I am mad

ryansheehan wrote:
afishinado wrote:
maxima12 wrote:
Gentlemen, Ladies:

Mad yes, Or maybe sad. Sad to see what has evolved over a life of an old man. Fishing has changed faster than me. Never would have guessed, royalty on fly patterns, books and video's to keep you home. And to welcome this invasion, you bought it. Why in the world would you pay for a pattern from others. Are you not worthy of your own. Every fly tyer has his or hers own style. Why pay for skinny's pattern.

Why listen to others, when the wind the sky and the tomorrow are grasped in your two hands. Maybe if I did not get skinny's book, I could have gone my own way.

If you are attempting a start in fly fishing, why not go your own way and make something for you. Do you really want to travel the hard beaten path of others. Or start your own.

Think about it. maxima12

Maxie has it > I'm pickin' up what he's puttin' down. Self-taught people have the best teacher...and the most fun.

There is a lot to be said for this in the day and age of YouTube and Google and tying and casting and fishing lessons. Simply imitating or doing things the same others stifles creativity, true learning and understanding, as well as siphoning away the joy of discovery.

Don't be afraid to do things a different way or the "wrong" way. The worst that can happen is you won't catch as many fish. You may very well find you had a lot more fun figuring things out and discovering things on your own. Gain the satisfaction of discovering the same things as "skinny" did, and have more fun getting to that place without things being handed to you.

I had more fun playing sandlot football or baseball, or basketball at the hoop in the driveway than any of the organized sports I took part in as a kid. The same can be said for all the fishing i have done.

Don't short change yourself by always taking short cuts. Take the long way home.

Finding experts in a field and learning from them is hardly a short cut. No matter how much one learns from a great teacher there will still be plenty of discovery and joy once you are out on your own. I would argue that getting a grasp of basic fundamentals opens up more time and a better foundation to become more creative in anything you do.There are so many factors that go into success on a single cast that no YouTube channel or book could possibly account for all the variables. Telling someone who has no fishing experience to head out to the water without seeking some basic understanding is a great way to keep people away from our sport. I think most of us on here would describe ourselves as partially self tought but also had something or someone who helped us along the way.

No doubt Ryan ^

You know I worked in the FFing business for quite a few years. It never ceases to amaze me how many anglers use info and reports as a crutch rather than as an asset. I often told them > Just get out there and fish, Dude!

You of all people exemplify the guy that puts his time in and does wait to be shown the ropes or told how to do things. Fish first and ask questions later.... :lol:
Does this mean you all are forgiven me for tossing plastics with my flyrod?
Books, magazines, on-line articles, You-Tube, time spent on the water trying techniques, and, (most importantly) friends made here on PAFF, have all contributed to allowing me to be occasionally successful when fly fishing.

Sometimes trial and error works to teach you, sometimes you just learn bad habits.

I'd rather shorten the learning curve and fish better.
You know I worked in the FFing business for quite a few years. It never ceases to amaze me how many anglers use info and reports as a crutch rather than as an asset. I often told them > Just get out there and fish, Dude! You of all people exemplify the guy that puts his time in and does wait to be shown the ropes or told how to do things. Fish first and ask questions later....

I totally agree with this.
i think I can count the number of times ive used a report maybe with just one hand.
salvelinusfontinalis wrote:
You know I worked in the FFing business for quite a few years. It never ceases to amaze me how many anglers use info and reports as a crutch rather than as an asset. I often told them > Just get out there and fish, Dude! You of all people exemplify the guy that puts his time in and does wait to be shown the ropes or told how to do things. Fish first and ask questions later....

I totally agree with this.
i think I can count the number of times ive used a report maybe with just one hand.

No big deal, just saying some anglers are perennial students and show up for class for this and classes for that, but seldom go out and practice what they are taught. The whole idea, at least from my perspective, is to learn some basics so you can go out there and give it a try and enjoy yourself.

To each his own, but I'd bet on the guy that goes out and spends time on the stream trying stuff rather than the one that spends time taking classes.
I'm still not sure what the OP meant, or what any of his posts mean, but all of his posts have some great one liners. Also I use maxima for all of my leaders and tippet so his name is cool.
If you consider flows from usgs a report than I check them for every trip. I would never take or not take a trip based on a report of a good or bad fishing. If I have a day where I can get away I'm going....somewhere, the only thing that could stop me is flood waters.

Afish, my previous post was more about getting the basics and having a solid foundation to work from. Maybe the others who posted meant it differently and I misunderstood. I am blessed to coach a sport for a living and have seen first hand how poor mechanics can prevent one from succeeding at a sport. They struggle with the basics, have no success and then often end uo hurt because they didn't want to take some time and do a few things the right way. These people often quit the sport for life. Changing established muscle memory is an absolute ***** especially in adults. That being said I do have students who won't go out and compete, they only take lessons, which is a big problem too. You need balance to your approach. They don't ever get the joy of winning and the kick in the butt when you lose. In rereading your post I'm thinking this is what you meant.
outshined, outshined, outshined.

"see no sense, sitting on a fence. Try to make a dollar, out of 99 cents".
Mad Max writes some very entertaining posts.

Keep em coming!

Often the best lessons in life are the ones we teach ourselves. I have been fly fishing for 4 years and really only catching fish on fly for 2. I taught myself a lot in the beginning and then did research and read books, interweb etc. I have been catching significantly more fish from learning from others than from my own experience, however they go hand in hand, you can't have one without the other.


You gotta love this site. Thanks for all the infotainment.
maxima12 wrote:
outshined, outshined, outshined.

"see no sense, sitting on a fence. Try to make a dollar, out of 99 cents".

Isn't it 15 cents?
So I left for work at 6:30 am. I returned home at 8:30 PM. It's dark when I leave and dark when I get home. I did not go fishing today but I read a little about fishing. I guess I have to go stumble around in the dark so I can brag about learning all by myself with no help from any source in the outside world. Yep, time to get off the couch and go teach myself.
You need to work those long hours in order to play off the jet sled.
"Experience keeps a dear school, but fools will learn in others.' -- Benjamin Franklin
Did you ever meet Dame Juliana?
krayfish2 wrote:
Did you ever meet Dame Juliana?

That's his granddaughter :lol:
Had a crush on the nun. When I started my priesthood. Had to give her up when she said. "NUN"
To answer my friend from Fla. Gulf Greyhound. #14 post. No offense, longbeard. Sorry. I know we have something in common now.

Seems you were Hard, Hung and Handsome years ago. Now, Lame, Limp and lonesome.

Don't worry old pal.

I use to be a GTO. Now I am just a RAMBLER.

that's why you dislike the maxima12?
Decades ago (pre-internet), when I was "teaching myself" to play guitar, I met a guy who was doing the same. He eschewed all music theory knowledge in favor of pure self discovery. I was a sponge, learning from any person, book, record, etc. I could. His attitude was that his art would be tainted by outside influence.

BS. He just sucked (and, I imagine still does). I told him he was trying to make art with the 8 pack of crayons. Why not add many more colors to his pallet?

I think this is an analogy to what ryansheenan said. Why handicap yourself by shunning the knowledge and wisdom of those who came before us? We can still carve our own path of self discovery while advancing toward mastery more quickly.
moon1284 wrote:
You need to work those long hours in order to play off the jet sled.

Cash purchase. Actually I worked late because I'm retiring in a few days and I've been busy cleaning out my desk. Im amazed at the accumulation.