I'm in a Funk

I blame the "funk" on winter. Depressing time of the year. Gloomy skies ,sunless days, and long nites. And this to shall pass. GG
Also, you need a fishing accountability partner. If I have just have to answer to myself for fishing (or not fishing), I often fail. If I'm scheduled to be on a stream somewhere with someone else, I keep the commitment.
New species gets it for me- honestly obsess about them. I have gone through evolutions in fly fishing. Reading Geirach helps. Yep
I'm in a bit of a funk too, but not because I don't feel like fishing. I'm battling a back issue, sciatic nerve and numb foot issue. Going into my 5th week of PT. I got my PA and MD licenses and I'm just hoping I can get this whole thing worked out by the time the nicer weather arrives. PT does seem to be helping but it's a real slow process as I'm trying to avoid another round of back surgery. I'm trying to keep a good attitude. Pretty soon I'm going to have to get out there fishing - guess I'll just have to call it therapy.
DC, I've had the same issue for about 7.5 years. Mine has gotten better (like the saw-bones told me) but wading big creeks with a half-numb foot, and crawling through laurel when I can only bend over so far, still can be a hindrance. I hope it gets better for you.

Sasquatch, I've been in a bit of fishing, and tying, funk as well. I went out two weekends ago for a couple hours. I lost interest (and 3 nymphs) and called it quits. I blame it on winter in general. I should be tying (especially nymphs) but I keep watching YouTube videos of tailing redfish.
Sas -be a little careful if you decide to motivate yourself with other species--- some like redfish and smallmouths are so nasty,mean,tough characters they can bring out the brawler in you.
My way of admitting I was so taken with trout I pretty much ignored some really fun fishing until my latter years-if I could go back I would expand my horizons-having done so lately, try lots of species--being a part time Michigan and Florida resident I love reds,jacks and smallies-decided seatrout,pike and some others are wussies but fun to try them all.While this is a fly fishing forum,other methods can be enjoyable-spice it up,spice it up but don't quit fishing-.
NEVER QUIT FISHING-just stay off my waters-[tic].
Definitely agree with chasing some other species. If you include chubs and minnows (which of course you should as they are the prime native gamefish) I caught over 30 different species on the fly last year. Trout are now a fish I target for their beauty and the beauty of where they live. Other fish challenge me more at the moment (because I am much farther behind on the learning curve than with trout) and that challenge holds my attention. I can do a short after work trip and tangle with some real brawler fish, and save trout for a weekend escape to the mountains. Mixing it up really works for me!

For example in March my fishing priorities will be pike, striped bass, smallmouths, pickerel, and trout - in that order!

There's also nothing wrong with taking it easy on the fishing front and focusing on other things in life, don't beat yourself up about it!
New water exploration is a big motivator for me, and is what I think got me out of my funk hangover from last Fall. Started reading up/scouting the maps on a new to me batch of streams in an area I haven’t fished, and it’s totally consumed my brain right now. You all know what I mean I’m sure. I think that’s the main issue I had after my trips fell through last Fall…Nothing local was sparking my interest out of repetition, and I didn’t have anything new on my radar/brain to fish for whatever reason at the time.

Squatch – Idea…Spend a Friday or Saturday evening over the next couple of weeks with a good glass of whiskey and the pipe, and just comb over the maps in some areas you haven’t fished before. Google some info on those streams. I bet you’ll find the spark. If you need an “accountability buddy” as salmonoid mentions, just let me know. I’ll fish with ya…been too long anyways. Just pick the stream. (Try to pick one we won’t get kicked off of this time though…Wait, I think that was my idea!) I’ll even drive.
salvelinus wrote:
A couple of nice spring days on Denton Hill and you'll be fine.

Perfect cure for the winter blues.
I know how you feel. I've been in a funk since losing my job and having my fishing partner move to Michigan after losing his job.

The cold weather and latest snow storm is not helping matters.

I'm sure this will pass and am looking forward to the Tying Jam to help re-ignite the desire to fish.

You'll get past this and back into the game. Hang in there!
Higher temps. plus sunshine here have me in a better frame of mind. Now if the Gulf was more than it's present 62 degrees I 'd be a happy camper.
Go South Sas go South!GG :cool:
At least I can say, I don't have a desire to sit around and be inside all day. I still get "out". Just no desire to fish.

meh, no big deal then...enjoy your time afield not fishing and don't worry about it.

There's more to life than fishing, much more.
tomitrout wrote:
At least I can say, I don't have a desire to sit around and be inside all day. I still get "out". Just no desire to fish.

meh, no big deal then...enjoy your time afield not fishing and don't worry about it.

There's more to life than fishing, much more.

Yeah, it's not really about the where or how....it's more about just getting out there and enjoying yourself.
New Years thru about mid March are awful for me. Can't wait til my wife retires and we can spend this time in Florida fishing in the Gulf!

This year is a little different following the Eagles path to the Super Bowl and finally pulling it out. Hopefully the glow will stick with me til March when I can hopefully handle the temps again.

Thank you Foles and Peterson and all the rest of the crew especially Carson Wentz. Fly Eagles Fly!!!
I know that feeling real well especially in that cold snap we had I have been out the last 2 weekends and did well and now I want to go everyday right now. Fishing new water really helps me too.
Here’s an idea ....how about meeting up and going fishing with a stranger ?!! I’ve been in the same funk .......I’m not too far away...
AndyP wrote:
Here’s an idea ....how about meeting up and going fishing with a stranger ?!! I’ve been in the same funk .......I’m not too far away...

Some people think I'm pretty strange, perhaps you could fish the Tully with me.
outsider wrote:
AndyP wrote:
Here’s an idea ....how about meeting up and going fishing with a stranger ?!! I’ve been in the same funk .......I’m not too far away...

Some people think I'm pretty strange, perhaps you could fish the Tully with me.

Weirdo Jam on the Tully? Squatch, you in?
Bonzoso wrote:
New Years thru about mid March are awful for me. Can't wait til my wife retires and we can spend this time in Florida fishing in the Gulf!

This year is a little different following the Eagles path to the Super Bowl and finally pulling it out. Hopefully the glow will stick with me til March when I can hopefully handle the temps again.

Thank you Foles and Peterson and all the rest of the crew especially Carson Wentz. Fly Eagles Fly!!!
Friendly hint--Vero Beach is one of the best,if not the best area in Florida to run out the string-not crowded- the east coast usually gets a sea breeze -settle within five miles of the ocean-even summers are pleasant-not true much farther inland- there are those who like the faux ocean [gulf] but much more crowded-Vero up to Melbourne nice-sparsely settled and good fishing.