I am mad

ryansheehan wrote:
maxima12 wrote:
outshined, outshined, outshined.

"see no sense, sitting on a fence. Try to make a dollar, out of 99 cents".

Isn't it 15 cents?

You gotta get your Mad Maxims correct!

I'm not sure about that one. Maybe I'll Google it. Or not.
Well, I am rapidly approaching the days when My cross walk sign signal has a cane with a red tip or a walker and blares out the words "WALK NOW" tell I get half way across and it blares out "RUN FOOL, RUN".

Anyways, I mainly use fishing reports for the Salmon River run. For this short gent I focus on weather conditions and water flows. There's not much sense taking a 5 hour drive to get to a place if you already know that conditions are beyond your capabilities. "I kinda know my limits and once it gets up to 800+ CFS its definitely not worth the risk to me". Oh hell I can barely walk across when CFS is in the 300s.

poopdeck wrote:
moon1284 wrote:
You need to work those long hours in order to play off the jet sled.

Cash purchase. Actually I worked late because I'm retiring in a few days and I've been busy cleaning out my desk. Im amazed at the accumulation.

^Congrats to you Poop! Wishing you many years of good fishing and good times ahead.
maxima12 wrote:
To answer my friend from Fla. Gulf Greyhound. #14 post. No offense, longbeard. Sorry. I know we have something in common now.

Seems you were Hard, Hung and Handsome years ago. Now, Lame, Limp and lonesome.

Don't worry old pal.

I use to be a GTO. Now I am just a RAMBLER.

that's why you dislike the maxima12?

I dislike no one! I don't know you and anyone that knows me will tell you that I get along with people sometimes to a Fault. I had to re think what you wrote, then Afish commented and it jelled. I taught myself how to flyfish as I had no mentors in my family. I read and read a lot which became a basis for my self teaching. I still have the first fly rod and reel I own from the 50's bought in an Army Surplus store in Trafford. Enameled level line which need a tub of grease to get to float, barely.
I meant no offense and would be pleased to meet you and bat the breeze about some day. I'd even buy the first round.lol GG
poopdeck wrote:
moon1284 wrote:
You need to work those long hours in order to play off the jet sled.

Cash purchase. Actually I worked late because I'm retiring in a few days and I've been busy cleaning out my desk. Im amazed at the accumulation.

Congrats Poopdeck.!! Enjoy ,Is that cleaning out my Poopdesk" Give it a good wipe! GG
Fly-Swatter wrote:

I think this is an analogy to what ryansheenan said. Why handicap yourself by shunning the knowledge and wisdom of those who came before us? We can still carve our own path of self discovery while advancing toward mastery more quickly.

I've always been impressed that Antonio Stradivari apprenticed under Amati for almost 30 years before producing a violin under his own name. Formal learning pays off.
I don’t need to be shown no ropes.

I’d rather be hangin’ myself.
To my new friend. Gulfstream Greyhound. Well, Greymound, hope we do meet someday. Drink and laugh till "the juice runs down our legs". We can rub the top's of our heads and check for lumps, see who has fallen more. That will tell who is older. Greybeard, aren't computers cool. Talk to people so far away.

I am going to throw the 2 cups and string away. How bout you?

I do like to push the envelope, turn things around. Make statement's that raise a eyebrow. Try to bring the left and right a little closer. It is all in fun.
Here's one: A lie, is the handle that fit's all tools.

Oh, boy, Greystool, I am getting closer.

In all respect, I do admire all the fine ladies and gentlemen at Paflyfish. I love having fun. Isn't that what life and fishing are all about. Hope I can enjoy the day we all get together.

You and people like you made it happen. Dear Gulfstream Gallstone's. I got it! I really do! check out my new post.

your pal, the maxima12
Thanks for the well wishes! the poopdesk (funny stuff) will get a good wipe tomorrow. great feeling getting to the end.
As I said Maxima I get along with nearly everyone,and most of the others. My comment to Poop is one such just as his sign in front of our cabin at the jam was priceless. I can't remember what it said? It was great and all in good fun. GG
Now I'm mad! I turned in my company car today. Holy smokes gas is expensive nowadays. When did it go over a buck a gallon?
Hey, poopdeck, looking for something from the maxima12. Well. brother. Nothing is worse than the bathroom in a tuna boat. Stool left loose, come back. I am mad. And why shouldn't be you. Again, madness in my heart.

Why? Why, Why? Let's put something back for the starter's. Why is it so HEAVY, for the new. Again the maxima12. I am mad.

Everyone should have some madness.

What makes you mad? Don't say the maxima. At one time or another I made every one mad. Remember, every one love's me, till they get to know me.

the maxima12

"take me across the water, cause i need some place to hide".
maxima12 wrote:
Hey, poopdeck, looking for something from the maxima12. Well. brother. Nothing is worse than the bathroom in a tuna boat. Stool left loose, come back. I am mad. And why shouldn't be you. Again, madness in my heart.

Why? Why, Why? Let's put something back for the starter's. Why is it so HEAVY, for the new. Again the maxima12. I am mad.

Everyone should have some madness.

What makes you mad? Don't say the maxima. At one time or another I made every one mad. Remember, every one love's me, till they get to know me.

the maxima12

"take me across the water, cause i need some place to hide".

Sounds like a Heep, Uriah....
"I am mad today.
Brother let me tell you that,
I'm very mad today."



maxima12 wrote:
Hey, poopdeck, looking for something from the maxima12. Well. brother. Nothing is worse than the bathroom in a tuna boat. Stool left loose, come back. I am mad. And why shouldn't be you. Again, madness in my heart.

Why? Why, Why? Let's put something back for the starter's. Why is it so HEAVY, for the new. Again the maxima12. I am mad.

Everyone should have some madness.

What makes you mad? Don't say the maxima. At one time or another I made every one mad. Remember, every one love's me, till they get to know me.

the maxima12

"take me across the water, cause i need some place to hide".

Nope, I sure ain't.