If I could only FF for one species of fish, I would fish for _____

Humboldt Cutthroat - Northern Nevada

That will leave Paiute and Willow Whitehorse as the last two Cutthroats to complete all 12 subspecies caught.

Then probably some other native trout-salmon
I would say brook trout mainly for the places you go to fish for them

Smallies a close second
Can I just say wild trout????
Atlantic salmon
I was big into trout but...

SMALLIES! All day, twice on Sunday!
Pellet head hogs
Smallies. Pan fish a close second.
JerryC wrote:
Smallies. Pan fish a close second.

Dear Jerry,

I'm with you but I could stick with bluegills if they all were as big as the ones at my buddy G Dub's pond.


Tim Murphy :)
I'll second big fat farm pond 'gills. Hand size bluegill fight as hard as a 2lb trout. If it's about where to fish for the species and not the fish species itself? Trout. They live in the best places.
Wild browns.

I haven't fished for smallies in about 15 years (when I last lived in Lancaster). Guess I need to make time for this based on the responses.
So far >

Brown Trout 9

Smallies 8

Brook Trout 6

Bluegill 2

Bone fish 1

Tarpon 1

Musky 1

Cuttie 1

Altlantic Salmon 1

Fun stuff...

All trout species together 16 vs 8 votes for SMB. Not surprising but smallies getting plenty of love....
afishinado wrote:

All trout species together 16 vs 8 votes for SMB. Not surprising but smallies getting plenty of love....

They are, but might be getting even more love if you hadn't limited this to FF. As somebody above wrote, if limited to FF for only one species, they'd break out the spinning gear more often. I sort of agree and enjoy spin fishing for SMB almost as much as fly fishing for them, but I'd don't enjoy spin fishing for trout at all.

Just a thought.
redietz wrote:
afishinado wrote:

All trout species together 16 vs 8 votes for SMB. Not surprising but smallies getting plenty of love....

They are, but might be getting even more love if you hadn't limited this to FF. As somebody above wrote, if limited to FF for only one species, they'd break out the spinning gear more often. I sort of agree and enjoy spin fishing for SMB almost as much as fly fishing for them, but I'd don't enjoy spin fishing for trout at all.

Just a thought.

You stated your preference for spin fishing for smallies quite well in your above answer...which is fine, but this is PA Fly Fish....:oops:

Plus the thread and survey is just for fun...

afishinado wrote:

You stated your preference for spin fishing for smallies quite well in your above answer...which is fine, but this is PA Fly Fish....:oops:

Plus the thread and survey is just for fun...

No preference for spin fishing for smallies at all, and haven't done so for decades. I just don't mind it and if forced to choose I would continue to FF for trout and switch to spin for SMB.

I was just curious about how many others felt the same way. I hadn't mentioned SMB or spinning previously.
Quite clearly, more of you guys need to take the hit and go fly fishing
on the flats for tarpon. I love my stripers and smallies and trouts, but nothing even comes close to a tarpon eat. And then there is what follows.