If I could only FF for one species of fish, I would fish for _____

jifigz wrote:
Why do we as fly anglers immediately go to SMB and not mention LMB? I personally tend to think they are the more fun of the two and I like the fact that they like flowing waters more, but SOMEONE has gotta love LMB on the fly.....we see very little LMB activity at all on this site. Those of you that mention Bluegills and farm ponds (which I agree are a ton of fun) always have those LMB mixed in there with them.

I'd say this is due to the fact that we have such an awesome smallmouth fishery in this state. If we didn't have the fantastic smallmouth fishing we wouldn't mention it. I also love catching some largemouths in farm ponds and lakes but it's hard to beat flowing water and smallmouth
Mwheaps32 wrote:
jifigz wrote:
Why do we as fly anglers immediately go to SMB and not mention LMB? I personally tend to think they are the more fun of the two and I like the fact that they like flowing waters more, but SOMEONE has gotta love LMB on the fly.....we see very little LMB activity at all on this site. Those of you that mention Bluegills and farm ponds (which I agree are a ton of fun) always have those LMB mixed in there with them.

I'd say this is due to the fact that we have such an awesome smallmouth fishery in this state. If we didn't have the fantastic smallmouth fishing we wouldn't mention it. I also love catching some largemouths in farm ponds and lakes but it's hard to beat flowing water and smallmouth

I agree we have tremendous smallmouth fishing but still, it just seems odd that there is never any LMB activity. If I could have one thing in my life it would be a beautiful pond on my property.

just to keep the brawl going,I see comparing LMB's to smallmouths is similar to comparing cutthroats to rainbows -in both cases the former just don't have the heart the latter do-you know which one you have on before you see them---why? You gotta ask mama nature that butt it's true.
Regarding the LMB/SMB thing, there are any number of reasons why the mention/interest ratio here is so strongly tilted towards smallmouth.

This site primarily draws trout anglers with their specific preferences. Fishing for smallmouth in rivers and streams is more like trout fishing than fishing for largemouth on flatwater in terms of tactics, techniques and the choices between wading and the use of a watercraft of some sort and a more logical addition to the types of fishing for the average trout guy.

And there really isn't any getting around the fact that in terms of the tussle you'll get, a 10" smallmouth is roughly equal to a 15" largemouth. LMB, while a fine fish, are mediocre battlers by comparison.

Where you live in PA also has an impact on this choice as well. There are some LMB opportunities almost everywhere in the state, but other than in the NW, they are kind of scattered and you might have to drive almost as far for quality LMB as you would for decent trout fishing.

So, it all kind of adds up, I guess. Personally, I prefer SMB in moving water, but I live in southern Erie County and have a dozen good LMB fisheries within a half hour of my front door. This is not the case in most of the state.

jifigz wrote:
Why do we as fly anglers immediately go to SMB and not mention LMB? I personally tend to think they are the more fun of the two and I like the fact that they like flowing waters more, but SOMEONE has gotta love LMB on the fly.....we see very little LMB activity at all on this site. Those of you that mention Bluegills and farm ponds (which I agree are a ton of fun) always have those LMB mixed in there with them.

Going a little off topic...

For me, it probably has to do with my ponds having LMB and not SMB. Grass is greener... ;-)

Seriously, both are fun in different ways.

SMB are masters at using the current. IMO LMB are more explosive on the surface and can be just as acrobatic, but they don't have the current to help out.

I had hybrid sunfish in the one pond. 10" hybrid hit just as hard and fought better than 3 lb bass. Even caught one on a large soft plastic salamander and a 4/0 hook.

Fun to catch on a fly, but almost as fun with ultralight and jigs. So my choice is trout. Besides, hybrids don't count unless they are wild. ;-)

Look fellas (or folks to be inclusive, guess) I don't like largemouths better and I spend more time fishing for smallies and redbreasts than any other type of fish. I'm just surprised no one chimed in about LMB. The comparison in fight between the two is not comparable at all. Not even close, I'll definitely agree there.

And then for some reason LMB were the "star" of sport fishing and bass tournaments etc. The circuit was heavily weighted in famous southern waters mainly with LMB.
I would have to say wild trout, be they bows, browns or cuts.

I was going to say snook but they can be problematic because when a big one hits you either loose your rod or fill your waders from the inside.
jifigz wrote:
And then for some reason LMB were the "star" of sport fishing and bass tournaments etc. The circuit was heavily weighted in famous southern waters mainly with LMB.

In much of the country, LMB are the only game fish. Not surprising at all that the tournament circuit is skewed to them.

I'm not a fan of LMBs or tournaments.

I'm glad to see somebody mentioned redbreast. My favorite sunfish.
I could fish for Steelhead everyday...and that’s not enough.
I would fish for the most beautiful fish in the world

The King Maxigrande. It's the fish that can eat the fox, who ate the crow, that told me "you can't fish here".
maxima12 wrote:
I would fish for the most beautiful fish in the world

The King Maxigrande. It's the fish that can eat the fox, who ate the crow, that told me "you can't fish here".

The King Maxigrande is a fine specimen. Somehow I caught one here in Pennsylvania last year. How it appeared here far, far away from its typical home I am unaware. I'd still take a smallmouth, though. While the Maxigrande sure is beautiful, it fights like Glass Joe.
"it fights like Glass Joe."
and snook don't fight at all,they just quit after the first blistering run--
pete41 wrote:
"it fights like Glass Joe."
and snook don't fight at all,they just quit after the first blistering run--

I'll be completely honest with you. I have no idea what is going on. I have at least caught a snook before. I prefer the red drum.
Brown trout on North Country flies. I’m surprised there are not more votes for steelhead and other Erie salmonids.
Tups wrote:
Brown trout on North Country flies. I’m surprised there are not more votes for steelhead and other Erie salmonids.

It's all in the wording. It can be interpreted a couple different ways.

I currently only fly fish when I fish for Steelhead, but it isn't my favorite thing to fish for.

So, if had to limit my fishing for Steelhead to just fly fishing, while still be allowed to fly fish for other species, them I'm in. No sacrifice at all.

But I would rather give up steelhead fishing all together than not be able to fly fish for anything else.
As much as I love dry flies for big wild browns I still will pick steelhead for their size and power.
Floridian here-one of my great disappointments were snook after reading so much about them-reds,now they are brawlers-been pulled a quarter mile in my kayak by one-

If I'm going to only be able to fish for one thing, I'm picking something that's everywhere, fights above it's weight class, and is just pure relaxing fun.