I foul hooked a water snake

Tis the season.
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"Interesting. I wasn't aware black snakes were tree climbers"

Last summer I had left the garage door open for several hours. My wife and I planned to go out for a few hours and when we came out two humongous black snakes were enrtwined in some weird mating ritual while being totally vertical at the corner of the garage between two studs. It totally creeped me out. I was able to dislodge one and shush it out doors. However the larger one did not want to leave and luckily I had one of those grabbers people use who are unable to reach cans on high shelves. I grabbed it just behind the head and carried it outside. Ugh! I'm not a fan of snakes.
Cool pic, Pat. Looks like it's coming out of an old log cabin.

I've only seen one snake so far this Spring, and it was just a little eastern brown snake. Very common here.

And in response to wbranch: Next time, let them finish. 😁

I did the same thing (left the door open) not long after buying the farm. I had a bunch of boxes stacked in the corner of the garage. When I finally got around to unpacking them, I found a very large snake skin behind the boxes. Likely from a rat snake.
Ticks and biting insects like mosquitoes, black flies, etc. bother me a lot more than any kind of snake, but I do know that many people just flat out don't like snakes.
Yep. As a matter of fact saw a tick on my inner thigh this morning while drying myself from my shower. Must have picked it up yesterday while fishing.

Immediately drove to Franklin, PA urgent care and had it removed along with prescription.

First tick I've had since I was a child, but the thought of it freaks me out.