
Sorry to hear that, Outsider. Wife and I will pray for him as well.
Was a bad year for me last season, I took three bad falls Trout fishing and broke one of my boo rods. Didn't even tie flies this winter, might have to give up Trout fishing and it's breaking my heart.
Sorry to hear that LB. I hope you didn't get hurt badly. I'm usually good for at least one impressive fall every time I wade fish. Fortunately with all that experience, I've gotten good at falling in ways that I don't get hurt. I just keep an extra set of clothes in the truck.;-)

That reminds me. I still have two bamboo rods that I need to repair. Neither broke during a fall though. My backup rods are plastic.