If I could only FF for one species of fish, I would fish for _____



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
I love trout fishing and SW fishing when I get the chance, muskies, but my answer would be


How would you fill in the blank?
wild brown trout
Nearly impossible to answer.
Browns offer the most challenge on a daily basis, bows are more fun to hook but smallies do probably offer the most consistent fun. I really don't know.
Depends to some degree on how much solitude I can get in the process. If I can be relatively unbothered or crowded, wild brown trout. Otherwise, flowing water smallmouth which I can always do with a lot of solitude.
Right now - Tarpon.

My answer changes every few years.
If I could only "FF" for one species, I'd be using my spinning gear way more often.
I'll add this after reading some of the answers above. I didn't consider tarpon and bonefish...I love fishing for both. The problem is, if either were my answer as the one fish I can only FF for, unless I won the lottery and/or moved to a Caribbean Island or someplace like Belize, I really wouldn't be able to do much fishing.

Smallies in and around pee-aye where I live is still my answer.
Brook trout.

If I moved out west it would change to cutthroat trout.
"If I could only keep one of my kids, I would keep _____ ."

I'm with FarmerDave on this one.

Though if I HAD to pick one, it would probably be brook trout.
If I had the money and access Mahi-mahi.

In reality wild brown trout.
If I could spend the rest of my days on saltwater flats . . . wow! Paradise! :)

For here in PA, probably smallies.