I'm in a Funk

Ok Pete, dinner in New Smyrna Beach? date to be established . Or are you going to hide? Florida old gas jam.GG
Swattie87 wrote:
outsider wrote:
AndyP wrote:
Here’s an idea ....how about meeting up and going fishing with a stranger ?!! I’ve been in the same funk .......I’m not too far away...

Some people think I'm pretty strange, perhaps you could fish the Tully with me.

Weirdo Jam on the Tully? Squatch, you in?

I fit the bill to a T, will be there.
Squatch wrote:
I've felt it coming for quite some time. I have no motivation to fish. I haven't been out since late October. Haven't even got my 2018 license yet. This ever happen to anyone else?

Haven't fished since October 3rd, haven't even considered buying 2018 license or fishing yet.

Swattie wrote:
Weirdo Jam on the Tully? Squatch, you in?

For some reason, I'm offended because I wasn't included as a weirdo. LOL
I'm in for the weirdo jam...but not til March. I am actually legitimately busy til then.

Thanks you guys. I do appreciate it. Probably many things at play right now-the need for new water, my head is still messed w/ from my bro's death a few years ago (that's a fishing partner I never thought I'd lose), been a stressful time in my work, combined with a move from one area of Lanc to another, and generally not having much desire to fish alone anymore.

I just need to go out. Whether I have the motivation or not, I just need to do it. I know I'll love it once I'm out there.
Not much of a cold weather flyfisherman anymore. Promised myself I would really focus on tying these past few months, but started to lose interest. Excited to go to the flyfishing show in Lancaster like I do every year. Super excited to get out and fish with some new friends and hope to meet more.
I used to get in a fishing funk until I started skiing full time again, now I.m on skis every weekend till mid march or later, and then it's a short break till trout fishing again. I don't enjoy fishing in extreme cold, but it's beautiful to fish during a nice spring snowstorm. I find I get in more of a funk with fishing the same old water, the reason I like going to the jams and searching out some new streams every year. This fall I was happily fishing the back channels in Cedar Key. Just my second time fishing around there, but I love learning new things, and those Reds are awesome on a flyrod!! I could get quite used to fishing the salt, paddling around in my kayak, getting sunburnt, and enjoying some good beers!!
I haven't bought a 2018 license yet either, and I'm in no hurry to do so, I don't get too into trout fishing till late april/early may anyways.

Till then, I'll ski, fix some rods, maybe build up a new one for myself, force myself to tie some flies, and slowly build up the excitement for that first spring fishing trip.
I was mostly joking about a Tully jam...I generally can't stand fishing there. But if you guys all want to...sure, I'll be there.

kray - We all know you're the Gonzo of the group. Ha!
I haven't fished since October.
And getting very antsy now - have even had a few fishing dreams lately!
I've seen BWO's hatching on limestone streams in mid-late february in past years.
Hopefully this weather will break soon
I'd be up for a mid-week Spring Creek outing at some point soon. No interest in going on the weekend...but weekdays would generally work.
No, I don't get into that type of funk.

SAS, have you considered Tenkara? That may motivate you to get out.
Go hiking or hunting instead, I consider fly fishing just another outdoor activity, if I have time ill hunt, hike or fish, whichever one I feel like doing at the time. Too much of any one thing, no matter how great will get old eventually if overdone.
moon1284 wrote:
No, I don't get into that type of funk.

SAS, have you considered Tenkara? That may motivate you to get out.

rrt wrote:
I'm 68, and I hope this doesn't happen to me, though, admittedly, I have been out only a handful of times so far this year...partly due to nasty sinus infection the nurse at my doctor said the medical term for was "the crud."

I hope you get over your reluctance to get out.

LOL! is she from Ohio?

My family doctor calls it that.

I haven't bought my fishing license yet. I'm not sure I would call it a funk though. It has more to do with living in Flatlandia.

Last year I didn't get around to buying my PA fishing license in October. Now, that is a funk. I think I will at least improve on that this year.

Was eye balling the ice fisherman on Pymatuning late two weeks ago and was getting the itch.

I have been getting out of the house though. On the weekends I've been cutting firewood. I still don't have enough to last until Spring, but getting close.

I enjoy it, but admittedly, not as much as I enjoy fishing. Who knows, I might dust off the ice fishing gear and head over to the lake this weekend, or hit the open water at the spillway for panfish if it is warm enough. It's been awhile since having a fresh perch dinner.
djs12354 wrote:
I know how you feel. I've been in a funk since losing my job and having my fishing partner move to Michigan after losing his job.

I can understand that. I lost a job right before hunting season and I didn't hunt at all that year. I used the excuse that I didn't want to have to move a freezer full of meat. I didn't even look locally for a job. I wanted to move. But it was a funk.

When I moved, my temporary housing was a 1 BR apartment, at a lodge, in the mountains, end unit, on a small lake loaded with bass and panfish. The funk was obliterated.

Now if I lost my job, there would be no funk. In fact, it would end an existing funk. But they won't lay me off. Cheaper to keep me around. They would rather make me so miserable that I quit. But that aint happening, either... yet.;-)
pete41 wrote:

Friendly hint--Vero Beach is one of the best,if not the best area in Florida to run out the string-not crowded- the east coast usually gets a sea breeze -settle within five miles of the ocean-even summers are pleasant-not true much farther inland- there are those who like the faux ocean [gulf] but much more crowded-Vero up to Melbourne nice-sparsely settled and good fishing.

Pete, I want to talk to you about this offline. I am getting close to retirement and thinking about moving. The above kind of describes what [d]my wife would like [/d] what I am looking for. I was looking further north. Up around St Augustine. Gulf gave me a little bit of advice about the redneck coast, but I think I want to pick your brain (what's left of it) about the East coast.
Stay away from funk (but not the jazz funk), long nights at the vise, blue days and bad weather.
Start ski with quick stops at Bavarian lounge for free tress Two Hearted Ale.

Guys my size don't ski, man. That's like a beach ball trying to balance on two tooth picks.
Sasq, have you tied anything lately?
(“tress” is for stress but I’m sure you already figure it out)
LOL Sas, beach ball on toothpicks,lol. Like samurai figure skating. GG
NewSal wrote:
Go hiking or hunting instead, I consider fly fishing just another outdoor activity, if I have time ill hunt, hike or fish, whichever one I feel like doing at the time. Too much of any one thing, no matter how great will get old eventually if overdone.

maybe combine the two; A hike along a brookie stream carrying a day pack with lunch, six pack and a fly rod, just in case you come across a pool just to good to pass up.

Or a rails to trails type of thing. strap a fly rod,along the aforementioned items to a bike and enjoy the scenery pass by.

Or there's always porn... :-D

to Spring :pint:
