I'm in a Funk



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
I've felt it coming for quite some time. I have no motivation to fish. I haven't been out since late October. Haven't even got my 2018 license yet. This ever happen to anyone else?
Yes. It'll pass. I kind of felt that way this past Fall. Had a couple of my bigger Fall trips I was looking forward to fall through due to various circumstances, and had no interest in getting out locally even though I had the opportunity to. Wasted far too many nice Fall weekends on the couch.

On the other side of it now, I'm itching to fish anywhere for anything for the last couple of weeks. Got out once two weekends ago, but generally work and the weather haven't cooperated. Feels good to have the burn to get out though.

Bottom line, it'll pass...Once you get word of Grannoms or QG's you'll be good.
Don't have mine yet either. Not much of a cold weather fisherman.
Spend a lot more time in my kayak fishing warm water than trout fishing and it's been way too cold for that.
Attending the tying jam and the Lancaster show helps me get out of the doldrums...looking forward to those events!

And off topic...E. A. G. L. E. S!!
I felt that way until I forced myself to tie some flies...
Yes. It too shall pass. At the beginning of last year, I actually entertained the idea of doing a fishing fast, either for part or all of a year. I decided against it, simply because I don't think I have the necessary discipline to abstain from fishing for a year. But last year ending up being a bit of a down year for fishing as it was (call it a psuedo-fast); I spent only half the number of days on the water that I usually do, and January, February, March, August, and December, I was out on a stream just one day in those months. I was not out at all in October.

Also, for the past two years, I've had intentions of getting up early in the late spring and early summer months and hitting a stream for the first six hours of light during the day. With maybe one or two rare exceptions, that simply has not happened, for various reasons. Primary, we've had crappy water levels locally. But secondarily, this past year was a particularly busy year and it was easier to just sleep in, even though it probably would have been good for my mental health to wake up and take a rod for a walk. And a tertiary item: I probably overdid the waking up early and fishing a few years ago, which resulted in some pushback from my wife. And I overcorrected that by not going out at all the past few years :-D
My 'colder months' type of fishing is set at 35 degrees or above. Can't stand ice in the guides either. Guess its partially older age and some maturity knowing that Spring is coming.

I occasionally get into tying funks. This is mostly due to not having fished recently and having enough flies to last until I am 80.

I'm 68, and I hope this doesn't happen to me, though, admittedly, I have been out only a handful of times so far this year...partly due to nasty sinus infection the nurse at my doctor said the medical term for was "the crud."

I hope you get over your reluctance to get out.
I have had this happen to me also. But thankfully there is A cure. Force yourself out and once you make the first cast " The Funk " seems to slip away like A bad dream. Also A glass of Yeungling Lager or A glass of Jim Beam after the trip helps to keep " the funk away".
Yes. My fishing buddy got me off my can last week. Had a really neat afternoon. So now I’m anxious for some 40 degree weather next week.
It's nothing the tug on the line and bend in the pole from a good sized Fallfish won't fix. ;-)
Nope-started fishing at age five--never lost my love for it- the biggest motivator in my life by far- even back in my breeding years fishing was a very close second in priorities,sometimes number one.My whereabouts was built around fishing,jobs etc..had to be near good fishing- grew up in Delaware,moved to Pa. for the fishing,then Montana,retired to Florida and now snowbird between bass ponds in back yards in Florida and Michigan--however will admit river fishing for trout better left to the kids[under 75].
Going to treat my self for my 77th to a guided days fishing on the stick marshes which are about 20 miles from here.Suppose to have largest average size bass in the country-C&R but I will selfy myself holding up that 23 pounder I am sure I will catch--and yes I will opt for live bait for the first time in 50 plus years.
Gotta admit I miss wade fishing big rivers at night for respectable size trout-but being a loner,that's no place to be alone at my age.
Hang in there Sas-.
Well, bugger, I don't have any appreciation for whiskey/whisky, but a Yueng or two after an evening on the water goes well.

Sasq: If I recall, you are a religious man. Fish to enjoy the fishing, and when done in the evening, gaze at the heavens. I think that might pull you right out of your funk.
Go explore some new water. The best motivator for me is to locate some new fish, in new water, and big fish really get me motivated. Just knowing they are there keeps me coming back!
I’ve been in similar funks in the past. Prepared all my gear the night before only to find a BS reason not to go. Could not explain why, but I was a recurring theme. Just have to work through it.
It's February. It's COLD.

Not having a desire to fish now is just common sense.

If you have no interest in fishing in May and early June, then that's a different thing.

Me , too. I get this way sometimes. I'll go shoot trap for awhile. Then all of a sudden, I'm ready to fish.
New water could be an issue...good insight there. I often think, "I should get out and fish", and then think, "Meh...I don't know where to go"

rrt, it's not for a lack of love of the universe. At least I can say, I don't have a desire to sit around and be inside all day. I still get "out". Just no desire to fish.

Wish it was just because it was Feb., but I felt this in mid October.
I'm 67, never happened to me. In 2009 my brother and my father passed away, and the music stopped because of the memories we had together. Found that fishing was the best remedy. My younger brother passed away a few months ago. I now have no parents, no siblings. I feel disconnected. But I keep fishing, keeps my mind off of things.

This cold spell is depressing. First day when the temp reaches 40 and the Tully is fishable, I'll be there. Can't wait. I also agree a change of scenery may help you.
Distance makes the heart grow fonder. I have a wife and young children, plus the closest trout fishing is an hour and a half away(3 hours to good trout). I cherish the days I get to fish but wonder if I lived near a trout stream would I get into a funk one day?